
Toby Westerman

Toby Westerman is editor and publisher of International News Analysis (inatoday.com), which provides original reports specializing in documenting the world-wide rise of the neo-communist momvement -- as powerful as it is rarely mentioned in the centralized media. Westerman demonstrates the working relationship between fundamentalist Islam and the neo-communist movement in his book, Lies, Terror and the Rise of the Neo-Communist Empire: Origins and Direction.

Most Recent Articles by Toby Westerman:

Libya, Syria, Russia—American Blind Eyes Look Fast

A new threat is arising in the Near East, one that cooperates with Islamic fundamentalist terror, but goes far beyond it. The regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad is deemed a "reform" government by elements of the Obama administration and others among the Washington foreign policy elite. They see this region as they do the rest of the world -- through blind eyes. Assad's Syria not only aids terrorist groups, but also is on the verge of providing the expanding Russian military a needed port in the Eastern Mediterranean.
- Thursday, April 14, 2011

Libya—A war only the bad guys can win?

Muammar Gaddafi is a secular Socialist leader facing open rebellion led by a faction or factions committed to militant Islam. The clash in Libya between the impatient-for-power fundamentalist Muslims and a ruthless Socialist order is a bloody portent of a future where the United States and its allies are the losers, no matter who wins. The United States and NATO have become embroiled in the struggle in the name of humanitarianism after claims of vast slaughters carried out by Gaddafi henchmen. While murder is part and parcel of any long standing tyrant, a healthy skepticism is warranted.
- Monday, March 28, 2011

Not Your Father’s Cold War

Cyber attacks penetrating U.S. hyper-sensitive security points, espionage activity directed at the United States at unprecedented levels, and ideological rivals pouring billions into armaments: It's not the politically correct thing to say, but we are in another - or continuation of the first - Cold War. Unfortunately, unlike the first round of the Cold War, we are having difficulty realizing we are in real danger.
- Monday, December 13, 2010

The China Nightmare

U.S. Secretary Hilary Clinton has recently called upon Communist China to be a "responsible player" in regional and global affairs. Clinton's hopes, however, are in vain. The truth of the matter is that China is an aggressive Communist power bent on intimidation and domination, and that the United States is engaged in a grave, four-decade long error in accurately assessing what the Chinese leadership intends both for China and the people of the United States.
- Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Spyrocracy and Global Deception

Russia, led by its "spyocracy," and China, dominated by the Communist Party, are engaged in an alliance which aids Marxist governments and movements around the world, and which extends its assistance to terrorist entities including the Islamic Republic of Iran.
- Tuesday, October 26, 2010

SPIES:  They Have Your Number—So Why Not Get Theirs?

For several years, Russia, China, and Cuba have been operating their spies against the United States (and other Western nations) at Cold War levels. U.S. counterintelligence resources are stretched paper-thin in an attempt to counter the threat, but some citizens have found a way to turn the tables on those who are watching us, and International News Analysis interviewed one of the spy monitors.
- Monday, October 4, 2010

China: A dragon you can believe in

The four-decade long attempt to cultivate China as a capitalist friend has failed miserably. Recent advances in its military, space, and cyber technology are making China a formidable rival, and, far from joining the ranks of capitalist society, the Chinese Communist elite see their nation's financial strength as leading to world Communism. China, for this reason, is also a determined ideological opponent.
- Thursday, September 9, 2010

The past as a forbidden place, Atrocity in Ukraine is 21st century warning

Past is prologue, and it is difficult to sell an idea as virtuous if it has resulted in the merciless deaths of millions of innocent victims. Such virtue makes people nervous, even if the mass murder happened almost eighty years ago. Slaughter has no statute of limitations, especially in the mind.
- Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Russia today: Victm or spy nation

Should Russia be considered a victim of Soviet-era totalitarianism - or is the present Russian elite working to advance a neo-communist revival? A highly influential academic, Edward Lozansky, thinks so and is working for Russian victimhood while ignoring the Communist revival in that nations.
- Saturday, July 31, 2010

Schwarznegger flexes muscle for Moscow

California governor, and former film superhero, Arnold Schwarzenegger has pledged to lead a trade mission to Russia and assist "in any way possible" Russia's drive to develop its own high tech "Silicon Valley." U.S. president Barack Obama has also promised his backing in facilitating the flow of U.S. technology to Russia.
- Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lenin lives! - But will he get his own spot on Larry King?

Marxism is alive and on the propaganda march as seen in the defense of Communist Cuba and Venezuela by movie director Oliver Stone and former Minnesota governor Jessie Ventura on a recent edition of Larry King Live.
- Thursday, June 17, 2010

Weapons of thought destruction

A sophisticated and almost completely unreported propaganda campaign, directed primarily against the U.S., is obscuring Moscow's role in advancing the cause of terrorism and supporting the rise of various neo-Communist states.
- Monday, February 22, 2010

Silent holocaust of Christian Martyrs—A warning of things to come?

A silent holocaust of Christian martyrs is taking place around the world. While individual instances of murder and mayhem are sometimes reported, the general pattern of violence is ignored by the media, the United Nations, and most national governments. The perpetrators belong primarily to one of two groups: fundamentalist Islamists or Communist-controlled governments.
- Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New sophisticated Sub for launching Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to arrive in early 2010

Construction of a Russian missile submarine carrying the name of Saint Nicholas, a revered religious figure in both Western and Eastern Christianity - the real person behind Santa Claus - will begin in early 2010 . Citing an anonymous source, the online version of the Russian newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta stated that naming the nuclear submarine after Saint Nicholas "speaks of the promotion of religious thinking by the Russian admirals."
- Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chavez and the ideology of Russian missiles

Venezuela's Marxist leader, Hugo Chavez, is receiving "thousands" of reliable, accurate, and very portable Russian ground-to-air missiles as part of a military buildup supposedly in anticipation of a U.S. assault.
- Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why some Americans no longer believe in victory or America

Americans may wonder how the freedom-loving "shining city on a hill" of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan produced a presidential administration which is ambivalent regarding victory, informs our enemies when we will be leaving the battlefield, and which identifies so closely with Communist tyrants Mao Zedong and Hugo Chavez .
- Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Turning Red in the U.S. - more Chavez than Alinsky

The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 appeared to be the end of Communism as a world movement. Twenty years later, however, Marxist ideology is prominent, if not dominant, among those (Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, etc.) surrounding President Barack Obama, a man who has vowed to change America, and who is leading America's proud and successful military to defeat in Afganistan.
- Thursday, December 3, 2009
