
The Necklace

Gujarat, India. Gold and woman are almost synonymous to each other. It is very rare to find a woman who does not get attracted towards gold and jewelry. It is the same with me also, but most of us are not aware that the net gold investment turns out to be a loss instead of gain. How? Well, you will be able to find more about it when you read my experience and co-relate it with that of yours.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Clinton, Carter, Condoleezza and Candour

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack revealed this week that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has been talking to ex-Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton about their experiences in trying to negotiate peace between Israel and its Arab enemies.
- Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fire All Government Workers

We conservatives are fond of wanting to oust everyone in office and for wanting to "vote the scoundrels out." But, I'd like to add one more level to the throw-them-out-of-government genera. Let's fire every government worker from the smallest village receptionist or sewer worker to the staffers of the highest Senator and every menial clerk and recalcitrant paper shuffler in between.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Where Are “Bloody Hands” When It Comes to Slaughtering the Unborn

Code Pink activist Desiree Farooz made a huge splash in the media with her stunt at a House Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on October 24. It was at that gathering that this former teacher from Texas shoved her bloody hands into the face of Secretary Condolezza Rice while screaming, "The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!"
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Challenges Remain for Airport Security

Within the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration's mission is to protect the nation's transportation network.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The new morality

All cultures require a set of moral principles in order to maintain a sense of self-worth. Our own culture is currently in the process of redefining our understanding of morality to better conform to the dominant social and political ethos. All that was once a moral imperative is now passe and a new sense of morality is appearing on the social and cultural landscape.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Open letter to Most Reverend George H. Niederauer

Most Reverend George H. Niederauer October 29, 2007 Archbishop of San Francisco One Peter Yorke Way San Francisco, CA 94109-6602 Your Excellency: During your first visit to Most Holy Redeemer parish on Sunday October 7th, 2007, you gave Our Lord in Holy Communion to members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI) a homosexual activist group widely known for its attacks upon and mockery of the Catholic Faith. Your subsequent October 11th apology notes that you did not recognize these "strangely dressed persons" as members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and that these individuals should not have received Holy Communion, nor should the minister of the Church administer the Sacrament to them.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A “Fright Night” from China that can be taken literally

The Peoples' Republic of China, which started frightening consumers last March with poisoned pet food, is still at it this Halloween. This time it's a product, aptly called "Fright Night". Touted as a "temporary hair color", you could have fooled a Kent woman whose painful right hand will outlast the traditional night of trick or treat.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Bush’s Toilet Bowl Treaty

When State Department Legal Adviser John B. Bellinger III gave a controversial June 6 speech on the subject of "The United States and International Law," he mentioned that the Bush Administration had "put forward a priority list of over 35 treaty packages that we have urged the Senate to approve soon, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea."
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sinisterism - Secular Religion Of The Lie

Bruce Walker was kind enough to send me a copy of his book (V 3.0) and I have actually been reading it! Note it is not a stale project, the current issue is version 3.
- Tuesday, October 30, 2007

News Media Revolt: Is Canada Next

Journalism faces a crisis around the world and unless it's fixed, society is in big trouble, American scholar and media activist Robert McChesney says. "The market's not going to solve the problem.... The technology's not going to rescue us."
- Monday, October 29, 2007

Terrorist Watch List Screening

The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) maintains a consolidated watch list of known or appropriately suspected terrorists and sends records from the list to agencies to support terrorism-related screening.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

SINK the Law of the Sea Treaty

The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee is scheduled to vote on the Law of the Sea Treaty this Wednesday, October 31. The Committee's meeting will start at 10:30 AM and the treaty is the first item on the agenda. PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!
- Monday, October 29, 2007

How Scientists & Activists Believe Global Warming has ‘Co-opted’ The Environmental Movement

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, delivered a more than two-hour floor speech on October 26, debunking fears of man-made global warming. Below is an excerpt of his remarks detailing the scientists who believe the environmental movement has been duped into promoting man-made global warming fears.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

“The Rich are Getting Richer—The Poor are Getting Poorer”

The truckload of distorted information that is spread around every time Statistics Canada (Statscan) publishes income statistics about the incomes earned by Canadians must be challenged. The use and abuse of the figures verges on the hyped up rhetoric of insanity. "The Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor are getting Poorer" the pundits proclaim and often the cries emanate from professionals, politicians and news editors who should know better.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

The Internet and the Future

An ABC News article headlined a story on the internet with "Is it Time to Scrap the Internet and Start Over?" And it is a question that a lot of people are asking these days. So much of what the internet is has evolved long after the original conception. So much so, it's become outdated.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

TXT of the Living Dead

In a day and age where technology has provided us with giant leaps forward, it is no surprise that the most popular aspects of said technology are the humorous ones. Take, for example the internet. Putting aside porn for a moment, one of the most popular meme's - a theoretical unit of cultural information--is the act of putting bad spelling with photos.
- Monday, October 29, 2007

Support the Troops. End the War…

Over the weekend, anti-war protesters filled the streets of San Francisco chanting their new anti-war mantra, Support the Troops--End the War! These are the same folks who have been calling our troops baby killers, accusing them of raping, torturing and murdering innocent women and children around the world since Woodstock, free sex, homegrown marijuana and Jimmy Hendrix... You think they really support our troops?
- Monday, October 29, 2007
