
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Mammoth Black Hole Hightailing it Outta There!

Galaxies weighing in at the size of our own Milky Way or larger are all presumed to harbor a supermassive black hole at their center. These monstrosities weigh millions or even billions of times as much as our own Sun.
- Saturday, May 3, 2008

I Still Don’t Believe Obama

When the now infamous Reverend Jeremiah Wright video surfaced in March, I found myself unable to believe Barack Obama. (www.canadafreepress.com). I found it hard to believe that Barack Obama had never heard Reverend Wright utter a negative word about America. I found it hard to believe that Barack Obama would title one of his autobiographies from one of Reverend Wright’s sermons and then not know what he actually preached.
- Saturday, May 3, 2008

Angry China

The recent glimpses of a snarling China should scare the country's government as much as the world
- Saturday, May 3, 2008

Christians sign up to join Iraqi Police force

MOSUL - Scores of Christian men lined up to join the IP force during a recruiting drive in Tall Kayf, 15 km north of Mosul, April 28. The goal of the 3-day event was to recruit up to 700 Christians to join the police force to help protect their respective communities in Mosul. "This recruiting drive will help bolster the economy through employment, in addition to bolstering the security effort," said Col. Michael Bills, cmdr of the 3rd ACR.
- Friday, May 2, 2008

US backs change in Zim after elections

Harare - US President George W Bush piled the pressure on Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe to step down on Tuesday, as UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned of "a serious humanitarian crisis" in the country.
- Friday, May 2, 2008

Fuelling the world food crisis

Bogdan Kipling, Chronicle Herald CANADA will donate an additional $45 million to the UN World Food Program, the Canadian Press reported early Wednesday. Prime Minister Stephen Harper had approved the sum, CP said, and an official announcement was to follow.
- Friday, May 2, 2008

“Made in China”

Ros Prynn, Newsblaze.com The heavy boot of Chinese oppression continues to stomp on free enterprise. A few days ago, I found a story on the BBC site that highlights the insidious creep of the all-encompassing influence of the party faithful in China:
- Friday, May 2, 2008

Barack Obama’s Lament

Original Work by Mark William Smyth of Toronto, Ontario Remember "Jeramiah Was a Bullfrog".
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hawaiian Sovereignty Activists Barricade Iolani Palace

Iolani PalaceHONOLULU, HAWAII - Hawaiian sovereignty activists calling themselves the "Hawaiian Kingdom Government" surrounded Iolani Palace this morning, refusing to let state employees either enter or exit the historical site, saying the palace and surrounding grounds are property of the "Hawaiian Kingdom." An unknown amount of state employees who work in the state archives division are trapped inside, according to Russ Saito, head of the Department of Accounting and General Services.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Green Card Day

Every once in a while an idea comes along that is so retrospectively obvious that one feels a bit foolish for not having thought of it first. Like the Daily Show’s original tagline: “When news breaks, we fix it.” Or registering web domains with the names of Fortune 500 companies back in the mid-90s, then selling them to those companies for a big pile of money.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why The Increase In Gas Prices?

Unless you depend on a solar power skateboard as your principle means of transportation, you have noticed that the price of gasoline has skyrocketed.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When is an invasion not an invasion?

The good Catholic Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas has a most novel concept of invasion. As quoted in The Kansas City Star of March 15, 2008, he told lawmakers that if illegal immigration is to be considered an invasion, it is indeed “the strangest invasion in history, where the invaders clean our houses and harvest our crops.”
- Tuesday, April 29, 2008
