
Dr. Robert R. Owens

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ drrobertowens.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Robert R. Owens:

America's Most Pro-Life President 

America's Most Pro-Life PresidentFor those of us with even a passing knowledge of biology the idea that life begins at conception is not a religious or moral decision it is an empirical fact.  Within the impregnated egg is the spark of life.  In tandem with this is the knowledge that this fertilized egg contains the genetic code for a unique individual, a member of the human family.  For those who believe God is the source of all life we know the fundamental genesis of this reality even if we don't know the particulars of a specific case.  This last sentence could be called an article of faith.  The three preceding sentences are not a leap in the dark.  They are fact-based and undeniable. 
- Monday, November 2, 2020

Empires Rise and Empires Fall

Empires Rise and Empires FallAlmost everyone has heard the saying of Winston Churchill, “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” It’s true that one of the most important benefits of studying History is that it gives us the opportunity to learn from the mistakes of others. However, a careful study of History teaches us that this seldom happens. Which is why I’ve added an addendum to Churchill’s famous saying, “Those who do study History are doomed to watch everyone else repeat it.”
- Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How Do I Get To Heaven?

Many people believe they can find their own way to heaven.  They think they can figure it out on their own.  That's sort of like trying to lift yourself up by your own bootstraps.  I've often offered a one-hundred-dollar bill to anyone who can do that.  I still have that hundred-dollar bill.     Some people think they'll get to heaven by being a good enough person.  Some may even fool others into thinking they've accomplished it.  But in our heart-of-hearts we all know who we are and where we're lacking in this department.  
- Thursday, August 20, 2020

Why Socialist Revolutionaries Will Vote for Biden

Why Socialist Revolutionaries Will Vote for BidenJoe Biden is not a socialist revolutionary.  Throughout his seemingly never-ending career as a professional politician he's been a run-of-the-mill machine democrat.  As with all the others crowding the government trough, he's worked hard to live out the advice of Harry Hopkins, a New Deal Democratic administrator who personified the ideology of the New Deal in the 1930s and President FDR's closest personal adviser, "We shall tax and tax, and spend and spend, and elect and elect."  
- Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Defending American History

Defending American HistoryEvery revolution seeks to distort, tarnish, and destroy any sign of the positive accomplishments of the society they seek to replace.  During our own Revolution, our ancestors tore down statues of George III and melted them down to make bullets and cannons.  Therefore, it's no surprise that during the current Democrat-led revolt the military wings of the party, BLM and ANTIFA, seek to desecrate and destroy the monuments raised by generations of patriotic Americans celebrating our shared culture.  
- Monday, July 27, 2020

Renewing, Recovering, Restoring, Rebuilding

Donald TrumpMake America Great Again Again!  He did it once and he can do it again.  By taking the shackles off the American people and our economy President Donald Trump in three short years led us from the doldrums of Obama's New Normal to the greatest economic boom the world has ever seen.  Record growth, record unemployment, and corporations returning from overseas by every metric America was taking off like a rocket.  Then came the Social Security Flu and the plandemic.  Then came the outrage in Minneapolis and the 1619 revolution. 
- Monday, July 20, 2020

Our Future Belongs to Patriots Not Globalists

The future does not belong to globalists the future belongs to patriotsOn September 24, 2019 in the U.N. General Assembly: the seedbed of globalism, President Trump gave a major address charting a prosperous future for countries the world over, which is one built on the empowerment of citizens and respect for national sovereignty. Standing in the spotlight of attention from the Corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media and staring down the glares from the New World Order fanatics, our President zeroed in on the basic problems that have been seeping out of the UN and festering around the world for generations. He didn’t equivocate. He didn’t pull any punches, stating boldly, “Globalism exerted a religious pull over past leaders, causing them to ignore their own national interests.”
- Monday, July 13, 2020

The Lessons of History

Lincoln, GettysburgEmpires rise and empires fall. They usually don’t end with a bang. They end with a whimper. Revolts become revolutions when those sent by the authorities to put them down instead join the revolt. Is that what we’re beginning to see as police and National Guard troops kneel in submission before BLM and ANTIFA? Many who railed against those who kneeled for the playing of our national anthem now kneel before those who showed their contempt for America. Are the reins of power about to slip from the limp hands of the descendants of the Minutemen, the Grand Army of the Republic, and all the heroes who won the wars and enforced the peace? Are the cultural, financial, social, and political structures we’ve known all our lives about to be upended?
- Monday, July 6, 2020

President Trump Stands Up For Religious Liberty

President Trump Stands Up For Religious LibertyPresident Trump addressed a United Nations Event on Religious Freedom. In his speech he boldly spoke up for religious freedom and against religious persecution saying, "The United States is founded on the principle that our rights do not come from government; they come from God.  This immortal truth is proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in the First Amendment to our Constitution's Bill of Rights.  Our Founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society than the right to follow one's religious convictions. 
- Monday, June 29, 2020

So Is President Trump A Racist? Fuggedaboutit 

So Is President Trump A Racist? FuggedaboutitPresident Trump, who was presented with numerous awards from Black organizations as a supporter of equality for all before the Democrat establishment and the Democrats who identify as journalists decided to accuse him of racism, works tirelessly to empower America's forgotten communities.  According to President Trump on September 10, 2019, "We're lifting up forgotten communities, creating exciting new opportunities, and helping every American find their path to the American Dream." 
- Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Blue State Blockade

