
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

Lloyd Marcus:  Mr. Tea Party goes to San Francisco

Hi Patriots. I just returned home to Florida from San Francisco where I emceed a fund raiser for the "Campaign To Defeat Barack Obama in 2012." I am also a Vice Chair. On the airplane, CNN was available, Fox News was not. I faced the same scenario in my hotel room. In my travels to over 200 tea parties, San Francisco was the first city where Fox News was not available in my hotel room.
- Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Caution: American dreams are contagious!

A funny thing about American dreams, upon building up enough momentum, they become contagious. Mary and I were young newlyweds, both divorcées. We were also in the process of turning our lives around after actively pursing the '60's peace, love and drug culture life style. We reconnected with our faith. Still, neither had Mary nor I begun to even realize, let alone tap into our potential.
- Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jesse Jackson: Stop playin’ us bro, insulting our intelligence

I always think, "How can I explain this so that my brother David will understand." Don't get me wrong, David is extremely bright. I consider David in that group of Americans who do not listen to talk radio, watch Foxnews or follow politics closely. David works hard, coaches children's football and raises his family. David's political news consists of catching sound bites here and there from the liberal mainstream media.
- Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama calling tea party racist reveals a far more disturbing reality

Please consider the validity of what I am about to say rather than having a knee jerk reaction dismissing it as being "over the top." Folks, we have an irresponsible egocentric evil man occupying the Oval Office. The democrats and the liberal mainstream media sold the American people on Obama, "the man." Despite Obama's zero experience at running anything, they said a leader with his spirit and heart was "what we have been waiting for."
- Thursday, March 10, 2011

To save America, we must dethrone King Obama

Incredibly, Obama continues to boldly go where no other president has gone before. Apparently, none of the rules apply to him. Without consequence, at will, Obama ignores laws and the Constitution to implement his progressive/socialist agenda.
- Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two brief refreshing American tales

With teachers' unions and everybody and his brother demanding entitlements; me, me, me, gimme, gimme, gimme, these two people give me hope. The American Spirit is alive and well.
- Sunday, March 6, 2011

Liberal media gives black racism from the WH a pass

Just when we think the liberal media's hypocrisy could not be more blatant, they kick it to the next level. They have obviously abandoned any pretense of fair and honest reporting.
- Friday, March 4, 2011

ObamaCare Furthers Black Genocide

Thirty four hundred per day. I thought, per day? No, this can’t be true. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Over thirty four hundred babies are aborted in America every day. Wow! Despite Democrat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer’s feeble attempt to spin the truth otherwise, Obama’s Health Care Law does offer taxpayer funded abortions.
- Monday, February 28, 2011

Budget wars: have we lost my mom’s America?

My mom, a black woman, when we were living in an east Baltimore ghetto, cried upon hearing Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were getting a divorce. My parents, four younger siblings and I loved watching the Andy Griffith show.
- Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Tea Party: Chris Rock vs Lloyd Marcus

Black comedian Chris Rock was interviewed for the March issue of Esquire by writer Scott Raab. "Like many nice Caucasians, I cried the night Barack Obama was elected," said Raab. "It was one of the high points in American history. And all that's happened since the election is just a sh—storm of hatred. You want to weigh in on that?"
- Friday, February 18, 2011

Obama’s budget & the media: be afraid, be very afraid

The liberal media is either stupid, insane or totally in the tank for Obama. My gut tells me it is the latter. Folks, America is in deep trouble. The liberal media's blind all consuming idolatry of the first black president trumps national security, our economy and America itself. I'm talkin' off the chain Obama-mania. In the eyes of the liberal media, it is ALL about Obama, mm, mm, mm.
- Thursday, February 17, 2011

Obamacare furthers black genocide

Thirty four hundred per day. I thought, per day? No, this can't be true. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Over thirty four hundred babies are aborted in America every day. Wow! Despite democrat U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer's feeble attempt to spin the truth otherwise, Obama's Health Care Law does order taxpayer funded abortions.
- Friday, February 11, 2011

Ronald Reagan from a black prospective

In 1985, I was asked to sing at a Ronald Reagan Inaugural Ball. I was a young black kid formerly from the east Baltimore projects, clueless about politics. However, I could not help noticing the tone of their questions and odd stares I received from reporters who interviewed me. "So, you "like" Reagan?" Naive about the liberal media, with a big smile, I boldly replied, "Yes, I like Reagan. Every time I hear this man speak I feel good about myself and my country." I later learned that as a black person, I was suppose to hate Reagan. Everyone said all of his conservative talk was "code" for racism.
- Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gov Scott’s budget displays tea party courage

In Eustis, Florida, I had the great pleasure of warming up the crowd, speaking, entertaining and singing at a Tea Party rally in which Florida Governor Rick Scott debuted his 2011 Budget. It was a historic event solidifying the power and influence of the Tea Party Movement. It felt like a family reunion with Tea Party groups from all over Florida.
- Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Black American Dreads Black History Month

February 1, 2011, I can't help imagining Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus and all of the other race profiteering usual suspects joyously awakening with a song in their hearts, “It's The Most Wonderful Month of the Year”.
- Friday, February 4, 2011

Obamacare un-constitutional, so what? Gimme the freebies!

A Florida judge rightly ruled that Obamacare is un-Constitutional on the grounds that the federal government cannot force an American citizen to purchase anything. All who understand, honor, cherish and respect individual freedom are elated by the judge's ruling; a major step toward repealing Obama's tyrannous manifesto. In the Bible, Esau traded his birthright, a very important and sacred thing, for a bowl of beans. What I find extremely disturbing is the "seemingly" large number of Americans who, without the slightest reservation, would gladly traded their God given birthright of freedom for the perceived freebie of government run health care. News flash, nothing in life is free including Obamacare.
- Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Republicans fear tea party will be a spoiler

During dinner, my republican buddy cautioned, "You tea party folks commitment to principle, supporting unelectable candidates, could cost us the 2012 presidential election just like you screwed things up in Delaware." He went on to say, "A bad republican in office is better than a democrat."
- Friday, January 28, 2011

Bachmann hits home run for tea party

Hallelujah! Finally, We The People have a voice. It's a bright new day! Rep. Michele Bachmann gave the Tea Party Movement response to Obama's State of the Union (bait and switch) address.
- Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calling out race exploiter, Al Sharpton

Keeping my new year's resolutions to lose ten pounds and call out blacks who exploit race, I call out my third incident of race exploitation of the year; this one committed by Rev Al Sharpton.
- Tuesday, January 25, 2011
