
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Obama Resorts to Local TV Interviews to Push Tax Hikes

President Obama has launched a campaign to push his tax hikes by granting interviews to local TV news programs in eight states that will likely be affected by budget cuts that are soon to be realized as a result of sequestration.
- Friday, February 22, 2013

NPR Downplays Chicago Priest’s Extreme, Left-Wing Activism

Recently NPR's Morning Edition aired a segment on Chicago’s “gun violence” featuring taped comments from local Catholic Priest Father Michael Pfleger. Unfortunately the taxpayer-funded radio show presented Pflager as a benign “social activist” and never informed listeners of just how radical this man is.
- Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Democrats Want Background Checks… Except When They Don’t

One of the main discussions in this ginned up, fact-free anti-gun debate coming from the Democrats and their fellow extreme leftists is that they want “universal background checks” for gun purchases. So, “background checks” are a good idea to left-wingers… but in all cases? As it happens, NO is the answer to that. Democrats don’t want universal background checks in all cases.
- Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Danny Glover’s Revisionist History: 2nd Amendment Was for Protecting Slavery

Actor and hardcore progressive Danny Glover should add revisionist historian to his growing resume of left-wing activism after a recent visit to Texas A&M University where he told students that the Second Amendment was mainly meant to keep African Americans in slavery and to kill Native American peoples.
- Monday, January 21, 2013

L.A. Police Have History of Seizing Fake ‘Rocket Launchers’

Earlier we reported that the Los Angeles Police Department made a big show of having found "rocket launchers" during it most recent gun buyback program. We pointed out that the so-called launchers were being misreported and the police were illicitly using them as a scare tactic. But now we find that this same Police Chief has done this before.
- Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ex-Burglars Admit Gun Owner-Outing Map Helps Criminals

Fox News recently reported that ex-crooks are denouncing the New York paper that published the names and addresses of thousands of the state's gun owners saying that publishing the information was nothing less than a road map for criminals planning home invasions and burglaries.
- Monday, January 7, 2013

Gun Owner-Outing Newspaper Has User Database Hacked, Customers Outed

The Journal News is in the center of controversy again. In December the Westchester, New York area paper politicized the names and addresses of thousands of New York's legal gun owners then threatened to publish even more in the near future. But now a hacker group has hacked into the newspaper's database and is disseminating the names, addresses, and passwords of thousands of the Journal News' own customers.
- Saturday, January 5, 2013

How Liberals Skew Gun the Debate

Along with a news-free interview with President Obama, this weekend's Meet the Press on NBC also gave us two fine examples of how the gun-banners in the Old Media establishment skew the debate, not to mention how clear it is that they simply have no grasp on the issues, perhaps purposefully so.
- Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Obama to David Gregory’s Rescue

Last Friday NBC’s David Gregory announced a surprise visit by President Obama for the weekend’s Meet The Press.
- Monday, December 31, 2012
