
Guest Column

Items of notes and interest from the web.

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Barack Obama’s Lament

Original Work by Mark William Smyth of Toronto, Ontario Remember "Jeramiah Was a Bullfrog".
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hawaiian Sovereignty Activists Barricade Iolani Palace

Iolani PalaceHONOLULU, HAWAII - Hawaiian sovereignty activists calling themselves the "Hawaiian Kingdom Government" surrounded Iolani Palace this morning, refusing to let state employees either enter or exit the historical site, saying the palace and surrounding grounds are property of the "Hawaiian Kingdom." An unknown amount of state employees who work in the state archives division are trapped inside, according to Russ Saito, head of the Department of Accounting and General Services.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Green Card Day

Every once in a while an idea comes along that is so retrospectively obvious that one feels a bit foolish for not having thought of it first. Like the Daily Show’s original tagline: “When news breaks, we fix it.” Or registering web domains with the names of Fortune 500 companies back in the mid-90s, then selling them to those companies for a big pile of money.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Why The Increase In Gas Prices?

Unless you depend on a solar power skateboard as your principle means of transportation, you have noticed that the price of gasoline has skyrocketed.
- Wednesday, April 30, 2008

When is an invasion not an invasion?

The good Catholic Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas has a most novel concept of invasion. As quoted in The Kansas City Star of March 15, 2008, he told lawmakers that if illegal immigration is to be considered an invasion, it is indeed “the strangest invasion in history, where the invaders clean our houses and harvest our crops.”
- Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The End of Dead Space Equipment

We’ve all seen the movie Apollo 13, where Tom Hanks and co. end up having to repair their spacecraft using … even I cannot finish that analogy. What I should say is that when the crewmembers of Apollo 13 in 1970 were confronted with a dead spacecraft, they had to make makeshift repairs using very basic and, at times, crude materials.
- Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hepatitis B Patients Getting Short-changed by Province

The Canadian ideal of universal healthcare isn’t all it’s cracked up to be for the estimated 80,000 – 100,000 Ontarians living with chronic hepatitis B. For many of these patients, getting access to the most effective treatments to delay the progress of their disease is impossible – the drugs are expensive and they’re not covered by the province.
- Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tough Questions for Islam

Zakaria Botros is a conservative television star with a huge audience. He is even more hated by his political enemies than Rush Limbaugh and Hillary Clinton put together, if you can believe that. At least one newspaper has labeled Botros: "Public Enemy Number One."
- Monday, April 28, 2008

Memory Limit Discovered: You Only Know Four Things

New research in to our mind’s capabilities to retain knowledge has shed light on a question that has been discussed for many years; how much, can our mind remember, at a time?
- Monday, April 28, 2008

The Big Bang in Seconds

Whether you believe in a Creator-God or not, the Big Bang is oftentimes the explanation for how our universe began. Why? Because that’s what science has pointed to, and science is smarter than you!
- Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Math Discovered or Invented

There isn’t anything quite like a philosophical debate involving scientists. It’s like asking a high school jock to participate in… well, anything academic! They are so far out of their depth, but still carrying all that good old fashioned tons of knowledge and arrogance that come with being a scientist.
- Monday, April 28, 2008

Hamas gives Israel 10 years max

(IsraelNN.com) Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal said Saturday that the Islamist group’s request for a ceasefire with Israel was “a tactic in conducting the struggle.”
- Monday, April 28, 2008
