
Douglas V. Gibbs

Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio Conservative News and Commentary, has been featured on "Hannity" and "Fox and Friends" on Fox News Channel, and other television shows and networks. Doug is a Radio Host on KMET 1490-AM on Saturdays with his Constitution Radio program, as well as a longtime podcaster, conservative political activist, writer and commentator. Doug can be reached at douglasvgibbs [at] yahoo.com or constitutionspeaker [at] yahoo.com.

Most Recent Articles by Douglas V. Gibbs:


The definition of Exceptionalism is, “The condition of being exceptional or unique; The theory or belief that something, especially a nation, does not conform to a pattern or norm.” [1] In other words, to be exceptional is to be truly unique, and to be the exception to the rule.
- Monday, January 2, 2012

First Thanksgiving Menu, and History

In the last meeting of the Constitution Class I lead in Temecula, California on Thursday night at Faith Armory, one of the students asked me about the original menu for the first Thanksgiving. I told them that the items were very different than what we have on the table today. Turkey was not an item, but there was a collection of other birds. The corn, not originally an item liked by the colonists, was off the cob, ground down into a mush, and made into bread that resembled pita bread. There was plenty of fish on the menu as well being feasted on. It was a three day banquet, and it was a celebration of survival as a result of good harvests, and capitalism.
- Thursday, November 24, 2011

Super Committee Not So Super. . . As Planned

When the 12 member super committee was dreamed up by Obama and his freakish liberal zombies in Washington, there was no intention for the "bi-partisan" group to pull off the spending cuts that they were tasked with figuring out. The triggers were supposedly put into place to encourage them to do their job, but in reality failure is exactly what the liberal democrats wanted. The trigger gives them a chance to gut the military, and cut programs like medicare. . . for the soul purpose of blaming the republicans and touting their belief that we dearly need ObamaCare.
- Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Egypt, Syria, Iran and Israel - Approaching the Tipping Point

Egypt Egyptian riot police in Tahrir Square have had to use tear gas and rubber bullets on 5,000 protesters who are demanding that the ruling military begin the process of stepping down and handing over power to an elected government. As if the military was going to relinquish control that easily.
- Monday, November 21, 2011

House Fails To Pass Proposal for Balanced Budget Amendment - Our Need for an Article V. Convention

The radio news voice on KFI Los Angeles said, "The House failed to achieve the two-thirds vote needed to amend the Constitution." Really? Do these people really think the Congress amends the Constitution? Like usual, the liberal left statist socialists are doing everything they can to cut the voice of the people, and the States, out of the process, so that they may achieve their dream of a truly centralized federal government. . .
- Saturday, November 19, 2011

ACORN and Occupy Wall Street’s White House Connection

The radical "community development" organization that goes by the acronym ACORN never went away. As a community organizer, Barack Obama embraced the organization early on. During his presidential campaign ACORN was instrumental in voter intimidation and dubious voter registration practices for Obama. Barack Obama has had an intimate and long-term association with ACORN. The group has successfully kept its national profile low, except on a couple of occasions where the organization's corruption was exposed momentarily.
- Monday, November 7, 2011

The Duped Generation

Radicalized progressives have marched on Wall Street. They know that they are angry, and they want to change the system, but they don't know what they will do once their protest reaches beyond the simplicity of marches and sleeping in tents. They only do this because they know they are angry, and things must change. They understand little beyond that because the programming has not gotten that far, yet.
- Monday, October 31, 2011

Big Government Over All

The United States Constitution was written in a manner specifically designed to limit the size and scope of the federal government. All government power, prior to the writing of the Constitution, was held by the States. The new country needed a central government to protect the union of sovereign states, yet the new federal government needed to be limited so that it would not become a tyranny that sought to destroy the autonomy of the individual states. From the very beginning there were those that disagreed with the concept of a limited central government, and worked to usurp the Constitution so that the federal government may have full authority over everything.
- Sunday, October 30, 2011

Principles Before Politics

I just got off the phone with a good friend of mine who serves on the Planning Commission of a city in Northern California. He was telling me about a recent city council meeting where he spoke up just before a vote on an issue which would have, for the sake of redevelopment, spent unnecessary funds. The money being spent was from bonds, first of all, making it deficit spending. Secondly, it was going to be spent in a way that could be spent otherwise for much less, and yet still accomplish the same thing. My friend's suggestion would save the city ten million dollars.
- Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Iraq: Obama Turning Victory into Defeat

