
Michael Bates

Mike Bates is the author of Right Angles and Other Obstinate Truths. Michael's articles have appeared in the Congressional Record, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Mensa Journal. As a lad, Mike distributed Goldwater campaign literature and since then has steadily moved further to the Right. In 2007, he won an Illinois Press Association award for Original Column.

Older articles by Michael Bates

Most Recent Articles by Michael Bates:

Is Obama an alien abductee?

When Obamatons aren’t renting their shirts or tearing out their hair in sheer ecstasy over his total wonderfulness, they must occasionally speculate about what made their hero the hero he is. I mean, other than the “pot (that) had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow (cocaine) when you could afford it” that he admitted to in his book.
- Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Have we gone insane?

Last week’s poll sponsored by Time magazine and the Rockefeller Foundation found 85 percent of the respondents believe the country is on the wrong track. Time’s Web site carried a story on the study that noted:
- Thursday, July 24, 2008

Smart Hillary bides her time

Hillary Clinton can be accused of many things. Stupidity isn’t one of them. Waiting in the wings, she’s ready to rescue her party if Mr. Wonderful continues to self-destruct.
- Thursday, July 17, 2008

Obama’s Supreme puzzlement

Tracking Barack Obama’s position on many issues is akin to watching the weather. Stick around a little while and it’ll change. He can make a U-turn faster than a speeding fist bump.
- Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Mike Bates Independence Day Quiz

Happy Birthday, America. It’s been 232 years since the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed. Take a quick quiz to see how much you know about this statement that changed the world.
- Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The unsinkable Father Pfleger

Chicago’s Father Michael Pfleger made a triumphant appearance Sunday at St. Sabina’s Catholic Church. Returning from a two-week suspension, the priest delivered his “Ain’t nothing like a comeback” sermon to an adoring congregation.
- Thursday, June 26, 2008

Big bad Barack flinches

Democrat Senator Joe Biden described Barack Obama last year: “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
- Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hooray for gas pains

Paying more at the pump has its benefits. For the first time in a long time, Americans are beginning to pay attention. And, by Jove, I think we’ve got it! Or at least some of us do.
- Thursday, June 12, 2008

An unrepentant slacker’s confession

Last week, two Chicago-area students were recognized for more than just completing high school. They also received commendations for never missing a day of either grade school or high school. Twelve years of perfect attendance. How depressing.
- Friday, June 6, 2008

Echoes of 1968

It’s been 40 years since his passing, but Robert Kennedy is again in the news. One reason is Hillary Clinton’s imprudent mention of his assassination. Barack Obama and media accomplices managed to turn that molehill into a mountain in near-record time.
- Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where Obama should start

Barack Obama presents himself as the voice of hope and change. A transformational figure, he’ll set aside the old politics and run a dignified, elevated campaign, one eschewing gratuitous smears. If Obama is sincere, he should begin by cleaning up his party’s official Web presence.
- Friday, May 16, 2008

I just love Fox News

In fact, I don’t really love Fox News. I do, however, love saying that I just love Fox News. Simply expressing that view is enough to drive many liberals to rabid, foaming at the mouth frenzy. I mean, even more than their typical rabid, foaming at the mouth frenzy, which is not inconsiderable.
- Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Supremes uphold election integrity

Heaven knows Jimmy Carter is wrong much of the time. Yet even the former president has his better days. One of them occurred during his service as co-chair of the 2005 Commission on Federal Election Reform. Carter joined in the commission’s recommendation for a voter photo identification requirement.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another liberal profile in pettiness

California Senator Barbara Boxer is your standard-issue shrill, humorless, doctrinaire liberal who knows what’s best for everyone else and will force it on them whether they want it or not. Naturally, this makes her a leading light among her Democratic colleagues.
- Thursday, April 24, 2008

St. Francis should have tried bribes

St. Francis Hospital serves a number of low-income people in suburban Chicago. Losing millions of dollars by caring for uninsured patients, four years ago St. Francis sought approval to build an additional hospital in a more prosperous suburb, Orland Park. The idea was to generate income that would help the original facility survive. .
- Thursday, April 17, 2008

No uniform answer for the Democrats

Unless you’re more fortunate than I, you remember erstwhile Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Monsieur Kerry was famous for bringing up he’d been in the military. Indeed, his service became a constant refrain of the campaign.
- Thursday, April 3, 2008

Green collar jobs to the rescue?

It’s the latest. It’s the greatest. Green collar jobs are going to help turn around the economy if Democrats have their way.
- Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Hussein by any other name

Michelle Obama describes the use of her husband’s middle name, Hussein, as “the fear bomb.” Political adversaries tossed this device in his 2004 Senate race. “They threw in the obvious, ultimate fear bomb. . . When all else fails, be afraid of his name, and what that could stand for, because it’s different.” Now “they’re” doing it again. An intriguing storyline, but is it supported by the facts?
- Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Not a dime’s worth of difference

Forty years ago, third-party presidential candidate George Wallace cackled that there wasn’t “a dime’s worth of difference” between Republican Richard Nixon and Democrat Hubert Humphrey. Gov. Wallace, who was a stanch Democrat most of his life, could have been describing the distinctions between his party’s presidential candidates in 2008.
- Wednesday, February 27, 2008
