
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Chicago Sun-Times Columnist’s Support of Racist Louis Farrakhan

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell has proven that skin color is deeper than hate in her Sunday column as she scolded Barack Obama for distancing himself from the endorsement of the racist Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan. Mitchell scoffed at Barack's denouncement of Farrakhan as merely a "game" to placate racist white people and tried to pump up the legitimacy of Farrakhan at the same time.
- Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The French Shun a ‘Peace Walker’

Much of what we do here is serious commentary on the leftist bias in this world, issues that are consequential to the debate between right and left. But, today we can sit back and have a little lighthearted fun with our lefty friends without all that worry and seriousness hovering over us like a cloud of leftist generated noxious gas. So... do ya wanna hear something funny?
- Saturday, March 1, 2008

LAT: Heinlein’s Books too Manly to be Popular?

It is always curious when left leaning artists, writers and musicians get in high dudgeon when the American people criticize them for their overtly political statements. These leftist artists often argue that the “integrity of the art” means that critics have “no right” to criticize them.
- Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Don’t Blame Us For Berkeley/Toledo Attacks Against Marines Say Businesses

You're all aware, I'm sure, of the several attacks against our fighting men and women perpetrated by city governments of late. The Berkeley City Council, who intended to try and kick Marine recruiting offices out of the city, and Toledo, where Mayor Finkbeiner refused to allow the Marines to exit a bus in his city when they arrived to start planned upon exercises, are all over the news.
- Sunday, February 17, 2008

Scripps Howard Editor: Conservatives Should Be Like JFK

I am sure that you all have noticed that John McCain is not the conservative's hero? There has been story after story expounding on how McCain has a lot of cajoling to do before principled conservatives will vote for him in November.
- Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stop Illegal Immigration NOW Or Immigrants Will Soon Out Vote You

I have a neighbor named George. He and his family have been great neighbors. We've exchanged gifts, attended parties together, helped each other out from time to time with one thing or another. Our kids have been friends. I like them all. They’re really great folks.
- Saturday, February 2, 2008


That’s right, you read the title to this piece correctly. I am admitting that I am a RINO. I admit it openly, freely, with relish even.
- Friday, February 1, 2008

NYT: AZ Prop 300 ‘Frightening’ Away Illegal Alien Students

The New York Times wants you to know that legislators in Arizona are mean to illegal immigrants trying to go to the state's schools on the cheap. The Times wants you to imagine that Arizona's new anti-illegal laws are oppressing those poor, illegal immigrant students that come into Arizona expecting to get all sorts of loans and financial breaks just because... well, just because they happen to draw a breath.
- Monday, January 28, 2008

Baby Dolphin Murders Blamed on US Military… Culprit OTHER Dolphins!

So, scientists find the dead bodies of dozens of dolphins and baby porpoises near Miami, Florida and across the pond along Scotland's East Coast. These aquatic mammals where literally beaten to death with multiple internal injuries, lacerations, contusions and the like. Back in 1997 the whole C.S.I. treatment was given these animals and guess who these scientists first blamed? You guessed it, the United States Military. It turns out, however, that scientists have now realized that it is the "smartest" fishie on earth that is responsible. Yes, they were surprised to discover that dolphins are outright murderers. So much for a "smarter" more "peaceful" ocean, eh?
- Saturday, January 26, 2008

Construction Worker Falsely Accused of Sex Attack Brings Calls to… Restrict Construction Workers?

Only the left and their lapdogs in the media can construe a story about a construction worker that was falsely accused of sexually molesting a girl in a school where he was working as a call to further restrict construction workers who are contracted to work in schools. The Baltimore Sun gives us this tale of a world upside down in a society that cannot seem any longer to understand what should be focused upon and what should not.
- Monday, January 21, 2008

Stealing From All to Give Freebies to Grandma

Here is a perfect example of the destructive power of government. It is also a representative example of why it is a canard that government ever gives anything away for "free" as that so-called free gift inflicts pain on everyone under that government.
- Friday, January 18, 2008

Global Warming’s Communist Underpinnings

If you need any more proof that the concept of Global Warming is less "science" and is more just a replacement for the kind of failed concepts of communism and socialism that is increasingly being rejected by the world, two recent stories helps clarify the point.
- Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Electing Obama a Slap in the Face to Muslims Everywhere?

Daniel Pipes did a little research on the question of Barack Hussein Obama's youthful status as a Muslim. Is he one? Was he one? Was he a practicing Muslim, an indifferent one, not one at all? To Americans, this question seems rather ridiculous. Most would wonder why anyone would care? But, the answer to the question isn't one that affects Americans. It may not even bother American Muslims.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Pining for an America That Does What Foreigners Want Her to Do

Moisés Naím, who is also editor in chief of Foreign Policy magazine, wants to pretend that he and his ilk love America in a Washington Post op ed. But, after reading his newest editorial, titled "A Hunger For America" where he denounces the U.S.A.'s "incompetence, recklessness and ignorance," one can only come to the conclusion that he only loves it when America does what foreigners want her to do.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2008
