
Dr. Laurie Roth

Dr. Laurie Roth Just Who is this Annie Oakley of the airwaves?

Laurie Roth has a Ph.D. in counseling and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, is happily married and currently resides in Washington State. She is a singer/songwriter with five CD albums to her credit.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Laurie Roth:

I’m a shape shifter and rolling with it

Our society has all but gone completely nuts. I knew we were seeing endless gender bending with Bruce Jenner turning himself into a female. Now we have another story all over the news in Spokane, the country and world. I was shocked to hear that Rachel Dolezal, a peaches-and-cream white woman with green eyes had declared she was black. She built a sea of organized and planned-out lies around her ‘black’ kingdom.
- Thursday, June 18, 2015

Emotionally Barren Barack: Crimes on Full Display

Better late than never as they say. The patient is practically dead and on life support when the Doctor, running in from his golf game smells death. “Quick, bring the paddles and give me more light.” Has the mainstream media finally taken notice of the endless crime spree in the White House? Thank you pathological big egos. It finally took the demands of the ego-monster to get their attention. One too many times being ignored and being denied information I reckon.
- Friday, June 5, 2015

Get out of the ‘Obamastein laboratory’ and survive

If we are to survive the Obama battering ram in ‘Obamasteins’ laboratory we must boldly hold onto the hand of God and remember who we are. Obamastein has numerous laboratories designed to tear the heart and soul right out of America. Body parts are everywhere.
- Thursday, May 7, 2015

Will the Supreme Court rape the nation…again?

We wait on the sidelines aware of the moral and legal tsunami ready to hit America up side the head with the ‘mandated gay marriage’ ruling the Supreme Court is wrestling through now.
- Thursday, April 30, 2015

Christians will soon be the Pariah to Eradicate

The move of the US and the world is heavily toward 'internationalism' and submission to UN-new age and Muslim standards. We have watched Obama lecture the world, and Americans, justifying his illegal and UN Constitutional activities over and over. Remember how Obama marched around Congress, breaching the 1973 War Powers act and throwing us into an illegal and stupid war in Libya? He made sure Gaddafi was conveniently assassinated while arms shipments to Muslim terrorist rebels in Syria were covered up. We were told to bow down to the UN and international demands first not our laws, Congress or reasoning.
- Thursday, April 23, 2015

Rights for all…All except Christians

America has reason to celebrate our amazing Bill of Rights and Constitution set in place to protect us…speech, actions, freedom of Religion – our freedoms are protected from A-Z. Or are they protected for just some?
- Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Obama bypasses God and Netanyahu

Anyone or anything connected with the God of the Holy Bible will be attacked and bypassed by Obama and his progressive robots.
- Thursday, March 19, 2015

Stand with Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu not Obama

It is beyond shameful that our President has sent a group of folks over to Israel to back the leftist running against Prime Minister Netanyahu, but he has. Obama is gleefully raping America’s health care system, signing UN treaties to manipulate national registration of firearms, and targeting conservatives using his lawless bullies, the NSA, EPA and IRS.
- Friday, January 30, 2015

Decide to live, America – Rise up and be brave

Surviving isn’t just a simple formula of identifying the good guys here and bad guys over there. The enemy is inside our towns and homes hiding in plain site. The deception ruse is almost perfect as you and I rush to our parties convinced that the enemy is far away and stuck in Washington D.C. somewhere.
- Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let’s crush a few flies for Christmas

Who is the enemy and what do they do Meet the team leaders – Obama and his - handlers, fundamentalist Islam riding in the progressive/communist car. All are in league together with the intent to seduce, intimidate, bribe, control and maneuver for their agenda of universal control. This combined belief system believes in rewarding the controlled - worshipping slaves and destroying the rest. This is simply culling the herd or pruning the tree…most practical for any tyranny to thrive.
- Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Forced Alzheimer’s tests at Medicare paid ‘wellness visits’

Constitutional attorney and head of the United States Justice Foundation, Michael Connelly told me the unbelievable this week. His fiancée, without any symptoms or presented concerns, was forced to take an Alzheimer’s test at an annual ‘wellness’ visit she had gone to. She was also asked whether she owned guns. Last I checked none of us could be forced to take an Alzheimer’s test, especially if we have no symptoms, but not now.
- Friday, December 19, 2014

Our new Congress must impeach Obama – Attacks will happen anyway

Our new Congress must impeach Obama –  Attacks will happen anyway
He loves me he loves me not. What do I do now? Obama did exactly what he said he would do and slammed Amnesty in our faces, completely aware that it was illegal, UN Constitutional and standing against the bold mandate of the American people. It was also a middle finger to the African American community. He found this last election that he didn’t quite own them and their voice after all…so why not throw them under the bus? Fomenting the endless race wars with Holder didn’t quite work fast enough so onto his next plan – Amnesty and the South of the border invasion.
- Saturday, November 22, 2014

Democrats won’t quit – Zombie party rises up

Don’t you love the arrogance…the denial…the pathetic threats and whine fest following the most history-making election in U.S. history? Pelosi and Reid are marching in lockstep declaring they won’t quit. Obama acts like it is ‘no big’ deal and threatens amnesty by Christmas with more executive orders.
- Friday, November 7, 2014

Assault weapons to intimidate, punish and silence Americans

Obama and his progressive-transformationalists have always targeted the desires of groups and turned those into mountain size needs that only Obama and progressive/Democrat politicians can fill. They cannot function in a country that is free and standing on the Constitution and Holy Bible for direction. Obama and the progressive/Democrats must have a nation of dependent and obedient ‘Stepford wives.’
- Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Obama has awakened the sleeping giant – American women

Obama has awakened the sleeping giant – American women
It is out all over the place now. Polls are showing that women don’t feel safe with Obama, and now prefer Republicans. This has to be a huge slap upside the head to Obama, that he doesn’t own the female bloc any more. Actually, he never did own most of us nor impress us with his tongue. Moms, workers, Grandmas, business owners and generic ‘girlfriends’ knew the difference between fiction and non-fiction, lies and truth.
- Thursday, October 23, 2014

America – Disappearing Act

Let us not leave anyone out. Indeed, as bold - compassionate, open minded Americans we should have no moral or marriage lines in the sand. That just speaks to judgment and hate. The only thing we should do in the sand is play in it and feel good.
- Thursday, October 9, 2014

Is Obama winning his game?

Is Obama winning his game?
One of Obama’s favorite games is ‘shift the word and meaning' game. It reflects his deepest beliefs that lies, chaos and distraction are transformation strategies that an emerging ‘star dictator’ needs. The game goes like this: Always lie to the masses, insert cheat cards throughout the deck without the players knowing and redefine what is really going on right in front of your ‘stupid’ opponent’s eyes.
- Friday, September 19, 2014

Rise up from the dead and be a real hero

The thing about heroes is that they are just ordinary people like you and moi who have struggled, whined and failed but persevere and keep the goal before them. Often, their extreme focus and determination to the goal brings scoffers and mockers. "Grow some common sense. Your dream doesn't add up." "You are too old and too poor to do that." "It is who you know, and you know nobody of any significance."
- Friday, August 8, 2014
