
Nancy Morgan

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com She lives in South Carolina

Most Recent Articles by Nancy Morgan:

Replacing God

While speaking in Ankara, Turkey this week, President Obama made an astonishing proclamation. He claimed, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." Instead, he said, "We are a nation of citizens", essentially assigning fealty to 'the state' over fealty to God. The world listened, and nodded.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Conquered From Within

imageAs the media obsesses about Obama on the Leno show and Michelle's new White House garden, the real story last week went virtually unnoticed. Namely, the Fed announcement that it will be pumping another trillion bucks in to the economy. That's one trillion dollars it will manufacture out of thin air.
- Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Making Way For The Next Crisis

Obama changed tactics last week. In a 180 degree turn, he started voicing optimism on the economy, going so far as to advise Americans that its time to start buying stock again. From warning of 'the Great Depression' he shifted to 'the economy is fundamentally sound', all in a week's time.
- Monday, March 16, 2009

Politicians Fiddle While Rome Burns

As the economy continues its downward spiral and hundreds of thousands of join the ranks of the unemployed, Americans may rest easy knowing that our elected officials are hard at work on our behalf.
- Monday, March 9, 2009

A Contrived Crisis? - You Decide

Through a series of supposedly random but arguably deliberate chain of events, America is poised to jettison 220 years of a free market system called capitalism, in favor of the tried and failed system of socialism. This writer, and others, are now starting to question how we reached this point.
- Monday, February 23, 2009

Theft By Government

Question: How does con man Bernie Madoff differ from the state of California? Answer: Bernie's victims surrendered their life savings voluntarily - in California, the victim's money was taken under threat of force by the IRS
- Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ten Ways Conservatives Can Fight Back

Are you fed up with political correctness? Tired of the way our language is being redefined? Angry at stupid proposals, never ending crisis' and corrupt politicians? Offended by the patronizing elites? If so, its time to start fighting back.
- Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Coming Green Tsunami

As a record breaking cold front envelops the United States, another front is picking up steam in Washington D.C. The 'global warming' front.
- Friday, January 16, 2009

Obama And ‘Pay-To-Play’

Lets see if I have this right. By virtue of the fact that Obama has been elected President, a man who has achieved nothing of note in his 47 year-old life except getting elected President, he is now the world's expert on everything.
- Monday, January 12, 2009

Old Words, New Meanings

As the new year starts, its time for all good citizens to update and revise their vocabulary to reflect the new, improved, politically-correct definitions of certain words and phrases.
- Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Dangerous Media

What would happen if America won a war and no one reported it? Is it still news? What if a credible argument were made pretty much demolishing Darwin's theory of evolution? If no media outlet conveyed this information to the American public, does that mean its not a valid argument? Does that mean its not news?
- Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lies And Liars

As I settle in to write my weekly column, I glance at the television. On Fox News, Neal Cavuto has a guest 'expert' telling we, the people, that the massive snow storms uncharacteristically blanketing the nation are, indeed, a product of man-made global warming. Having an aversion to being lied to, I quickly change the channel.
- Monday, December 22, 2008

I’ve Got Rights!

"I've got rights" is now one of the most commonly heard phrases in America. Don't like your co-workers perfume? Under a new lawsuit, you may soon have the right not to smell it. Want to quit bathing? Soon, your employer may have to accept your grooming habits as long as you claim that BO and shaggy hair are part of your religion. After all, you've got rights. Everyone knows that.
- Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sex Goes Public

The days when sex was a private matter between two consenting adults are gone for good. Sex is now public. In a big way. Subject to instruction, modification and definition by an ever expanding array of bureaucrats, courts, religious leaders, organizations and miscellaneous busy bodies.
- Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Return Of The Girly Men

Men across the nation are weeping tears of joy this week. Publicly and unabashedly. The election of Obama has validated and encouraged their right to publicly expose their sensitive inner selves to the world. Feelings rule.
- Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama’s First 100 Days

Obamamania is sweeping the world as media types, aging hippies and socialists around the world quiver with delight over their new messiah. Barack Obama finally prevailed over the old white dude and the hockey mom, winning the White House after the longest campaign in history. A new world order is on the way. The utopians have won.
- Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Media Declares Obama The Winner

When I logged onto Drudge this morning, I had a Rip Van Winkle moment. According to the headlines, Obama has somehow become president. Nope, its still October 20. The election hasn't been held yet. But you wouldn't know that by scanning the headlines of one of the major news outlets in America.
- Monday, October 20, 2008

Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire…

It used to be a very serious matter to accuse someone of lying. Not so long ago, when honor had more currency than it does at present, specific examples of deliberate falsehoods were required to validate such charges. This is no longer the case.
- Thursday, October 9, 2008

Barney Frank Gets A Spanking

Say what you will about Bill O'Reilly, but he's the only person who finally did what millions of conservatives have yearned to do. On the O'Reilly Factor last night, host Bill O'Reilly gave Rep. Barney Frank a very public spanking for "presiding over the largest financial failure of our time."
- Friday, October 3, 2008