It took just three years for President Donald Trump to lead America from the perpetually stagnant New Normal of the Clinton/Bush/Obama Trifecta of Failure back to the Morning in America of the Reagan era.  This was nothing short of an economic miracle that began the day after America's blue-collar billionaire won the biggest upset in our political history when the stock market took off like a rocket.
- Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Pandemic Response Critics Trumped by Facts

Pandemic Response Critics Trumped by FactsIn the waning days of 2019 before the onset of the Social Security Flu, according to two separate studies the United States was ranked the nation best-prepared to deal with a pandemic.  Refuting the outlandish and false claims of the Democrats Fox News reported both the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) based on  Global Health Security Index found that out of all the countries on this planet, America led by the Trump administration, was more prepared to deal with an international pandemic than any other. 
- Monday, June 8, 2020

The Peace That Passes Understanding 

America teeters on the edge of the abyssAmerica teeters on the edge of the abyss.  Professional revolutionaries organized and funded by the Alt-left Progressives seek to provoke the Trump Administration into a response they can label as disproportionate or over-the-top.  As President Trump moves to quell the violence by any means necessary the Democrats who identify as journalists take every opportunity to label his response as disproportionate or over-the-top.  Some go so far as to say President Trump is assuming dictatorial power and that his attempt to restore the rule of law to the burning blue cities is as ruthless as Khrushchev stomping out the revolution in Hungary in 1956 or Brezhnev smothering the Prague Spring of 1968.  This is a stunning bit of hyperbole from the purveyors of fake news. 
- Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Somebody Has to Say It 

Where are the voices of those crying in the wilderness?  Where are the watchers on the walls?  If the alarm isn't given how will the people know when the enemy enters the camp?  In America today the descendants of those who fought the most powerful empire in the world to gain their freedom, the children of those who scaled Pointe du Hoc and slogged their way from Normandy to the heart of Germany to defeat the Nazi killing machine, cower in government mandated lockdowns in fear of getting sick.  The speed with which Americans have surrendered their hard won and hard defended freedom is shocking.  What's next?  The "Show me your papers," of tyrannical internal passports, or the ludicrous idea that we keep the economy closed long enough to destroy it? 
- Saturday, May 23, 2020

How Fake News is Manufactured 

How Fake News is ManufacturedOur President has pointed out the fake news at many of his rallies and news conferences.  He specifically identifies CNN, MSNBC, The AP, The New York Times and The Washington Post as primary sources for the misinformation and downright lies that pass for news among the low-information voters.  The Democrats who identify as journalists served up a perfect case in point on Friday. 
- Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Praise God for Troubles

Here we are in uncharted territory, locked up, locked down, and locked out. Who could’ve guessed just two months ago as we struggled to hang on to a runaway economy that within a few short weeks we’d face the prospect of the new and improved Greater Great Depression? A self-inflicted act of economic euthanasia. Shuttered in our homes we peer through the TV and wonder, “Will my family make it through this? Will I make it through? Will this last so long the economy is gone? And if it does what then?”
- Saturday, April 25, 2020

Trump's Main Street Marshall Plan

Trump's Main Street Marshall PlanHow it was: Basking in the glow of renewed freedom birthed through the Trump era tax cuts and the President's massive reversal of the regulation noose that's strangled America for the past three years, small-business success has achieved record highs.  The best economy in half a century unleashed by the lower taxes and fewer regulations inspired small businesses to hire more employees, to pay higher wages, and then to reinvest its capital.  
- Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The world may be in a war against a virus, but we can be at peace with God.

The world may be in a war against a virus, but we can be at peace with GodMy favorite president, Calvin Coolidge, once said, "The business of America is business."  Today during the coronavirus pandemic hysteria, he must be spinning like a top in his grave.  Two weeks into our war with an invisible enemy there isn't any business because we shut down all the businesses, and if we want to have any more business we need to open the businesses again or there won't be any businesses to do any business when we're finally done riding the pale horse of pestilence and want to once again get some business done.   
- Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fear is the Opposite of Faith

Fear is the Opposite of FaithAs we wander through the wilderness of the coronavirus pandemic it’s a perfect opportunity to realize God is in control. We may think we’re the masters of the universe but in fact we aren’t. God is. Humanity has built a planet wide civilization. Our machines transform deserts, harness the wind, and connect everyone in an ever-growing web of communication and information. Our planes fill the skies. Our ships fill the seas. We’ve walked on the moon, sent robot ships to Mars and the other planets, flung satellites out of the solar system, touched the bottom of the Mariana Trench, and built permanent habitations in Antarctica. Humanity stands proudly at the apex of life on earth as we cower before an unseen enemy and wage a war against a virus. Our leaders tell us we’ll win this war while in the back of everyone’s mind dwells the thought, “Someday we may face another virus or germ that will wipe us out.”
- Thursday, March 26, 2020

Democrats Prescribe Cure Worse Than the Disease 

Democrats Prescribe Cure Worse Than the Disease Our president has taken bold and dramatic action to fight the war against the invisible enemy.  He was the first to step forward taking action to ban flights from China, the source of the problem.   The Democrats who identify as journalists and ones who infest our Congress called him a racist for that.  They were so busy trying to impeach him for seeking to  investigate Swampy Joe’s Ukrainian Quid pro quo blackmail stunt they didn’t have time to notice the emerging threat to life as we know it. 
- Wednesday, March 25, 2020