President Barack Obama has declared that the United States Military will withdraw from Iraq by year's end. Obama says he made this decision because he promised to do this during his campaign. After all, he ran as the anti-war candidate, and the announcement that the American troops in Iraq will return home was inevitable. However, what Obama, and the democrats, aren't telling you is that the withdrawal of the troops has nothing to do with the President's promises, or said successes. The troop withdraw from Iraq is the result of the Obama Administration's failure in the region. A failure that will be sure to undermine America's security interests in the Middle East for decades to come.
- Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy Protester’s Anger Misdirected

It is fascinating that the liberal democrats running the federal government have been proclaiming that corporations are evil, corrupt and greedy, and that the bankers are as well. Yet, when those same evil, corrupt and greedy entities cry out that they may be on the edge of failing, it is the same institutions that the liberal democrats in charge of the government bailed out. Also, it is those same Wall Street fat cats and corporate giants that provides plenty of contributions for Obama, and various other democrats.
- Sunday, October 23, 2011

CNN Debate Fails On 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause

Anderson Cooper, at one point during Tuesday Night's CNN Republican Presidential Debate, asked about the opinion of the candidates regarding how the 14th Amendment indicates that all babies born on U.S. Soil are citizens. Then, after Herman Cain and Rick Perry dodged the question, he began asking if the 14th Amendment regarding anchor babies should be repealed.
- Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Global Socialist Revolution

imageNikita Khrushchev addressed the capitalists in 1956, and said, "We will bury you." He was not referring to the Soviet Union necessarily burying The West. He was saying that communism would bury The West. "History is on our side," he said. Indeed, Khrushchev was right. The Founding Fathers of the United States were quite aware of history, and in their research they determined that the only government that may stand the test of time, and fight off the advances of oligarchy such as we see in governmental philosophies like communism, is a constitutional republic where self-governance and a central system worked together.
- Saturday, October 15, 2011

EPA Suppressing Global Warming Study

The Competitive Enterprise Institute is charging that the United States Environmental Protection Agency is actively suppressing a scientific analysis of Global Warming (a.k.a. Climate Change).
- Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Riots In China

The death toll from the ethnic riots in the Muslim region of Xinjiang in China has reached 156. The rioting stems from a call for the region to become an independent homeland for the Muslim Uighurs. Chinese officials are stating that the separatist urgings, and calls for protest, are coming from outside of the country by Internet and telephone.
- Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sikh Officers Defy Army

Two members of the United States Army are fighting Army policy. The Sikh Religion holds uncut hair as an important article of faith, and the Army asked two officers of the Sikh Faith to shave their beards, cut their hair and remove their turbans. Captain Kamaljeet Kalsi has said, of this order, “I don’t think it’s fair for anybody to ask me to choose between my religion and my country.”
- Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Seeking Pleasure

Watching my youngest of two grandsons, this one being four and a half months old, is one of my favorite activities. He likes to, while laying on his back, grab his feet and then while holding them, rock over to his side. He then smiles, even laughing out loud, as his body settles on its side, as if it was the funniest thing ever to happen. Little Cortez is starting to turn over, but he hasn’t quite figured out how to get back on his back once he rolls over to his belly. He will then fuss until someone comes over and rolls him back on his back, only to roll over to his stomach again, only to fuss about his position once more.
- Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Megan Fox Again Shows Her Mean Nature

A week and a half ago Megan Fox’s mean-spirited remark about Middle America caught many by surprise. In an interview, at the time, she had stated that she would advise Megatron, the bad guy in the pair of Transformers movies, to “take out all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible-beating people of Middle America.”
- Wednesday, June 24, 2009

NBA Basketball Star Seeking Custody of Unborn Child

The role of the father, in this day and age, has been downgraded to sperm donor and child support check writer. A woman seeking abortion could care less about a father’s right as a parent when she desires to snuff out the life of the child in an abortionist’s laboratory of death, but suddenly finds the importance of the father unequaled when it comes time for support - otherwise, he is a dead-beat dad.
- Wednesday, June 24, 2009
