
J.J. Jackson

J.J. Jackson is a libertarian conservative author from Pittsburgh, PA who has been writing and promoting individual liberty since 1993 and is President of Land of the Free Studios, Inc. He is the lead editor contributor to American Conservative Daily.

Most Recent Articles by J.J. Jackson:

It’s The Muppet Show!  With Special Guest – Liberal Ideology!

So, The Jim Henson Company is upset that Chick-fil-A is a company that operates and promotes biblical principles, one of those principles being that marriage actually has a definition. Unfortunately, that definition does not account for man on man or girl on girl action. So, in response, for a crime against liberalism, toys featuring The Muppets will no longer be provided for the company's kid's meals.
- Saturday, July 28, 2012

Obama Ineligible For Presidency, Liberals Argue

I do so love the liberals that torture themselves every week by reading my articles. Last week, they got their panties in a bunch over how, by their own "logic", they are still supporters of race-based slavery. I went through their argument that because the Supreme Court makes a decision, that decision is automatically correct and just (i.e. Obamacare), and pointed out that Dred Scott was a Supreme Court decision that has never been overturned. Conclusion? Liberals must still support such heinous acts because of those facts. They then spent the next several days sending me all the typical vitriol that they can muster in hundreds of angry emails.
- Saturday, July 14, 2012

Obama Is Not For Anyone But Himself

There are a lot of fools out there. How do you spot these fools? Just ask them whether or not they think President Obama is "looking out for them" or not. If they answer yes and then proceed to tell you how they can't wait to vote for him in November, you have found yourself a fool.
- Saturday, June 16, 2012

Spending Money Like It’s Water

When most people think of the United States Department of Labor, they think of those people trying to make President Obama look good by manipulating employment data to show less than 8% unemployment before Election Day. But what few people know is that the USDoL also has a fairly large slush fund to delve into and toss pennies from heaven upon people they deem as worthy.
- Saturday, June 9, 2012

If The Old Media Were Still Relevant

With Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, now all but assured the GOP’s nomination for the Presidency, the left has spent no time at all doing what they do best. What they do best is distract. With the nation teetering on the brink of disaster, an economy that has not produced any net jobs since the President won election, a bloated government spending trillions of dollars more than it brings in and liberalism basically crushing the American dream, the left is interested in is whether or not they can make Mr. Romney look substantially worse than the failure currently residing in the White House.
- Saturday, May 12, 2012

Return of the Summer Socialists and Sunshine Terrorists!

Occupy Wall Street is back and gearing up for its latest round of attacks against America. Not surprisingly, the OWS crowd set May 1st, aka May Day, aka International Workers’ Day, aka a socialist holiday, to once again disrupt society and launch their spring offensive.
- Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why Do Liberals Feel Compelled To Apologize For Telling The Truth?

Al Armendariz, President Obama’s hand picked administrator for the EPA’s Region 6 office in Dallas, an academic with a radical environmentalist bent, has issued an apology. Previously, Armendariz had compared the EPA’s strategy of enforcement to terror campaigns conducted by the Romans. “It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They'd go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they'd find the first five guys they saw, and they'd crucify them.” The purpose was to make, “that town was really easy to manage for the next few years."
- Saturday, April 28, 2012

Myths About Taxes And The Rich Die Slowly

Facts are stubborn things. So, too, apparently, are the minds of certain individuals. These individuals usually, but not always, tend to lean to the left. This is so because in order to be an individual who believes in the power and glory of Big Government as one’s savior, it requires a mind so obstinate that facts simply cannot penetrate it. When facts attempt to enter a liberal’s mind it is the proverbial unmovable object (the liberal mind) meeting the equally proverbial unstoppable force (the facts).
- Saturday, April 14, 2012

President Obama Is No “Constitutional Scholar”

One of the biggest fabrications I regularly hear about our President is that he is a “Constitutional Scholar”. Yet time and time again the President repeatedly shows he knows absolutely nothing about the Constitution. Some people suspect that he really does know the Constitution but that he actively chooses to ignore what he knows because his knowledge, if put into practice, destroys the ability for his liberal agenda to be moved forward. I completely disagree. The man is clearly a “Constitutional Dullard”.
- Saturday, April 7, 2012

