
Mike Foil

Mike Foil, The Housetop Proclamations, describes himself this way: I am a native of Arizona and prefers the small town life and the company of family and friends to the hustle and bustle of the city. I love God, my wife, my family (four kids, all married with kids - ten grandkids). I love the USA - don't want it changed. I have the utmost respect for members of the military, current and past. My Dad is the best example I know of "The Greatest Generation". I was born conservative and have conservative blood running through my veins.

Most Recent Articles by Mike Foil:

Final Flickering Flame for Freedom

Is the freedom Americans enjoy in its last stages or is it already just an illusion? Does Liberty still exist in the U.S.A.?
- Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why the Federal Government?

The War for Independence had just been won. Thirteen sovereign States were operating under the Articles of Confederation, which had already been shown to be inadequate. The leaders called for a second constitutional convention to "fix" the Articles of Confederation.
- Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Frog in the Frying Pan

Frog + Frying Pan + Water + Heat = Dinner The story goes: take a frog and drop it in a pan of boiling water and he will jump right back out. Drop the frog in a pan of cool water and slowly turn up the heat. It will sit right there and eventually boil to death.
- Thursday, April 11, 2013


Have we created a monster? We in America are guilty of falling into the same trap where the European countries find themselves. “Social Justice” is wearing away at our very foundation and the palace is beginning to crumble around us.
- Sunday, March 10, 2013

The answer to the mass murders in America

The country mourns the unthinkable tragedy that happened to the children and staff of a quiet little school in the Northeast. The funerals are presently taking place with undersized caskets. The pain in the hearts of Americans is indescribable, but nowhere near what is felt by those close to the victims and survivors.
- Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The 18th Ledge

Many of us just witnessed the results of a very long and hard fought campaign to select, not only who the next president will be, but also the fundamental direction of the United States. “Over dramatic!” you might be thinking. I do not believe so. We just witnessed four years of a very radical agenda being pushed upon America. If that was not enough to cause extreme concern in the hearts and minds of her citizens, then those same hearts and minds are so far removed from the principles of our founding that it may not be possible to turn the country around after “four more years”.
- Wednesday, November 7, 2012

QE4 just around the corner

The Federal Reserve just announced what their latest attempt will be to help rescue the American economy. It is being called QE3, for Quantitative Easing 3. Quantitative Easing refers to the policy of creating more money and injecting it into the economy in hopes that the additional dollars will stimulate the economy and cause a growth in employment.
- Sunday, September 23, 2012

“Hitting the wall” of debt

Over the past two years I have written about our national debt. Earlier articles were about the "wall of debt". In an attempt to translate the utter size of our national debt, I tried to relate the amount in means other than dollars. The dollar amount is staggering and incomprehensible. The "wall of debt" consists of dollar bills, laid flat and end-to-end, stacked on top of each other and stretching around the world at the equator.
- Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Restricted Liberties

Some things involve “shades of grey”. “Should we do this or do that?” But, there is not a “right vs. wrong” argument in every decision we make. Our days are filled with such choices.
- Monday, July 30, 2012

Lost in the fog

Do you have a good sense of direction? Many of us believe that we do. How well does your “sense” work when you find yourself in an unfamiliar setting in the dark? How about in a dense forest when there is a thick cloud cover? Have you ever been lost in the fog?
- Saturday, April 7, 2012

Political Suicide

“Political Suicide - the concept that a politician or political party would lose widespread support and confidence from the voting public by proposing actions that are seen as unfavorable or that might threaten the status quo... Cynics may blame this concept as a reason for a lack of real change or progress in society and that actions described as political suicide are usually sound intentions shot down by reactionism and fear of change.” Wikipedia
- Friday, December 30, 2011

What just happened? A Financial Meltdown

Barely one week ago; Washington was in a frenzy over the debate about the national budget and the national debt, Wall Street ratings firms were threatening to downgrade the credit rating for the United States, stock prices were on the way up, gold was at record levels, Republican House members were showing some spine, and the imposed doomsday deadline of August 2 was only days away.
- Monday, August 8, 2011

Free and Independent States

image On July 4, 1776; Abraham Clark, a delegate from New Jersey to the Continental Congress, wrote "Our Congress Resolved to Declare the United Colonies Free and independent States."
- Sunday, August 7, 2011

The “Fix” is Out of Focus

What prompted the Republican win in the last national election? What was it that drove tens of thousands of individuals to become the "Tea Party"? What message were we looking for in a self-professed, conservative candidate?
- Sunday, July 31, 2011

America, it is time for an intervention!

Karl Marx, in 1843, wrote a phrase concerning religion being the “opium of the masses” (translated from German). Today, we have a new opium for the masses in America. The government’s drug of choice for the people is OPM – other people’s money.
- Thursday, July 28, 2011

The BBA is Not the Answer

Brian Darling of The Heritage Foundation, wrote a report which they published on 7/14/2011; called, "The House and Senate Balanced Budget Amendments: Not All Balanced Budget Amendments Are Created Equal". He states that each house of Congress is planning on taking up discussion on their respective versions of a BBA during the week of 7/18/2011. The Senate appears to be leaning towards S.J. Res. 23. The House appears to be leaning towards H.J. Res. 1. With there being multiple versions of BBAs in each house, at least they each appear to be picking one to discuss. This step lets us be more specific, also.
- Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Republic, If…

As Benjamin Franklin emerged, after the completion of the writing of the Constitution; a woman asked of him, “Sir, what have you given us?” He responded, “A Republic, ma’am if you can keep it.”
- Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The 20’ Tall Wall of Debt

This article is for the "numbers people" out there. I have written that our national debt would make a 20 foot tall wall, around the world at the equator, of dollar bills (laid end-to-end and stacked flat). As unbelievable as this sounds, I have decided to prove the numbers.
- Sunday, June 19, 2011

“A Solution”

This article is a response to a comment made following the recent CFP article "The Shaft" I appreciate your response to the article on CFP "The Shaft". If you read the other comments, both before and after you posted your response; you will see, as I am sure you are well aware, that your frustration is felt by many. As I was not sure whether your challenge was issued to me personally or in general, I accepted it as a personal challenge to offer some solutions. I thought about your question, "What can we do about it?"
- Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Shaft

One republican politician after another, when asked “Will you vote to raise the debt ceiling?” has the same answer, “I am against raising the debt ceiling, unless we get something major as a concession.”
- Saturday, April 23, 2011
