
Steve Milloy

Steve Milloy publishes JunkScience.com and GreenHellBlog.com and is the author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them

Older articles by Steve Milloy

Most Recent Articles by Steve Milloy:

Obama’s Climate Rip-off

President Obama wants to pay you to support global warming regulation. What he isn’t saying, however, is that his enticement won’t come close to covering what the regulations will cost you.
- Sunday, March 1, 2009

Nuclear Nonsense

How can celebrity anti-nuclear power activists Alec Baldwin and Christie Brinkley try, in good conscience, to scare us about both carbon-free nuclear power and global warming?
- Friday, February 20, 2009

The Futility of Hybrid Cars

Could plug-in hybrid cars actually increase greenhouse gas emissions? Is energy efficiency being oversold as a greenhouse gas reduction measure? A new report from the research arm of Congress raises troubling questions about the direction in which President Obama is taking us.
- Friday, February 6, 2009

Al Gore and Venus Envy

Al Gore has a new argument for why carbon dioxide is the global warming boogeyman -- and it’s simply out of this world.
- Friday, January 30, 2009

Zero-Calorie Sin?

If you thought the food nannies’ appetite for dictating what beverages you may enjoy would be satisfied by their crusade against regular, sugar-sweetened soda, think again. Their new battle cry is shaping up to be, “None of the calories but all of the sin.”
- Monday, January 26, 2009

Browner: Redder Than Obama Knows

Incoming White House energy-environment czar Carol Browner was recently discovered to be a commissioner in Socialist International. While that revelation has been ignored by the mainstream media and blithely dismissed by her supporters, you may soon be paying the cost of Browner’s political beliefs in your electricity bill.
- Friday, January 16, 2009

Time for a Surgeon General-ectomy?

President-elect Obama has reportedly chosen Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s chief medical correspondent and one of People magazine’s “sexiest men alive,” for the post of surgeon general. Those aren’t the only reasons that the surgeon general’s position ought to be abolished.
- Friday, January 9, 2009

Let There Be Dark?

Some astronomers seem to be willing to say and do just about anything just to get a better look at the heavens, including making city streets safer for criminals.
- Friday, January 2, 2009

New York’s Soda Tax Scam

New York Governor David Paterson has proposed to levy an 18 percent tax on non-diet soft drinks under the guise of combating obesity. Government doesn’t get much more cynical than this.
- Saturday, December 27, 2008

EPA Goes Man-Hunting

It’s little wonder why the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list doesn’t include anyone accused of breaking federal environmental laws. It’s hard to argue that a father-son team accused of illegally importing Alfa Romeo sports cars that don’t meet U.S. tailpipe emissions standards is the criminal equivalent of the likes of Usama bin Laden or the other hardened sociopaths for whom the FBI warns the public to remain on the lookout.
- Friday, December 19, 2008

Green-on-Green Violence

The activist group Environmental Defense got a taste of what it used to dish out this week when its Washington, D.C., offices were invaded by another green group, the Global Justice Ecology Project.
- Sunday, December 7, 2008

Obama’s Bad Green Deal

President-elect Barack Obama’s plan to combat unemployment by creating 2.5 million public works jobs could only be loved by someone ignoring the economic and political realities of public works, alternative energy and the Greens.
- Sunday, December 7, 2008

Detroit Needs Drilling, Not Bailouts

Looking for the root of the impending car industry debacle? Look no further than the failure of the Big Three and the United Auto Workers to challenge the Green attack on cheap gasoline.
- Saturday, November 22, 2008

Greens Pave Way for Republican Comeback

If congressional Republicans -- or what's left of them -- are looking for the path out of the political wilderness following last week’s electoral drubbing, there’s a shortcut to victory in 2010 being paved for them by the Greens.
- Saturday, November 15, 2008

The First Green President

President-elect Barack Obama could be the nation’s first green president -- whether he likes it or not. The Greens’ early investment in Obama’s political soul has matured, and they’re already angling for -- and even demanding -- payback.
- Saturday, November 8, 2008

IgNobels for Obama

Seventy-six American Nobel laureates in science endorsed Barack Obama this week. Despite their scientific successes, their political analysis just doesn't make the grade.
- Monday, November 3, 2008

Candidates Don’t Come Clean on Coal

A squabble about “clean coal” has broken among the presidential candidates. Neither side has leveled with voters.
- Saturday, October 18, 2008
