
Sher Zieve

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve's op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Most Recent Articles by Sher Zieve:

Obama: Time to Disarm Americans so they'll die faster

Until January 2009, we had never seen the likes of Barack Hussein Obama from anyone in leadership positions...let alone the president of the United States. I daresay we have likely never seen anyone in the world like him.
- Monday, December 7, 2015

Obama and the US Soulless Class

Assuming they had them in the first place, our "leaders" have sold all of their souls, conscience, integrity, morality and any dignity they had to the highest bidders. What remains is a soulless class of once-human beings bent upon collecting as much illusory power and ill-gotten wealth as is possible. Practicing the old game of “He (or she as it were) wins who has the most at the end” these creatures actually seem to be grasping tightly to the ever-false beliefs that they are either immortal or actually can take it with them. Neither is true.
- Monday, September 21, 2015

Kelly Attacks Trump...Trump Berated for Responding

Megyn Kelly, apparently, has come out of the closet in order to let us know that she can be as much of a leftie as her colleague Chris Wallace—and certainly her friends at CNN and MSNBC—when she asked questions and made several scathing comments that could have been devastating to Trump and ended his candidacy. Kelly would then--ostensibly--have the leftist street creds to laughingly say to friends at in-home and other cocktail parties...”I took him out!” That is, she could have...if the “facts” about one of the question/comments she made had been true in nature. But...they were not. Note: If it helps their cause, Leftists are seldom to never concerned about facts. But, most of the American people still are.
- Sunday, August 9, 2015

White Lives Don't Matter

Since Barack Hussein Obama and his criminal Syndicate took over the US White House in January 2009, black on white crime has escalated dramatically. With the exception of World Net Daily's Colin Flaherty ("White Girl Bleed A Lot”) and some of us in the real media, few to none in the US “mainstream” and increasingly—if that's even possible--leftist media have reported this growing, violent and markedly disturbing trend. Someone had to say it plainly...to the ObamaGov white lives don't matter.
- Wednesday, July 15, 2015

United States of America Becomes the Newest Socialist Country

The Supreme Court of the USA has now become the latest branch of the ObamaGov to legislate illegally. We no longer have 3 co-equal branches of government. As the Republicans have shown for—at least—the past several months, the people of the former USA no longer have any voice in government. Despite constituents “burning up the phone lines” to their Republican Congress members and Senators telling them to vote NO on TPA--which gives Obama virtually unlimited and unchecked power to do anything he wants with this treaty and likely those to come—they voted YES in a large majority. Like their Marxist Democrat brothers and sisters, the RINOs have chosen to ignore their constituencies and do that which benefits them—not us.
- Friday, June 26, 2015

USA Sovereignty Ends?

In 2008, we warned you about Obama. Over and over again, we presented material documents showing that Obama had worked with and still worked with the enemies—many like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who did so with extreme violence—of the USA, its people...and, ultimately, every area where liberty lived. However, not willing to bother with any and/or all facts but, preferring the super-charged emotion of the dictator-to-be moment, too many Americans voted for him anyway. Besides, many US citizens had to prove they weren't racist—so they voted for a Democrat-advertised half-black man who had only recently begun a career in politics. But, he had a winning way about him, a great smile and could give a rousing speech. Hmmm. Seems there was at least one other leader in the 1930s who fit that description. But...I digress.
- Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Destroying and Killing the USA was way too easy

The destruction of the USA and its takeover by domestic traitor and foreign forces has been in the works for many decades. In recent history, Roger Nash Baldwin (founder of the ACLU and 'father' of many other leftist organizations) was one of the prime “leg men” in establishing the foundation for the overthrow of the USA.
- Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Obama places USA in Submission to Iran...and Islam itself

While all too many of the American sheeple continue to sleep, Obama continues to destroy their country. Every day, his treasonous acts grow and every day our elected federal officials try to find new dark corners in which to hide. Even Republican State executives—aka governors--are now bending and caving to the new ObamaGov that is quickly rising from the ashes of the now deceased USA.
- Friday, April 3, 2015

Obama Readying USA for Islamic Takeover?

Tragically and with full malice aforethought, the beauty, simplicity and essential to thought subject of Logic is no longer taught in the US Public school system. As a note, little else that matters is now taught either. It was taught when I attended school. For the purposes of this column, I will deal with two forms of logic, as defined by the current on-line Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
- Thursday, February 19, 2015

It’s Not a Corrupted Version…it IS Islam!

