
Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus is the songwriter and vocalist of the American Tea Party Anthem. He currently serves as president of NAACPC (National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color). Visit his website at LloydMarcus.com

Most Recent Articles by Lloyd Marcus:

You’re a racist! The ultimate emotional intimidation

I am on the email list of a dear black friend of 20 years. He is a minister, writer, and professor. He has mentored and advised me with great wisdom on numerous occasions. With me being a black conservative Republican and he a Democrat, we avoid talking politics. Since the election of Obama, my friend will talk about nothing else. He is in Baltimore. I'm in Florida. Every time he calls me, he turns the conversation into trashing all who oppose Obama's agenda. Thank God for caller ID.
- Friday, August 21, 2009

Twenty Ten by Lloyd Marcus

Lloyd Marcus, Black Conservative is back with another Tea Party Song. Feel free to post everywhere.
- Monday, August 17, 2009

Conservative rapper featured in “Feet To The Fire,” a new song by Lloyd Marcus

imageFolks, meet Sarah Starchak, brilliant student, super talented singer/songwriter, dancer, beautiful and conservative. Sarah endured severe harassment in high school from her fellow students for her reasoned opposition to worshiping their rock star, Barack Obama. Winning a scholarship, Sarah begins college in the fall.
- Tuesday, August 11, 2009

As a black conservative, should I be afraid?

I thought, "This is crazy." Despite numerous attempts to convince myself that what I was feeling was absurd, the tingle in my stomach persisted. Black conservative Kenneth Gladney was beaten by SEIU (Service Employee International Union) thugs for selling buttons at a Town Hall meeting in St Louis. Gladney's beating included racial slurs. He spent two days in the emergency room.
- Saturday, August 8, 2009

Race profiteers: the true enemies of black America

In my youth, I lived a wild and crazy life: drugs, women, and partying, basically 24/7. Scholarships permitted me to attend art college where I hung with hippies. While the hippies preached peace and love, most were extremely angry at America.
- Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Please feel free to post EVERYWHERE! The Lloyd Marcus TV Show on-line delivers an extremely compelling Conservative message in an entertaining way. VIEW: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQp0AyaI2ao]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQp0AyaI2ao[/url]
- Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another extraordinary ordinary patriot of the Tea Party movement

imageI met Warren Kaul when I performed at the O Town Tea Party in Orlando, Florida. He was manning the Fair Tax booth. On stage, Warren expressed his displeasure with Obama's stimulus "nightmare" and his plans to transform America. Warren was born into extreme poverty and grew up in a two-room shack in the hollows of Charleston, West Virginia. Encouraged by his mother, Warren was the first in his family to graduate from high school. This was a major achievement for the Kaul family. Warren took it further and graduated from college. Warren's success inspired his two sisters to graduate from college.
- Monday, August 3, 2009

Cops & Sotomayor: Obama says go by feelings

When President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court, he said she was selected because he wanted someone who would show "empathy." It occurred to me that Obama wants the same behavior from America's police.
- Friday, July 31, 2009

Who will President Obama drum up hate against next?

We have all watched this scene in numerous Western movies. The sheriff says his prisoner will receive a fair trial when the judge arrives in the morning. But, one loud mouth stands on the steps of the jailhouse and works the crowd into a frenzy. The enraged mob breaks down the door, brutalizes the sheriff, drags out the prisoner, and hangs him. It is later discovered that the prisoner was innocent. As a child watching these movies, I was amazed how people sheepishly followed one loud mouth.
- Sunday, July 26, 2009

At the NAACP, Obama removes his mask of the great unifier

It is truly a sad day in America when the President of the United States fans the flames of racial hatred. The man elected to be president of all the people, in his speech at the NAACP basically said, though America is racist, sexist, and homophobic, you can make it in spite of those white SOBs attempts to stop you. Wonderful. How inspiring. The NAACP audience erupted in applause. Obama's condemnation was "red meat" to the liberal, protective of their victim status, organization.
- Thursday, July 23, 2009

Yelling…ENOUGH with the race thing!

Race! Race! Race! As the kids say, "Gag me with race!" I just read my Republican Senator Mel Martinez's statement on why he is voting to confirm Sonia Sotomayor:
- Monday, July 20, 2009

No wonder black America doesn’t have a clue

While flipping through the channels with my remote, I stopped on the movie "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" on BET (Black Entertainment Television). Excellent movie. During a commercial break, they gave a news update. An announcer said, "They tried to get the Bronx kid, Sonia Sotomayor, but she beat them." There was not one mention of Sotomayor's controversial racist statements. Thus, ill-informed black viewers who don't follow the news closely are led to conclude that those "evil racist white Republicans" are at it again trying to block a person of color.
- Thursday, July 16, 2009

When will white America be off the hook for sins of the past?

imageScalpers peddled tickets to a black man's funeral on eBay for $10,000 each. Oprah, a black woman, is the richest and most influential woman in America and possibly the world. Did I mention that the president of the United States of America is a black man? With blacks only 13% of the U.S. population, none of these extraordinary black achievements could have happened without tremendous support from white America.
- Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A cure for racism in America: seeing people as individuals

imageSome people are screwed up. Broken. They choose to hate and nothing will change their minds. I believe most people are basically good. Given an opportunity, they work things out. Here is an example. In 1956, my dad, Dr. Rev. Lloyd Marcus, Sr., was one of the first blacks to break the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department at Engine 6. Unlike the white firefighters, Dad did not have free reign of the fire house.
- Monday, July 6, 2009

Sarah Palin martyred for the cause of conservatism

While watching Sarah Palin's resignation speech, I thought, "Who is this amazing woman? What planet did she come from? Will there ever be anyone like her?" Once again, I was blown away by her power, grace, character and courage.
- Saturday, July 4, 2009

Time to put liberals on the defensive!

I'm in the studio recording my next song for the Tea Party movement titled, "Feet To The Fire." In it, I chastise politicians for not keeping their promises. A line says, "They go to DC...seek approval from liberals..."
- Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Black conservatives: crucified by the left, ignored by the right!

At a tea party in Lakewood Ranch, Florida, I invited all veterans to join me on stage as I sang "God Bless the USA" in tribute to them. It was truly a moving experience. Veterans, old and young, and active service men and women came forward. The audience applauded wildly expressing their love for them. Such tributes NEVER happen at left-wing secular progressive events. Their goal is ALWAYS about tearing down America, as opposed to celebrating America, which I do in my original song, "Celebrate America."
- Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sarah Palin, at high noon

I just watched the classic movie "High Noon," AGAIN! Gary Cooper played a brave sheriff who brought law and order to his town. As one woman said, "He made it safe for a decent woman to walk down the street". A recently released outlaw was coming back to town on the noon train to deliver vengeance against the sheriff who put him away. His gang of three arrived early to help their leader take out the sheriff. Fully aware of why the bad men were in town, the sheriff could not arrest them because they had not broken any laws. Waiting is not illegal.
- Sunday, June 28, 2009

Don’t allow turf wars or pettiness to sidetrack Tea Party movement

A concerned patriot wrote me the following: "...our Tea Party efforts are taking a weird turn. As you know the April 15th nationwide rallies were a BIG success! The issues were Runaway Federal Spending and lack of primarily, the Federal Government doing what is best for the people.
- Friday, June 26, 2009
