
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

New TV show idea: All-American Christian

I have a GREAT idea! How about a TV show titled, "All-American Christian"? Christians have been getting a bum rap in cinema and the mainstream media for quite a while. In a spirit of fairness, compassion and tolerance, a TV show promoting Christianity is simply the right thing to do. After all, the last thing we need are Christian-phobic Americans.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An Unexpected Gift From God

A few Christmases ago, Mary and I flew up from Florida to the hills of West Virginia to visit her parents. Our stay was very enjoyable. The printer connected to her mom's computer was not working. To print our boarding passes for our return flight home, we would have to drive a few miles to town to use the printer at Mary's sister's office.
- Monday, January 9, 2012

Race & politics based law enforcement

Six months ago, I returned home to discover a family had moved into my backyard storage shed. Displaying an incredible sense of entitlement and off the chain arrogance, the family refused to leave, arguing they were simply seeking a better life. Adding insult to injury, their TV, computers and etc were powered by an electrical cord plugged into the exterior outlet of my home.
- Monday, January 2, 2012

Herman Cain: a final word

I would not blame Herman Cain if he said, Lloyd, I know you mean well, brother. However, the relentless vitriolic media attacks against me have finally subsided since I dropped out of the presidential race. My family and I are finally having some peace. So, why on earth would you bring up my name again?
- Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lloyd’s Life Lessons: An Unwrapped Christmas Gift

Mary phoned her mom to thank her and dad for the Christmas gift they sent us. Mom reported that dad got his Flu shot yesterday. Mom was in the process of baking bread to take over Mac and Mary’s sister Melanie's house that night. Mary's other sister Donna, her husband Mark and their son Ben, home from college, were driving up from Baltimore to join them at Melanie and Mac's beautiful Christmas card setting West Virginia home. Due to various obligations, they decided to have an early family Christmas celebration. Florida obligations prevented Mary and I from attending.
- Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lloyd’s Life Lessons: Getting What You Give

According to news reports, Black Friday shoppers were rude, crude and out-of-control. People were assaulting each other with fists, pepper spray and one incident even involved a gun. It sounded pretty threatening and crazy out there in Shopper's Land.
- Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Extraordinary Leg-less Man

My performance of a song at an event did not meet my usual standard. While I was in perfect vocal form, the incompetent sound man unintentionally sabotaged my presentation. The presentation was not bad, just mediocre. Mediocre is unacceptable because I have built a reputation and always strive to make a powerful difference impacting the audience. For the next few days, I unwisely kept reliving the presentation in my mind and feeling upset about it.
- Saturday, December 10, 2011

Presidential Race 2012: Imperfect Conservatives Need Not Apply

The criteria embraced by the liberal media, Democrats and some conservatives for selecting the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is quite clear. Imperfect conservatives need not apply. Conservative presidential candidates must have been born yesterday; not having lived long enough to break any of the Ten Commandments, make a mistake, say or do anything stupid.
- Saturday, December 10, 2011

The ultimate devastating price of government dependency

The devastating price of government dependency. I witnessed it up close and personal in the late '50s when I was a child. Both of my mom's sisters had five kids each by various men who simply deposited their seed and moved on. Thus, both of my aunts were totally dependent on government. They lived in the projects.
- Friday, December 9, 2011

Presidential race 2012: imperfect conservatives need not apply

The criteria embraced by the liberal media, Democrats and some conservatives for selecting the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is quite clear. Imperfect conservatives need not apply. Conservative presidential candidates must have been born yesterday; not having lived long enough to break any of the Ten Commandments, make a mistake, say or do anything stupid.
- Saturday, December 3, 2011

Conservatism 101 for those not paying attention

You and I are politically well informed. But there are many Americans like my family who do not follow politics as closely as we do. Their political views are shaped by liberal media bias hit pieces, spin and sound bites.
- Saturday, November 26, 2011

Open Letter To Herman Cain From A Fellow Black Conservative

imageDear Herman Cain, Thank you for your courageous decision to run for president as a conservative Republican. I am sure you anticipated opposition from the left. But, no one could have possibly anticipated the current level of intense hatred and vitriolic desire to politically tie a rope around your neck and drag your black bludgeoned dead carcass through the streets in the mud. Wow! Lord help us. I thank you because your decision to run is much bigger than you. At a time when something has gone terribly wrong in the black community; 70% black high school dropout rate and 73% out-of-wedlock births, black youths need to see a man such as you; one of character and self reliance.Your remarkable life story equals a nuclear bomb of truth being thrown into the black community. Your success derails the “you cannot succeed without us and our programs” rhetoric Democrats have been selling to blacks for the past 50 years. Desperate and frantic, the Democrat’s clarion call to their minions and the liberal media is politically, Herman Cain MUST DIE!
- Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tebow scores one for Christianity

I recently learned President Ronald Reagan designated 1983 as the national Year of the Bible. I seriously doubt such a proclamation would pass Congress today.
- Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Obama’s OWS America vs the rest of us

The wealthiest man in the Bible was King Solomon. Along with huge amounts of gold, silver, land, houses, exquisite furnishings and elaborate gifts from numerous foreign leaders, Solomon owned 4,000 chariots, 40,000 horses and 1200 horsemen. Debatable as to whether it was an asset or a liability, Solomon owned 700 wives; just kidding about the "liability" remark, ladies.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tea party represents America, not Occupy Wall Street

For years, I have been impressed with this young man I see working at Walmart retrieving shopping carts in the parking lot. He is challenged, I suspect from birth, with physical issues involving an arm and a leg. I saw him leaving work one evening in his car. While I do not know his living situation, I do know he has a job and drives what I assume is his own car.
- Monday, October 17, 2011

Arrogant white liberal tells Herman Cain how to be black

This article is for my black brother, a community leader and little league football coach who gets his news solely from the liberal mainstream media. Hopefully it will help him to understand why I, his big brother, is working with those white tea party people against his beloved black president.
- Thursday, October 13, 2011
