
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City writer and columnist. He is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and his articles appears at its Front Page Magazine site.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel Greenfield:

The Power of Eco-Nightmares

A massive wave sweeps across a major city turning skyscrapers into splintered rubble, flooding streets and highways, and sending cars flying through the air. The Statue of Liberty freezes, Los Angeles burns, and everyone is forced to inexplicably commit suicide. The message of course is clear. Our inability to recycle paper bags, swap out cars for public transportation and stop using air conditioners has doomed the planet to utter destruction. Welcome to the power of eco-nightmares.
- Sunday, June 7, 2009

An Evil Too Big to Stop

The stream of bailouts reintroduced us to the phrase, "Too big to fail", an excuse meaning that America must deny the essential logic of the free market in favor of spending taxpayer money to bail out companies, whose failure is "unacceptable".
- Thursday, June 4, 2009

Israel to Obama: “No You Can’t!”

North Korea is launching missiles, Iran is building nukes, Saudi Arabia is sponsoring hate that translates into worldwide terrorism, Sudan is still massacring and raping, China is busy ethnic cleansing Tibet into a Chinese province... but the Obama Administration is furious, yes "furious" at only one country, Israel. What did Israel do? Well it's building a hotel in Jerusalem.
- Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sotomayor, Obama and the Legitimization of Racism

I would hope that a wise White man with the richness of his experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn't lived that life.
- Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Preview Copy of Obama’s Cairo Apology to Muslims

- Satire- Dear Dar Al Islam, I am privileged to be speaking to you today from Cairo's Al Azhar University, the world renowned center of Islamic scholarship. Once upon a time, Islamic science was the envy of the world over. Islamic scholars brought knowledge and faith to Europe and Asia. Informed by their centuries old faith, the greatest minds of Islam helped transform the world with their wisdom, their belief and their intellectual curiosity.
- Monday, June 1, 2009

What’s Wrong with a little Wealth Redistribution anyway?

Word that the Obama Administration may have used its power over Chrysler's restructuring process to shut down dealerships whose owners donated to Republican candidates, while leaving open dealerships that donated to Obama is spreading across conservative blogs. But while this kind of abuse of government power is shocking, it really shouldn't be. Government is an engine of wealth redistribution, and when it gains control of businesses, it redistributes wealth in a way that benefits its supporters. That is what government always does, no matter how it disguises it.
- Friday, May 29, 2009

The Prostitution of Peace

If you believe the current regime of diplomats and pundits, peace is something that can be obtained for the right price. Where peace once meant the mutual cessation of war, peace has now become something that can now be bought and sold. Put the right amount on the table and peace can be yours, the pimps of peace cry on every corner. Behind them stand their gruesome wares, the terrorists and mass murderers who will have peace with you, perhaps for a night or two, if the right price is paid. The tricks may think that peace is a long term marriage, but they know it is only a one night stand. Hudna. Ceasefire. Time enough for them to rearm and kill again.
- Thursday, May 28, 2009

Judge Sotomayor and Five Million Criminal Votes for Obama

There are 5.3 million votes for Obama out there, the only problem is that they happen to belong to murderers, rapists, armed robbers and other convicts and ex-convicts. That golden box of 5+ million votes is being unlocked by Democrats in one of two ways. The first relies on changing state laws that prevent felon voting at the state level.
- Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Congregation of Jihad

imageLast year the Riverdale Jewish Center made headlines by accommodating a female Muslim exchange student's need for a prayer space during school hours. As Rabbi Rosenblatt described it, “We’re just helping to welcome somebody’s child from overseas,” an announcement that was greeted by loud applause in his congregation.
- Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If It Wasn’t for Israel…

When early in the 20th century Germany faced a variety of complex economic, military and political problems, the Nazi propaganda organ, "Der Sturmer" boiled them down to a simple message, "Die Juden sind unser Ungluck". In a flash, Germany's defeat in WW1, the worldwide economic depression and its political turmoil could all be blamed on the Jews. And of course if the Jews were gone, everything would be alright in Germany again.
- Monday, May 25, 2009

How Hard Do We Want to Fight Terrorism?

This past week was dominated by Obama's attempt to take it easy on Islamic terrorists, clashing with the desire of Congressional Democrats to avoid being implicated as soft on terrorism. Obama has to know that he can't win over most Americans with a debate over Gitmo. Going soft on terrorism appeals to only a limited demographic, even within the Democratic party.
- Sunday, May 24, 2009

Going Soft on Terror

This week has been dominated by Obama's attempt to take it easy on Islamic terrorists, clashing with the desire of Congressional Democrats to avoid being implicated as soft on terrorism. The Gitmo defeat was all the more shocking, because as far as the press was concerned Obama was never supposed to lose. Nor was anyone supposed to point out that he had no real plan and that his proposals were completely unfocused and lacking in elementary details.
- Sunday, May 24, 2009

Turning America into a Failed State

imageThe patterns of a failed state are all too familiar from the Soviet Union, and every "Democratic People's Republic" from Cuba to North Korea . The government controls everything and the people control nothing. The largest employer is the government and its vast bureaucracy, while free enterprise is criminalized. The government constantly announces new initiatives, plans and policies, which do nothing but breed more poverty and misery. An ever watchful government is constantly obsessed with domestic unrest, certain that if they can suppress opposition views, no one will notice how badly everyone but the government officials and the criminals live.
- Friday, May 22, 2009

The Iranian Nuclear Threat

Israel knows it needs to coordinate its strategy on Iran with other nations and that attacking Teheran's nuclear facilities would mean "big trouble," CIA director Leon Panetta said on Wednesday. "Yes," he said, "the Israelis are obviously concerned about Iran and focused on it. But [Netanyahu] understands that if Israel goes it alone, it will mean big trouble. He knows that for the sake of Israeli security, they have to work together with others." Jerusalem Post
- Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Road to 2010

The press and the Democratic Party may be busy singing the funeral march for the GOP, but it's their own fate that should be concerning them instead.
- Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Who Needs a Palestinian State?

imageEveryone, and by "everyone" I mean the denizens of Washington D.C.'s and Brussel's government buildings, agrees that we need a Palestinian state. Chiming in with their "Yes" votes are the dictator of a dozen Arab states who agree that the only thing that will fix the region is adding another Arab dictatorship to the place, and subtracting the region's one democracy.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Muslim Demographic Doomsday

imageWith the rapid growth of Muslim populations in Europe, Muslim demographics represents a topic that is on everyone's mind. From the rising radicalism of UK Muslims to the car burnings that shook Paris to the riots in Brussels and the growing acceptance that some form of Sharia law will be integrated into the legal systems of individual European nations-- not just the size, but the projected size of Muslim populations is behind attitudes toward Muslims.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Whatever You Do, Don’t Fight Back

Out of Dallas comes a story about a 60 year old woman who wrestled away a gun from a 19 year old teenager trying to steal her car and shot him. The story's closing paragraph contains the cautionary note that has become obligatory for postmodern America.
- Sunday, May 17, 2009
