
Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis McAlpin Schlafly (née Stewart; August 15, 1924 – September 5, 2016) was an American constitutional lawyer and conservative activist. She was known for her staunchly conservative social and political views, her opposition to feminism and abortion, and her successful campaign against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Her 1964 book, A Choice Not an Echo, a polemic push-back against Republican leader Nelson Rockefeller, sold more than three million copies. She co-authored books on national defense and was highly critical of arms control agreements with the former Soviet Union.[2] Schlafly founded the conservative interest group Eagle Forum in 1972 and remained its chairman and CEO until her death.

Most Recent Articles by Phyllis Schlafly:

Judges Get Their Comeuppance

The most important decision the voters made on November 2 may turn out to be Iowa sending out to pasture three state supreme court judges who had voted to make same-sex marriage constitutional, overriding the wishes of the people in Iowa and their elected representatives. The reverberations are cascading nationwide, and we hope this landmark election signals the beginning of the end of rule by arrogant supremacist judges.
- Friday, November 12, 2010

Government Trampling on Constitutional Rights of Parents

When the liberals and the feminists, including Hillary Clinton, began saying the "village" should raise the child, most people recognized village as a metaphor for government. We're now seeing how intrusive Big Government Nannyism really is.
- Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama Pleads for Women’s Vote

Barack Obama's pandering to the feminists makes him look like the suitor who is unwilling to face up to his beloved's announcing she will marry another man. In desperation, he showers her with expensive gifts, hoping to win back her favor.
- Saturday, October 30, 2010

Obama’s Gaffe About Shovel-Ready Jobs

All sides admit that jobs are the number-one issue in 2010, but only weeks before the crucial make-or-break congressional election on November 2, Obama casually admitted that his claim last year that his Stimulus spending bill would create 3.5 million "shovel-ready jobs" was not true.
- Friday, October 22, 2010

Marriage Is the Key to Spending Cuts

The attack on the institution of marriage is not only the biggest cultural but also the biggest fiscal issue of our times, and political and judicial attacks by gays are only part of the problem. Marriage is being assaulted by unilateral divorce, feminist hostility toward marriage, the bias of family courts against fathers, and the taxpayer-paid financial incentives that subsidize illegitimate births.
- Friday, October 15, 2010

Questions for Congressional Candidates

We look forward to the 2010 elections in the hope that we can decisively reject Barack Obama's plans to "fundamentally transform the United States." Here are some questions voters can ask all candidates to help decide whom to vote for.
- Friday, October 8, 2010

Republicans Pledge to Change Our Direction

Already tasting victory in November, Republicans in Congress issued "A Pledge to America" setting forth their goals. The principal thrust is to reassure Americans that Republicans will, indeed, offer "a clear and clearly different approach" to Barack Obama's policies.
- Monday, October 4, 2010

Bloomberg Wants to be a Kingmaker

New York City's billionaire Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, has decided he wants to be a political kingmaker using his own deep pockets plus his rich friends. He's unhappy about the remarkable success of the Tea Partiers in nominating conservative candidates, and he wants to remake the Republican Party under the label Moderate.
- Saturday, September 25, 2010

Common Core Standards For Public Schools: A Bad Idea

The No Child Left Behind Act, which allowed states to set their own public school standards for "proficiency," is opposed and considered a failure by all factions in the education world. Therefore, we obviously should force all kids in every state to be held to uniform national standards of proficiency. Right?
- Friday, September 17, 2010

State Attorneys General and Violent Video Games

Extremely violent and addictive video games are polluting the minds of an entire generation of children, and most parents are clueless. Young players earn game points based on how many murders they commit, with increasingly realistic bloodshed splattered around for teenagers and pre-teens to learn to enjoy.
- Friday, September 10, 2010

Time to START Standing Up for America

Among the dangers lurking in Congress's fall session and Lame Duck Session will be Obama's demand that the Senate rush to ratify the treaty called New START, which he signed with the Russians in Prague last April. This treaty is not only a bad idea; it's downright dangerous to U.S. national security.
- Friday, September 3, 2010

Obama Versus Majority Public Opinion

Americans are being treated to welcome entertainment during the dog days of summer as we watch the Democrats wring their hands over Barack Obama's tone deafness about political reality. Their despair about Obama is so painful that they are even calling on George W. Bush to come back and rescue Obama from his own mistakes.
- Friday, August 27, 2010

The Feminist Left Goes Global on Our Money

Just when we thought President Obama had reached the ultimate in seizing extravagant power by appointing a Health Care Czar (Donald Berwick) to exercise life-and-death surveillance over Medicare and Medicaid, Congress is now trying to give him a Czar with global powers. It would be a Czar over women's issues, worldwide.
- Friday, August 20, 2010

Un-American American History Courses

Arizona's new law that requires the police to ask people to show ID, which was just knocked out by a supremacist judge, may not be the most controversial Arizona law about illegal aliens. Governor Jan Brewer signed another law this year that bans schools from teaching classes designed to promote solidarity among students of a particular ethnic group.
- Friday, August 13, 2010

The NEA’s Latest Shenanigans

What does Diversity mean to you? Same-sex marriage? Building a giant mosque on the 9/11 spot in New York? Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court?
- Friday, August 6, 2010

More Unaccountable Obama Czars

Barack Obama has appointed another Czar from Chicago: the new Food Czar Sam Kass. Officially, he is labeled Senior Policy Adviser for Healthy Food Initiatives, but he's joining the list of more than 35 Czars given broad and unaccountable power over our lives, habits and spending.
- Friday, July 30, 2010

Obama Takes Illinois Mistakes Nationwide

"Unsustainable" is a scary word that recently entered political discourse, coming authoritatively from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf. Unsustainability is the operative moniker for Barack Obama's massive deficit spending, which Elmendorf said "cannot be solved through minor tinkering."
- Friday, July 23, 2010

Kagan Must Answer Question About DOMA

If Elena Kagan is confirmed for the Supreme Court, it will not matter that Martha Coakley failed to win her bid to fill out Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. Kagan's 30-plus years as one of nine votes on the Supreme Court is far more important than Scott Brown's three years as one of 100 votes in the Senate.
- Friday, July 16, 2010

America’s Great Religious Document

Tea Parties and other spontaneous groups of activists are bringing a new appreciation of the United States Constitution to grassroots America, so this Fourth of July would be a good occasion to make sure that they also appreciate our other essential founding document, the Declaration of Independence. I urge all to find a copy on the internet (non-computer-capable oldtimers can look for an old world almanac on their bookshelves) and celebrate the holiday by reading the great Declaration.
- Friday, July 9, 2010

Elena Kagan Should Be Rejected

Barack Obama revealed his goal for the Supreme Court when he complained on Chicago Radio Station WBEZ-FM in 2001 that the Earl Warren Court wasn't "radical" enough because "it didn't break free from the essential constraints placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution" in order to allow "redistribution of wealth." Now that Obama is President, he has the power to nominate Supreme Court justices who will "break free" from the Constitution and join him in "fundamentally transforming" America.
- Friday, July 2, 2010
