
Yomin Postelnik

Yomin Postelnik is a noted conservative writer and political strategist for many conservative federal and state campaigns as well as the author of a Financial Literacy program for at-risk teens.

Most Recent Articles by Yomin Postelnik:

Why I’m Running for State Representative

The issues before us are vast. On the state level, we can and must work to curb the excesses of government. We must also win back the battle of ideas, and this can be accomplished by fighting for hearts and minds on a local level.
- Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everyday Americans Like Dennis Lamb Make Great Candidates for the GOP

The importance of Republicans pursuing a 435 strategy, meaning that we field a candidate in all 435 congressional districts, cannot be overstated. In the aftermath of the 2002 election, Democrats came to realize this. As a result, in 2008 they even put Wyoming into play.
- Friday, June 26, 2009

Why I Support Bernard Sansaricq for Congress

Key to victory is that Republicans develop a 435 strategy, fielding candidates in every seat. The need to take the fight to Democrats should be obvious to anyone who’s ever watched as much as a little league game in which one team has a great offense while the other plays a fine defensive strategy. Team offense wins 10-1.
- Sunday, May 24, 2009

Crushed Lemur Monkey is an Insult to the Evolution Hoax

In the latest act of media hyped pseudo-science, aka liberal/conventional science, the discovery of the crushed and flattened fossil of a lemur monkey, that while alive had a shattered left wrist, is being touted as the needed “proof” of Darwinian theory.
- Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why Marco Rubio is the Next Ronald Reagan

Listening to Marco Rubio, one can almost hear what the Gipper would say: “One day a young, well versed, bright son of immigrants, who is every bit as passionate about the words and ideals of our Founding Fathers as Americans were in their time (probably interjecting with one of his typical self-effacing quips: “I know, I was there”) will be president. Let’s just make sure he’s a Republican.” In Marco Rubio, the Gipper would be proud.
- Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ray Samson Deserves Our Support

When a politician in urban areas gets elected, he or she is sought after by numerous corporations and organizations. This is especially true when said politician is appointed to a leadership position. All want to appoint this new leader to one of their boards and such positions are almost always ones that pay well.
- Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Urge the White House To Not Lift the Travel Ban to Cuba

Cuban RefugeesThe Castro regime is one of the most brutal, ruthless and amoral regimes of our time. While little mention of it is offered by the world media, due to their soft spot for murderers and thugs everywhere, the cruelty it embodies is no less true. After all, the only time the media sees fit to heap scorn on anyone is when conservatives enact policies that defend innocents against terror or brutality.
- Sunday, April 5, 2009

Obama’s (and Apparently Newsweek’s) War on Seniors is in Full Swing,

The reaction of some liberals and all of the media to Obama’s plan to ration health care for the elderly shows once and for all what conservatives have suspected for a quite some time: that given the choice of abandoning their liberal dogma or saving their lives, far too many Democrat supporters would risk their health and that of their countrymen than so much as reassess the nonsensical, foolish and downright harmful rhetoric that is the Democrat Party’s far-left creed.
- Monday, March 16, 2009

Wistful and Self-Absorbed, Obama Needs to be Interrupted by Pelosi

It’s a sad day when the most regal person on stage at the State of the Union is Nancy Pelosi, but that’s exactly what happened last night. And despite the media accolades, the fact that Barack Hussein Obama’s first entrance into the US House of Representatives had all the pomp and circumstance of Hugo Chavez at the racetrack was as clear as day.
- Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just How Low Have Democrats Sunk – Is Killing Seniors Now Not Beyond Limits?

This is despicable. And as a writer who prefers calm and reflective analysis, when such a course is possible, I’m shocked at having to write the above headline. But far more important than mannerism is the profound obligation of every citizen and active US resident to scream out against the despicable “healthcare” provisions in the “Stimulus” Bill.
- Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Republicans Fight Back: A Bold Party Once Again With Michael Steele and Sharon Day

When all seemed lost conservatives found their voice. Since the election, turnout at GOP clubs throughout the nation has increased dramatically. Those who attend are more enthused than ever. Just as the Carter years acted as a catalyst to the Reagan Revolution, the scent of change is in the air and it’s not the kind of change you’ve been hearing about from the left. Republicans are back, better than ever.
- Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Legacy of President George W. Bush

It is a great disservice to any person to sum up the totality of one’s career in a few short words, using mere sound bites as a pretext to label it either a tremendous success or an abject failure. This is especially true of our presidents. Writing about the legacy of any president must, almost by definition, be an exercise in contrasts. One can find errors in the decisions of President Washington. By the same token, good intentions have frequently propelled the actions of our worst presidents, and even the worst of this group can be credited with accomplishments that have benefited society for years, if not decades, to come.
- Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hands Down, the GOP Needs Sharon Day

To help it rebuild, the GOP needs a rare mix of leadership qualities. It needs a visionary who will harness technology to the party’s advantage. It needs a grounded realist who realizes that technology is not an end unto itself and that, while the party is in desperate need of a complete technological overhaul, traditional methods of communication must also be strengthened with equal vigor. The party needs a fighter. At the same time, it needs a conciliatory negotiator who will act as a voice of reason to bring its various factions together to work as one.
- Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Message to the GOP: Fight Kos With Kos and Kendrick Meek With Marion Thorpe

Marion Thorpe is not only a great conservative candidate with a record of recruiting youth and minorities to the GOP. He’s also the only candidate who can dampen the enthusiasm that Democrats plan to build around Kendrick Meek for the US Senate. If Republicans want to keep the seat we need to begin fighting on the terms that Democrat activists have set in motion. That begins by understanding what their tactics are and reacting to them.
- Sunday, January 18, 2009

Linda McQuaig’s Latest Piece Is Provably False

Like many who are familiar with Linda McQuaig, I’ve found the great liberties that she takes with the truth to be startling. McQuaig writes exclusively about leftist causes. That itself would be fine. But in her defense of logically indefensible positions, she has at times reinvented the rules of math and just about whatever else she can grasp at. Her end goal is for insane propositions to be taken as fact by readers who don’t care to follow her convoluted reasoning and simply accept her conclusions.
- Thursday, January 1, 2009

Obama’s Economic Team Does Not Bode Well for the Interests of America

On Nov.5, the day after the election of Barack Obama, in an article titled “Obama win met with urgent call for global action,” Reuters reported, “Political leaders urged U.S. President-elect Barack Obama on Wednesday to help forge a new economic order to lead the world out of its worst financial crisis since the 1930s.”
- Tuesday, December 30, 2008
