
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

It’s all just a ‘Noose-ance’

In case no one has noticed, it's 2007, nearly 2008. The era in America when a noose was a clear and present threat to a black person in America has gone... thank God. So, why has an innocent sanitation worker in Muncie, Indiana been handed the longest suspension in the city's history? Because he displayed a Halloween decoration.
- Friday, November 2, 2007

Media Glorifies McGovern Museum Despite Paltry Attendance

It looks like A South Dakota museum devoted to the political career of far-left Democrat George McGovern registered 5,000 fewer visitors last year than a Wisconsin museum devoted to mustard. So why all the hype from the Associated Press about how a Museum about McGovern draws many visitors"? Oh, the AP did their best to make it seem like the George McGovern Legacy Museum is a "surprising" run away success in the world of museums.
- Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fire All Government Workers

We conservatives are fond of wanting to oust everyone in office and for wanting to "vote the scoundrels out." But, I'd like to add one more level to the throw-them-out-of-government genera. Let's fire every government worker from the smallest village receptionist or sewer worker to the staffers of the highest Senator and every menial clerk and recalcitrant paper shuffler in between.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Is Crackdown on Illegals Working

The New York Times is scolding us mean 'ol Americans for hurting the Mexican economy. You heard that right, we are hurting them! The Times is mad at us because illegal Mexican immigrants are sending fewer U.S. dollars from here in the states back home to Mexico.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

Internet Taxes to Come on Halloween...

You want scary? Try the fact that the moratorium on government taxation of the Internet comes to an end on October 31st. And, in true fright movie fashion, it happens at midnight. One expects a crack and flash of lightning to occur over the Capitol just as the witching hour tolls. But, will there be a wave of villagers with pitchforks to stop it? That's up to all of us.
- Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why Do We Allow America’s Enemies to Run Schools Here

With such a headline, you'd be excused for assuming this piece is just another attack on our failing schools, just another screed against the evils of teachers' unions, or a whack against the left wing lunatics who run our universities.
- Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Will US Survive Last 15 Months of Bush Presidency…

Rarely has a man made more of a fool of himself, than has Lou Dobbs with most of his recent post on his webpage on CNN.com. Rarely does one catch such a glimpse of self-importance, arrogance and assumptions of omniscience. It is so bad that Dobbs imagines himself enough of a soothsayer, enough of a scryer,* that he knows what Bush's legacy will be even before Bush leaves office... if, according to Dobbs, the country is still even here when Bush steps down. Talk about wild-eyed, hyperbole. With people like Dobbs and Olberman, it is no wonder that no one believes what the MSM says. Their "act" is so outrageous, there is no way to take them seriously.
- Tuesday, October 23, 2007

ABC Tries To Credit Democrats for Rush’s $2 Million Ebay Letter!

imageIf this doesn't take the cake, I don't know what does? On an ABC News Blog called the Political Radar, ABC reports on Rush Limbaugh's $2 million condemnation letter and throughout the piece continually links "Democrats" to the charity donation that Limbaugh and the ebay bidder for the letter are giving the money to. After reading this ABC blog report, one gets the sneaking suspicion that ABC thinks that Harry Reid and the Democrats are the ones that should be hailed as the good guys responsible for raising this monumental sum for charity. It is clear that ABC did their level best to play down Limbaugh's part in the story and play up the supposed positive contribution of Democrats.
- Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chicago Sneaks Free Newspaper Killing Law into Effect

Today, thanks to a law ushered in the back door right under everyone's noses, it is illegal to distribute free newspapers. Were the Founders alive today, Richard Daley, King of Chicago, would prevent them from distributing their political papers to the public. No speech in King Daley's city... not without HIS say-so, anyway.
- Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wisc. Paper: U.S. Army ads in High School ‘Extremely Inappropriate’

In another swipe at the US Military, the Daily Isthmus, a paper from Madison, Wisconsin, published a short piece called, "Army Aims at Schoolkids," in which the paper quotes an anti-military activist as saying that the ad banners for the U.S. Army posted in Madison's High Schools is "extremely inappropriate."
- Friday, October 19, 2007

Vote to Kill ‘Fairness Doctrine’ Forever Could Come up Today

In an effort to kill it forever, Representative Mike Pence (R-Ind.) is attempting to force a vote on the floor of the House today over the future of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine." Pence already secured passage of the "Free Flow of Information Act" to protect the press and is now launching an effort to nix the ability of the executive branch from re-instituting the woefully unfair "Fairness Doctrine," a relic from the 1980s that deserves to remain dead and buried.
- Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Keyes to Reno

Ambassador Alan Keyes addressed several hundred attendees of the Conservative Leadership Conference being held in Reno, Nevada on Friday night, October 12th. Ostensibly, he was there to explain why he was running for president of the United States but it soon became obvious that he was there far more for a cause separate from a simple run for the White House. Ambassador Keyes was there no less to rejuvenate the Republic and if mere passion could turn back the tide of anti-Constitutionalism, Alan Keyes would be the dynamo powering that effort.
- Thursday, October 18, 2007

Conservatives Congregate in Reno—CLC Report

What is it you see in your mind when you think of liberal activists? Is it large groups gathered together to complain or protest? Perhaps. On the other hand, what is it that comes to mind when you hear about conservative activists? Is it a large group of folks coming together to advocate for change? Or do you more often think of a lone guy trying to stand in the way of change? I'd wager it is the latter.
- Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Republicans and Independents Think Media Skews Left

imageGallup News Service has just released a new poll that supports what we hear every day; the Media is perceived as left leaning. Yet, for a report on how the media leans left, titling their piece "Republicans Remain Deeply Distrustful of News Media" and subtitling it "Democrats much more positive," even Gallup's article seems to skew left. After all, when the poll results are reviewed it shows that both Republicans and independents are "distrustful of the media," not just Republicans. And that fact would tend to show that more people think that the media is leftist than don't.
- Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bill Gives Gov’t Employees Free Education

That headline reads right, sad to say. A new bill that has already passed both houses of Congress and is headed for Bush's desk forgives the student loans of Federal employees of 10 years service. H.R.2669 gives already undeserving public employees yet another wonderful benefit that is denied to the average, working American.
- Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bill Clinton and Al Gore’s ‘Phony Soldiers’

Talker Rush Limbaugh is under fire for being falsely accused of saying that any U.S. soldier who comes out against the war is a "phony soldier." He did not, of course, say such a thing. Rush was actually talking about a man named Jesse Macbeth, who was touted by anti-war activists as a soldier who came out against the war, but it turned out later that Macbeth never served in the military at all.
- Monday, October 8, 2007

Weather Stations Giving Bad Global Warming Data, A Problem Ignored

imageA few months ago, the blogosphere and talk radio were abuzz with the story of how the nation's various weather stations and temperature reading devices have been improperly located or badly constructed and how the data received from these improper devices must be suspected as inaccurate. Since global warming research often uses this suspect data that is gleaned from these failed stations, it must therefore call into question the accuracy of the entire theory as its conclusions are derived from likely false data. Still, even as the blogosphere and talk radio blasted the news, the MSM ignores this explosive story.
- Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Hill: GOP Protecting Talk Radio ‘Profits”

Rush Limbaugh has done it again. He's driven the left mad. The lies about Limbaugh that Democrat Party House members are promulgating have rekindled talk of the dreaded Fairness Doctrine.
- Thursday, October 4, 2007