How many times have we heard some politically correct (aka politically corrupt) “journalist” from any and all of our ObamaMedia tell us that the “extremist” attacks are due to a “corrupted” or “perverted” form of Islam? I heard it for the umpteenth time yesterday on Fox News and decided to address this, at best, continuing misconception on the speakers’ parts or, at worst, the outright lies about Islam which are meant to deceive.
- Thursday, January 15, 2015

Paris March and the Continuing Rise of the Obama Police State

Along with millions of others, I watched almost all the Western world’s leaders--save one--standing in Paris against Islamists and for the right to free speech after the malevolent and bloody onslaught. I thought it interesting and potentially stalwart but, then asked myself why didn’t these leaders stop the influx of ravenous and unrelenting Islam into their countries earlier? I also thought--as I suspect most if not all of the world leaders did--that Obama stands with the Islamic terrorists…not with the humans…and he always has. I hope all of the aforementioned leaders know that now.
- Monday, January 12, 2015

Betrayal from Both Sides of the Aisle?

Despite the fact that We-the-People gave the Republicans a mandate to stop Obama’s unconstitutional and country-destroying dictates, policies and programs with a landslide victory in November, the current establishment majority--still in charge of the Marxist Democrat-Lite Party (aka Republicans)--still insist upon supporting Obama.
- Monday, December 15, 2014

Obama To Officially Establish His Dictatorship 20 November 2014

After the landslide elections on 4 November 2014, Obama was said to be even more furious with the “stupid American voters” than usual. And, with his now usual arrogant bravado he is--with his recently announced coming actions--saying to the American people “Your petty little elections mean nothing to me. I’m beyond your laws as well as your wants and needs. Once I’m fully ensconced in and with my dictatorship and can openly eliminate anyone and everyone I want to destroy…I will!”
- Thursday, November 20, 2014

Obama Refuses to Give Up his Dictatorship

First and foremost, let me disabuse both Marxist Democrats and RINOs of the notion that the Republicans were elected so that they could compromise and get along with the Dems to enact legislation. That is NOT what occurred 4 November 2014. These elections--both nationwide and states’ wide--were a repudiation and condemnation of big government, big spending, the US “progressive” (aka “Alinskyite”) movement and--of course--Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama; both his policies and him personally. In other words, the American people finally awakened from their long and dissatisfying slumber.
- Monday, November 10, 2014

Obama’s Policies and Programs Condemned by American Voters

Any way we slice it, last night’s election feast was delicious for the people of the United States of America…and united we were. The Republicans gained back the US Senate--and therefore both Congressional houses--which was a must in order to stop the country’s already nearly-fatal hemorrhaging.
- Wednesday, November 5, 2014

ELECTION 2014: This time will you help Save America or join in her Destruction?

For the first time in the history of the United States of America, the country is under constant and escalating assaults from both outside and within its borders. In actual fact, its Southern Border has been completely erased by the resident of what was once its citizens’ White House. In 2008, a cabal of cut-throat politicians took it over and appear to have no intention of releasing its death grip on it, the nation or its people. This group--known as the “Obama syndicate”--plans to exercise and retain its illegally wrought power by whatever means necessary.
- Saturday, October 11, 2014

Obama has No Intention of Stopping ISIS

Obama is allowing ISIL/ISIS to continue its blood lust of beheadings of Christians and others across the world. He has done nothing to stop it and, chillingly, has not even mentioned it except for a passing remark or two.
- Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Obama and Holder take over from Jackson and Sharpton

The Obama-Holder team has now taken over the investigation of the Ferguson, MO shooting. At the same time, that team has, apparently, effectively usurped both the city’s authority and the titles of “biggest race hustlers and race-baiters in America” from the team of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Note: I assume the Jackson-Sharpton team is now demanding royalties from both Holder and Obama.
- Thursday, August 21, 2014

It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama

I knew this day was coming and have even written about it in past years’ columns. It was a fait accompli when Barack Hussein Obama entered what was once our White House and only a matter of time until he implemented this Orwellian portion of his program. We are already being called racists if we object to having our country invaded by foreign entities; many of whom are diseased, many gang-banger murderers including the infamous MS-13 Latin gang and Islamist terrorists.
- Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obama to Issue Executive Orders to Bring in Thousands of new Foreign Democrat Voters

As not one soul in Congress has lifted anything heavier than a limp pinky finger to stop him--likely because most of them are on the Leftist side--we knew this would eventually occur. Treason has become a daily occurrence in the former United States of America which has now become Illegal Aliens of the World Central.
- Friday, July 25, 2014
