
Selwyn Duke

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Most Recent Articles by Selwyn Duke:

Homosexuals Gets Duck Dy-Nasty

When I saw the headline yesterday about how “Duck Dynasty” patriarch Phil Robertson had commented on a certain sexuality-defined group, I wondered how long it would be before he got the “treatment.”
- Thursday, December 19, 2013

When Britain Savages Itself

England’s prestigious Oxford Union recently invited famed raconteur and talk-radio host Michael Savage to a debate on whether or not NSA leaker Edward Snowden is a hero. And that is certainly a matter for debate. Whatever Snowden is, though, he is definitely one thing: more noble than the British government.
- Wednesday, December 18, 2013

White-washing Mandela’s Memory

After his mother was raped, and then murdered along with his father last year, sobbing 12-year-old Amaro was gagged and drowned in scalding bathwater. And that’s how the youngest member of the Viana family became a statistic: another in a long line of white South African victims of black violence.
- Monday, December 16, 2013

Get over it: Jesus and Santa are White

Some people want to give Fox News’s Megyn Kelly a lump of coal for Christmas after she remarked on Wednesday that Jesus and Santa Claus were white and that those who had a problem with it should just get over it. Well, I’m making a list and checking it twice, and I can tell you that, in this case, Kelly’s critics are naughty and Kelly is nice.
- Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Road to Genocide is Paved with Liberal Intentions

With all the recent talk about Nelson Mandela the myth and the modicum of talk about Mandela the man, it’s a good opportunity to discuss another myth: that of apartheid. Oh, I know, modernist dogma dictates we behave not just as if the South African system Mandela so stridently fought was not only unsustainable, but also completely unfathomable. After all, the idea of second-class status for any group is anathema to Westerners (unless it happens to be non-Muslims in Islamic lands, of course).
- Saturday, December 14, 2013

ObamaCare Lawbreaker in Chief: Barack Obama

“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly,” said Abraham Lincoln. It’s ironic that Barack Obama has claimed to pattern himself after Lincoln, because his modus operandi is just the opposite: perpetuate a bad law by enforcing it loosely.
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Obama Purchase: Liberals Still Can't Admit They Bought a Clunker

Many years ago I knew a couple who adopted the habit of being gratuitously defensive about one another. If you made even the slightest comment questioning one of them in the other's presence, that party would say something such as "Watch it!" The admonition, however, would lack a certain conviction.
- Monday, November 11, 2013

The Last Word on the Cuccinelli Race

There has been much analysis of the Virginia governor’s race in which Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe edged out Republican Ken Cuccinelli by two points. Liberals have portrayed the outcome as heralding the death of the Tea Party, while conservatives have, among other things, blamed the GOP establishment for failing to provide the financial backing that could have put Cuccinelli over the top. But the truth?
- Friday, November 8, 2013

Marvel Rolls out Muslim Girl Superheroine

It must be really exciting being a kid today. Denied the strength that “lies in our diversity,” youngsters languishing in the unenlightened 1960s had to content themselves with banal white male superheroes such as Superman, Spiderman and Ironman.
- Wednesday, November 6, 2013

There are Lies, Damned Lies and Democrats,

Steny Hoyer certainly is a creative man. Asked about Barack Obama’s promise that everyone would be able to keep his health coverage if he liked it and the recent revelation that the Democrats knew all along that millions of Americans would lose their health plans under ObamaCare, he had an answer.
- Wednesday, October 30, 2013

“Racist” L.A. Police Dogs Think Whites Taste Bad

Will the slights and salt-in-wound exacerbations ever end? It’s not enough that white people are cast as the source of all the world’s woes as people find that we, increasingly, leave a bad taste in their mouths. Now we hear that even man’s best friend doesn’t find us very palatable. Writes The Independent in a piece titled “'Racist' LA police dogs only bite Latinos and African-Americans”:
- Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pope Francis Said What?! Actually, No, He didn’t

That NBC had doctored a 911 call for the purposes of making George Zimmerman look like a bigot was a shocking revelation. Yet cut-and-paste propaganda is a common media tactic, and I'm not sure anyone is victimized by it more than Pope Francis.
- Friday, September 27, 2013

Correction on the Andy Vidak Election

A while back I wrote about the state senate win in California's 16th District by Republican cherry farmer Andy Vidak. The GOP establishment and others made big news hailing the victory as evidence that Republicans could win in a majority Hispanic district. I then wrote a short piece questioning this, pointing out that Vidak's district had been redistricted and was no longer majority Hispanic. Unfortunately, I was in error--the new district lines don't take effect until 2014.
- Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Babe and the Cynic

A certain very erudite and always entertaining social critic remarked recently that he always thought the worst of people. He went on to say — perhaps, at most, half jokingly — that he was always right about them, too. He then revealed that he actually had been very trusting as a boy, that he believed everyone and often got taken advantage of. He certainly doesn’t get taken advantage of much now, I’m sure. But what he doesn’t know is that in one significant way he hasn’t changed at all.
- Saturday, August 10, 2013

The GOP Hispanic Victory that Wasn’t

UpDate: Correction on the Andy Vidak Election It was big news that Republican Andy Vidak won a California state senate seat over a Hispanic candidate in a majority Hispanic district. Yes, he beat Leticia Perez, and she was a Democrat in a district that’s 60 percent Hispanic and which offers a 22-point Democrat advantage, they said. So, you see, the right kind of Republican can win in the new America if he preaches “conservatism” (and, shh, panders on amnesty and speaks the necessary foreign language). Hey, we’re California dreamin’ in a socialist day, right?!
- Friday, August 2, 2013

The Post-racial President’s Profiling: DWW (Defending While White)

What would it have taken for the jury that acquitted George Zimmerman to find him guilty? Well, try this on for size: imagine that instead of emerging from his encounter with Trayvon Martin bloodied with a broken nose, he didn't have a scratch on him.
- Wednesday, July 24, 2013
