
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Oxford University Press Bows to Radical Muslims, Bans Mention of Pork and Pigs in Books

In yet another example of the west fecklessly abandoning its own principles to placate murderous Muslim extremists, England’s Oxford University Press, one of the largest publishers of educational material in the world, has decided to force writers to stop mentioning pigs and pork in their work to “avoid offending Muslims.”
- Thursday, January 15, 2015

Obama Helping to Ban Historical Reenactments of 1889 Land Rush in Oklahoma Because it’s ‘Racist’

Once again the far, far leftists that infest our schools are making to destroy the teaching of American history. This time it is in Oklahoma, home to the 1889 “Land Rush” that helped settle the great western region of the country. The un-American leftists that run Oklahoma’s schools now want to excise the teaching of the Land Rush history in schools because it’s “racist.” And the Obama administration is also behind it.
- Monday, January 12, 2015

So, Let Me Get This Straight, Liberals: All Men are Rapists, But NOT All Muslims are Responsible for Terrorism?

Liberals love to speak in absolutes, except when they don't. Take the so-called "rape culture" discussion that the left has indulged over the last five months or so. In that discussion, all men are assumed rapists whether they've committed such a crime -- or even dreamed of it -- or not. Yet now, after two Muslim terrorists have killed a dozen newspaper staffers in France, these same liberals are warning against anyone saying that "all Muslims" are terrorists.
- Sunday, January 11, 2015

Democrats in Denial, Claim Charlie Hebdo Murderers ‘Aren’t Muslims’

Once again the world is given an example of terrorism committed in the name of Islam and once again foolish westerners race to absolve Islam for the murderous assault. For instance, before the smoke had cleared in the assault on the French magazine publisher, the Democrat’s spokesman, Howard Dean, insisted that the murderers aren’t really Muslims.
- Thursday, January 8, 2015

Differences Between Civil Rights Movement of 1963 and Today’s Illicit Nonsense is Stark

Comparing the wholly American and sensible demands issued by the real civil rights movement during the event that saw Martin Luther King deliver his “Dream” speech in August of 1963 to the mishmash of self aggrandizing nonsense belched forth by today’s “BlackLivesMatter “movement” reveals a startling difference and exposes today’s protesters to be disjointed, illogical, filled and with race-hate not to mention insensate and childish.
- Monday, January 5, 2015

Yet Another Bad Surprise for Obamacare Users: Their Year-End Taxes Will Soar

So, you thought the Lord God Obama had given you some “free” healthcare, did you? You’ve happily applied for and used his subsidies all last year because that clunky, constantly crashing Obamacare website said you could, eh? Well, guess what? Come April 15 you’ll probably owe a whopping new tax bill to the IRS because, as it turns out, you didn’t really deserve the subsidy you got. Sucks, doesn’t it?
- Sunday, January 4, 2015

Case Dismissed Against Father Arrested for Questioning Daughter’s School Assignment

Back in May a father upset that his 14-year-old daughter was given a sexually explicit reading assignment at school was arrested for daring to confront the school board over the book. Now, the father’s case has been dismissed by a judge who was shocked at the arrest and said it was a “chilling” example of the unconstitutional quashing of the father’s right of free speech.
- Friday, January 2, 2015

Government Workers Should NEVER Be Allowed a Union

What are the best jobs on average in California? Apparently being a government worker. Infuriatingly, government workers live far better, have higher salaries, retire earlier and have better benefits than most in the private sector even though, like leeches, these same government workers live off the taxpayer.
- Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Real World of Journalism is Worse Than ‘Scandal’

Water cooler talk about the ABC show “Scandal” might make one wonder what he’s been missing by not tuning in. But after a viewing or two, some may feel the series is missing a certain lifelike quality.
- Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Left-Wing U.Va Student Not Sorry for Unjustified Vandalism

It isn't as if we needed another example to prove that liberalism makes bad people, but this week we got a story in the Washington Times of the University of Virginia student who isn't sorry he destroyed thousands of dollars in private property even though he discovered that he was trying to “punish” a fraternity for a rape that never happened.
- Thursday, December 25, 2014

Extremist Lib Says Cops are Dangerous Because We Revere Soldiers

In an example of conflation that beats the band, a tech blogger on the tech site Scripting News thought he had a brilliant reason why cops are killing more people than ever in this country. It’s because we revere our soldiers, he quixotically said.
- Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Now Destroying Unions is the Same as Reforming Government

Years ago folks that stood against unions always had that one obstacle of “private” concerns in the way of urging people away from unionism. But today, with most unions being tied directly to government, now fighting unions is an act of beneficial government reform.
- Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Obama Pulls Obamacare 'Success' Rug Out From Under Democrat Sales Pitch

As the Democrat National Committee was gearing up to send an email to supporters that touted the great success of the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare), the White House was announcing that it was instituting yet another delay in implementing the flailing law.
- Tuesday, February 11, 2014
