
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

USA's End of the Road Carefully Crafted for Decades

The takeover of the USA had been carefully crafted for many years. When, then, 57-year-old George Washington was to take office on 30 April 1789, no one in the just-formed government of the United States knew what to call their newly elected leader. Some were even suggesting Monarchical titles. With all thanks to God, those on the side of the still-being-formed Republic chose the title President of the United States.
- Friday, October 6, 2017

Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy”

There are no longer any doubts that the D.C. Swamp and its attendant muddied creatures are working their hardest to take down legally-elected (by the citizens of the United States of America) President Donald J. Trump and throw him out of his position as President.
- Monday, August 7, 2017

Time to Shut Down the Partisan Witch Hunt against Trump

We-the-People already know—and have known for almost a year—that the faux “Russian-collaboration investigation” into now-President Trump and his team is just that…false. Despite the continued Deep State’s attempts to try to have something stick to our president—think lying James Clapper and John Brennan as well as pretend non-partisan former FBI Chief Mueller and his discredited BFF (and student) former FBI Chief James Comey--it has been a partisan witch-hunt from its inception.
- Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Finally, one of the Chief Swamp Creatures—Fired!

James Comey was one of the Albatrosses and land mines Obama had left for President Trump. Former FBI Director Comey appears to have become unstable in his position, as he began to usurp more and more power for himself; even to the point of making decisions for Obama AG Lorretta Lynch. Most recently, he seemed to be attempting to even commandeer the power of the United States presidency. President Trump promised to drain the D.C. swamp and one of its chief creatures has now been given his walking papers.
- Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Why is Anyone Going along with the 9th Circuit COA's Illegal Ruling?

Why are we going along with decisions made by judges that are--legally--not within their purview? Why are we continuing to follow rulings from rogue courts in our country that are illegal on their very face? Are judges a part of the "special' class that was once reserved for corrupt politicians who operate beyond the law and get away with it? In this instance, NO judge has the authority to overturn the decision made by the President of the United States...not one.
- Saturday, February 11, 2017

Waning Intelligence as the Leftist Mean Kiddies Still Fight to Control the USA

The Democrat Party and RINOs are placing all of us in jeopardy due to their lack of intelligence…or lack of any care for humanity other than themselves. No…not security, top-secret or cyber intelligence. It’s simply basic human intelligence to which I’m referring. Over the last eight years, it seems to have completely vanished off the face of the Earth.
- Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How dare Mr. Trump win the election!

With acknowledgement and thanks for the musical Evita: “Oh, what a circus…oh, what a show! The Leftists have gone to town over the [political] death of a woman called Hillary Clinton. They’ve all gone crazy…protesting at night crying all of the way and falling all over themselves to end Trump’s Inaugural Day!” How arrogant of Donald J. Trump to have run against this woman…and won!
- Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Dems Lose Collective minds--Want us all to follow

The corrupt and criminal Clinton Cartel (includes virtually most Democrats and a few RINOs) are acting like a group of nasty, insane and furious Ferengis (see video below if you are one of the very few who never watched Star Trek TNG) and they want us all to join them in their madness.
- Thursday, December 15, 2016

Congratulations, America and Very Well Done!

When I went to sleep, last night, virtually all of the media commentators were sounding the death knells for the Donald J. Trump campaign and presidency. Before I turned off the tube, Bill O'Reilly was pontificating—once again—about the reasons now President-elect Trump lost the presidency of the United States—which included all manner of missteps. Bill told us that 'he may still have a chance' before beginning his “buts.”
- Wednesday, November 9, 2016

RINOs are “blowing up” the Republican Party...Not Trump

If ever there was proof that the establishment (aka “leftist”) members of the Republican Party are working with the Clinton Campaign, their faux horror over the Donald Trump male locker-room talk and huffy holier-than-thou departure from supporting him is the kicker...either that or they've not been around actual men much. They are the ones dividing and destroying the Republican Party.
- Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Media: Trump's Locker Room Talk more important than Hillary's Crimes Against Humanity

The shock...SHOCK from the media over an 11 year-old locker room-type pre-show conversation between Billy Bush (who apparently secretly taped it) and Donald Trump is truly staggering. Not being able to find anything substantive to throw against him, the media have decided to trash him because he's a "too-high-testosterone-crude-talking-behind-the-scenes man!" Yikes! He's a MAN!!!"
- Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hillary & Tim—Are They Both Nuts, Now?

Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine has long been lauded by both Republicans and Democrats as as a gentle, soft spoken pro-lifer who has always been right of center...that which used to be called a “Blue-dog” (conservative) Democrat. But, sadly, his performance during this week's VP Candidate's debate was not only extremely irritating (he interrupted Mike Pence 72 times in 90 minutes!) but, he appeared to become more and more unhinged as the debate went on.
- Thursday, October 6, 2016

The End Stage of World Takeover By Clear and Present Evil

I could go back to President George H.W. Bush's New World Order-UN speech to identify its beginnings in modern times. He told us that we were going to be taken over by it and assured us--strongly--that it would be a successful takeover. I heard his speech when he was giving it...live...and remember feeling cold chills running down my back and a sense of strongly impending malevolence as I heard his words. I knew, then, that something had changed in the world and that this change was going to be to the extreme detriment of humanity.
- Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Will Humans "PC" Themselves Out of Existence?

This is an article which was originally published in 2005 in, amongst others, the late great Men's News Daily. I felt it appropriate to republish it, today, as little seems to have changed with regards to the lunacy and growing dangers surrounding the continued application of "political correctness."
- Sunday, September 4, 2016

Mr. Trump: The People are Still Behind You!

Despite what the Democrats and Establishment RINOs are saying as they wring their hands in false fear of you...Please persevere. Notwithstanding the lies and misstatements the Left makes about you...Stand firm in the truth.
- Thursday, August 4, 2016

Kasich et al...The Pretense of Leadership

If ever a group of petulant old children posing as [now former] candidates for the presidency of the United States existed, it is those Republicans who ran against Donald J. Trump...and lost. These are the angry “elite class” members who want to continue their business as usual jobs of filling their pockets via bilking their constituents and the rest of We-the-People.
- Thursday, July 21, 2016
