
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, Ileana Writes is a freelance writer, author, radio commentator, and speaker. Her books, “Echoes of Communism", "Liberty on Life Support" and "U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy," "Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later" are available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh:

Defund ObamaCare? Not Happening

While Americans demand vociferously the defunding of ObamaCare in hopes of getting rid of the most destructive and freedom-robbing piece of legislation passed in modern times, Congressmen pretend to make valiant efforts to do so via various proposals that only low information and extremely naïve voters can believe to be true.
- Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Survivors of Communism Summit

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” - Winston Churchill The Alexandria Tea Party sponsored “The Survivors of Communism Summit” on September 10, 2013. The theme was “100 Million Corpses in 100 Years – We Must Never Forget.” The packed Lyceum in Old Town Alexandria was spellbound by the stories of the luminaries who attended the event.
- Thursday, September 12, 2013

Where is the Rule of Law?

“A lie can go half way around the world before truth can even put its pants on.” – Mark Twain Where are common sense, logic, critical thinking, belief in God, accountability, and the Rule of Law? Have they been replaced by the Fabians’ Social Justice Doctrine, controlled chaos, endless corruption, good is bad, evil is good, mindless propaganda, and political correctness?
- Friday, September 6, 2013

Global Government Gone Wild

“Unfortunately, human nature cannot be changed by an act of the legislature.” – Calvin Coolidge The weatherman at KUSI-TV, John Coleman, the Weather Channel founder, had told Red Eye host on Fox News a long time ago that he wanted to sue Al Gore for global warming fraud. He said that “30,000 scientists among whom 9,000 have Ph.D.’s have signed on to debunk global warming.”
- Thursday, September 5, 2013

Children Should Come With Instructions

“Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” - Aristotle Children don’t arrive at birth with a conveniently written manual to address every parental crisis in the middle of the night. It is hard being a parent, especially a good parent, and many of us do need the Idiot’s Guide to Parenting.
- Monday, September 2, 2013

Freedom of Speech As Long As You Agree With Me

“Die Gedanken sind frei.” -- “Thoughts are Free,” famous German song about freedom of thought, 1810-1820, author unknown Shortly after I arrived in the U.S., I realized that the freedom of speech Americans thought they had, was, let’s just say, with no intention of offending anyone, a figment of their naïve imagination.
- Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Watermelon Patch

Mr. Goodman, a lanky, hardened, coveralls-clad southern gentleman, had magical calloused hands. He could grow the largest and sweetest watermelons for miles and miles. His famous Watermelon Patch opened every summer morning with the day’s harvest. There was a steady streaming line of cars and, they sold very quickly.
- Thursday, August 29, 2013

Defeating the Nemesis Within

“The Elephant does not have a spine right now.” - Trevor Loudon Trevor Loudon, on a U.S. tour to promote his new book, “The Enemies Within,” began his speech to a packed crowd in Fairfax, Virginia, with the relevant question, “Why does a New Zealander from Christchurch care about America?”
- Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Climate Change Deniers, Better Drink the Kool-Aid

"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."--Emeritus Professor Daniel Botkin "Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It's global warming. It's ruining our country. It's ruining our world.--Harry Reid, U.S. Senate majority leader
- Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Free Cheese in a Socialist Mousetrap

“There is always free cheese in a mousetrap.” – Retired Marine Colonel Martino Public Citizen.org, self-described as “advocates for a healthier and more equitable world,” sent a fundraising letter to Democrat voters, claiming that “millionaires who run the largest corporations on Earth want to slash the social insurance programs the rest of us rely on.” By slashing, they are referring to the logical proposal to increase eligibility age for Medicare, to correlate Medicare to income, and to modernize/privatize it.
- Sunday, August 18, 2013

Are You Thin Enough or Fashionable Enough for a Boutique?

I don’t know exactly what happened to Oprah Winfrey in the Swiss high-end boutique that allegedly refused to let her look at a $38,100 purse because it was expensive and she could not afford it. The saga turned into an accusation of racism from Oprah’s perspective, and a “she said, we said” from the shop owner’s side.
- Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Confused and Misguided Youth

Dr. Thomas Sowell, Economics professor, economist, writer, and sage, encapsulated brilliantly what ails our youth. “The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”
- Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Politics and the Scam of Green

“Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.” 
― Alexis de Tocqueville It is not hard to find supporters of the scam of green in Virginia, but particularly in northern Virginia.
- Friday, August 9, 2013

Rep. Frank Wolf Passionate about Benghazi

Rep. Frank Wolf (10th district of VA) gave a 30-minute speech last night to a packed crowd of Tea Party patriots in Fair Lakes, Va. He addressed primarily the issues of Benghazi, with references to the Republicans stance on defunding Obamacare, taking questions afterwards.
- Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Are Republicans Representing Their Constituents?

The Republican Party, in its quest to better represent its constituency, has launched a questionnaire to feel the pulse of the voters by asking specific questions in order to streamline their message. The message is always very important, the actual implementation of goals depends on the elected representatives and senators and the powerful lobby in Washington. The GOP wants to know if “Americans support efforts to reform entitlements, cut spending, and put our nation on track to a balanced federal budget without raising taxes.” Judging by the anemic economy, the weak and statistically manipulated GDP, the high unemployment rate, the huge welfare rolls, the alarming part-time labor force, the answer is yes.
- Monday, August 5, 2013

Detroit’s Failure, a Product of Liberalism and Greed

“The last thing Detroit needs is a bailout. What it needs is to sweep away a city charter that protects only bureaucrats, civil-service rules that straightjacket municipal departments, and obsolete union contracts. A bailout would just keep the dysfunction in place. Time to start over.” -- Bill Nojay, Former COO of Detroit’s Department of Transportation
- Friday, August 2, 2013

Harriet’s Fictional America Post Agenda 21

I spent endless hours, days, weeks, and months researching and reading U.N. Agenda 21 documents and statements by its architects and advocates. I watched countless hours of conference videos and documentaries made and narrated by elites pushing global communism under the aegis of environmentalism, pretending to save the planet from manufactured man-made destruction.
- Tuesday, July 30, 2013

“Volunteer” Forced Student Labor

As we loaded the bus, there was standing room only. There were no seats on the open truck, just sides to protect the cargo from toppling over. The only reason we didn’t fall over is that we were packed like sardines. When the moving truck hit a pothole, and there were many of those along the way, the entire mass of humanity swayed back and forth, leaning a lot of weight on each other and squashing momentarily those along the edges. There was nothing to hang on to, so we clung to each other for dear life. The dust swirled around, choking us, mixed in with the Diesel exhaust fumes. Once we left the city, nothing was paved. We were only going about 9 miles, however, under those conditions, it felt like 90 miles.
- Saturday, July 27, 2013