Liberals Always Get Caught By The Semantic Games They Play

Semantics is the use language to manipulate the meanings of words in order to achieve a desired effect on an audience. For example when an angry liberal emails me and says, “someone should put a bullet in your head,” I ask if that said liberal thinks that it would be good if someone killed me and then said liberal emails me back crying about how he, “never said that!” Well, this is semantics.
- Saturday, March 31, 2012

Liberals Are Setting Women Up For Failure

If one only listens to the bullet points, one gets with the impression that liberals are the most compassionate people on the face of the Earth. Forget that that compassion is with other people’s money and the sweat of other people’s brows. It is only when you dare to delve a little bit past the headlining talking points that the real horror that is their ideology is revealed. Pick any issue you like. It does not matter. All the sugar coating in the world cannot cover up the bitter fruit that liberals really peddle. Sadly, it is true. The self-professed champions of the downtrodden, the poor, racial minorities, women and any other group they think they can get away with exploiting do nothing but set them up for further failure. All one has to do is be willing to look at the results of their proposals.
- Saturday, March 3, 2012

The High Cost of Liberalism – 10 Million Jobs

President Barack Obama loves to talk about nebulous concepts while trying to convince Americans that he has been a successful Chief Executive. For example, when discussing the economy he often talks about jobs “saved or created” or how things would have been much worse had he and Congress not spent our grandchildren into crushing debt.
- Saturday, February 11, 2012

Boeing Gets Last Laugh?

Organized Labor was all aglow. After the National Labor Relations Board decided it was going to tell Boeing that the company could not shift production from its union shop in Seattle to its non-union shop in South Carolina, there was reason to celebrate. Big Labor had successfully enlisted its allies in Big Government to infringe upon the economic liberty of Americans and a company in order to protect itself. There were smiles all around among the workers and their leaders.
- Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Bain Of Our Existence? Hardly!

I cannot help it. I have to defend Mitt Romney from idiocy. Yes, I know the man is a RINO. However, even a RINO deserves to be defended when the attacks against him are unwarranted and so utterly crackpot in nature that they fly in the face of reality.
- Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ron Paul’s Support Among Military?  4.4% ... At Best.

Ron Paul’s supporters are diligent in their support of him. Unfortunately, a lot of that support is what is known in the software industry as vaporware. In other words, it is phony to non-existent. Right now, for example, I have a bunch of emails flooding my inbox telling me why I should support Ron Paul from droves of supposedly enthusiastic Paulbots.
- Saturday, January 7, 2012

Twas the Night Before Liberal Christmas 2011

'Twas the night before liberal Christmas, and all ‘cross the land, The mood on the left was somber, their rhetoric quite bland. Children they huddled in town squares with hands out, The Occupy protestors beat cops and did shout.
- Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Agree!  EVERYONE Should Pay Their Fair Share!

There is an old saying which applies to courtrooms and debates. It warns one to never ask a question to which they do not already know the answer to. Political hacks, in addition to bad lawyers and poor debaters, often disregard this well founded warning. Instead they plunge headlong into asking questions and only hoping that the answer which supports their ideology will be the one that comes forth. Even though it never has and never will.
- Saturday, December 17, 2011

Interference of the Tortious Kind This Way Comes

Politicians are wicked beasts. Some people believe this is due to their lack of a moral compass. The truth however is that these heinous creatures do indeed have a moral compass. However it operates on a reverse polarity from reality and points as far away from true north as possible. This causes them to predictably do what is exactly the wrong thing in any given situation except by some sheer preponderance of luck brought on by the proper alignment of the planets in the solar system.
- Saturday, December 3, 2011

“Occupy” Protesters Find Willing Media Dupe To Bring Back “Tea Party” Compar

Desperate to be seen in a positive light in the wake of murders, rapes, riots, destruction of private property, rampant drug use and open support from the American NAZI Party and the Communist Party USA, “Occupy” protesters are in a bind. They just cannot get the majority of the American people to take them at all seriously and join with them in their anti-American tirades. Scream as they might that they are the "99%", they just cannot make it so.
- Saturday, November 19, 2011
