
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

Most Recent Articles by Guest Column:

GARCIA: Strange case of Obama birth record

- Anne T. Garcia I don't believe in black helicopters and I'm sure Elvis is really dead, so I try to avoid topics embraced by the kook fringe.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Biden slip—Says “New World Order”

From rapturealert.com Check the site above, the transcript is below. By JAY WARREN WSLS10 Anchor Published: October 27, 2008 WARREN: “Senator… I want to start off asking the same question I did when we talked via satellite last week. We were talking about your comment that the next president would face a generated crisis that would test him. I asked ‘if you believe we are going to have a crisis, how has Obama been tested in the past to deal with it?’ You gave us a long list of mistakes you believe John McCain has made, but nothing for Senator Obama.”
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nuclear power reality check

Abundant, reliable, affordable energy makes our jobs, health, living standards and civil rights possible.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stop the war on poor families

Liberal politicians and environmental activists continue to say we must switch to “green” energy. Oil, gas, coal and nuclear must go, they insist.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Economic Disruption is the Mother of Invention

- Peter W. Wright Most traditional news media is now devoted to the advancement of worldwide Marxism. Little, if any, light has been shone on Barack Obama's weaknesses and much has been made of inconsequential aspects of his opponents. Now traditional media is trumpeting fear, uncertainty, and doubt associated with the financial crisis.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2008

America asks for a king

- Laura Hollis, Townhall.com I am an attorney and professor of law and entrepreneurship, so I usually confine my commentary to matters of public policy, and leave theology to those who have chosen that field of study. But since today is Sunday, I will take the liberty of making an observation with a more Biblical bent.
- Monday, October 27, 2008

Remembering “The Express”

-Gordon Jackson The first Black to win college football’s coveted Heisman Trophy made historical marks in one game played in Dallas nearly a half century ago, with a game performance that witnesses will never forget. Those moments reflected not just a football game, but also the racial climate at the time – something that has now been chronicled in film.
- Monday, October 27, 2008

Dutch police officers swear allegiance to Allah

Dutch police in the Gouda region have sworn in police officers who swore allegiance to Allah. The small Christian party SGP has demanded an explanation from the government.
- Monday, October 27, 2008

Democrats Devastate Chicago

They want it this way so more and more people will be dependent on them (the corrupt government) and not have any say in what goes on! Read this very, very carefully..........these facts are all substantiated!
- Monday, October 27, 2008

Prepare for irony in U.S. election

Polls have piled up like falling autumn leaves informing American voters the election is practically over and only the matter of procedure remains for Sen. Barack Hussein Obama to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States.
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Home sales see biggest gain since July 2003

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Sales of previously owned U.S. homes rose 5.5 percent last month, the biggest gain since July 2003, and the inventory of unsold homes fell, a hopeful sign for a housing market mired in a long slump.
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama’s Religious Ruse:
The Cult of the Marxist Messiah, Part 3 of 3

Barack Obama has identified himself with Christianity as a cloak for his political agenda. The founder of community organizing, Saul Alinsky, regarded churches as an ideal vehicle for advancing the Marxist cause. But to have credibility in organizing churches, young Obama needed to join a church.
- Sunday, October 26, 2008

Billionaire leftist funds liberal Catholics

An investigation by the New York-based Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights finds that George Soros' Open Society Institute gave Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good $50,000 in 2005 and $100,000 in 2006. Catholic League president Bill Donohue suspects that Soros may also be funding the group Catholics United, an organization with which Catholics in Alliance has a formal relationship. Donahue contends both groups are "in the pocket of the Democratic Party" and are trying to sell Catholics the notion that they can be opponents of abortion and not seek to overturn Roe v. Wade if they support minimum wage and more welfare benefits.
- Saturday, October 25, 2008

New York Times opines on bigotry

The Terrence McNally play, “Corpus Christi,” is currently being performed in Greenwich Village. The play depicts Jesus as an ordinary person who has sex with his apostles. In 1998, Catholic League president Bill Donohue led 2000 demonstrators in a protest against the play when it opened at the midtown Manhattan Theater. Because the play is not at a prominent location this time, the league has ignored it. However, Donohue is not ignoring what the New York Times has said about the play this past week:
- Saturday, October 25, 2008

RNC: Obama ‘Outside Law’ on Donors

The Republican National Committee on Thursday supplemented its Oct. 6 complaint to the Federal Election Committee and — citing new revelations by Newsmax and other news organizations — called on the FEC to “immediately conduct a full audit” of the Obama campaign accounts.
- Friday, October 24, 2008

Obama seeks delay in voter fraud investigation

Barack Obama's presidential campaign is pressuring the Department of Justice to put off a probe of voter registration fraud allegations leveled against the now infamous liberal group ACORN.
- Friday, October 24, 2008

Glenn Beck: Obama’s ties to Ayers

GLENN: From Radio City in Midtown Manhattan, hello, you sick twisted freak. Welcome to the program. My name is Glenn Beck. I want to play a piece of audio for you. This is the latest piece of audio. This is from an interview in 2002 of William Ayers. Listen carefully to what the man says.
- Friday, October 24, 2008
