
Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as Breitbart.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows.

He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum.

Most Recent Articles by Warner Todd Huston:

Aborting Born Babies: Are Only Liberals Truly ‘Human’?

In February of 2012, a pair of left-wing “philosophers” wrote a paper that claimed that babies aren’t human until they can become cognizant of themselves, aware that if they were to be “aborted” or killed they’d be losing something valuable, their lives. This, they claimed, justified abortion as well as post birth infanticide. Naturally they had elaborate justifications for their stance and what they wrote is chilling indeed, for it essentially states that only people that think like them are really worth the status of “human,” worth having their lives considered sacrosanct.
- Monday, May 7, 2012

Obama Lies About Ohio Bridge Repairs For a Second Time

Apparently Obama and his administration operate under that old, underhanded adage that if you tell a lie long enough and loud enough it becomes “truth” because Obama has done it again by lying about how his jobs bill was to have been instrumental in the repairs of bridges that span the Ohio River.
- Saturday, May 5, 2012

BS Meter Special: Michelle Says We are ‘Blessed’ To Have Barrack

It is perfectly natural for a wife to be proud of her husband in those situations where such praise is warranted. In Michelle Obama’s case, well, we can certainly agree that his great success is something she can be proud of. But, pride does not excuse idiotic hyperbole and that is what she gave us on May first.
- Saturday, May 5, 2012

In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest

Leaked emails from the intelligence group Stratfor recently revealed some shocking allegations of massive Democrat voter fraud in 2008. The emails revealed by WikiLeaks say that the McCain campaign decided to ignore the wide spread voter fraud in order to avoid massive civil unrest — even though it meant he’d lose the White House.
- Friday, April 27, 2012

Traitors: American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs

A couple of so-called American professors recently went to Tehran University to help the radical, anti-American, racist, Islamists propagandize about how wonderful the Mad Mullahs think the Occupy Wall Street “movement” here in America is. Wonderful, no?
- Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Obama Loves America… When It Agrees With Him

Obama is an autocrat. Were we a South American nation he’d be our Hugo Chavez. He is not interested in democracy, our republican form of government, or listening to other’s opinions. And he most certainly is not interested in allowing the American people to see their will reflected in their duly elected officials. It’s his way or the highway. Period.
- Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Black School Kids Take Bat to Piñata Shaped Like White Woman, Media Yawns

Todd Starnes reports that the University of Memphis recently hastened to express its deep regret that it sponsored an event for grade school kids featuring the opportunity to have a grad ol’ time using a stick to smack around a piñata shaped like a white woman. No “racial or gender animosity was intended,” the University plaintively said.
- Monday, April 23, 2012

Barack Obama: Dog Eater

imageThe extremists of the left (you know, Democrats) have been trying to make a big deal out of the time that Mitt Romney put his dog on top of his car in the dim, dark past. They say this proves that Romney is mean, evil, rotten, a dog-hating scumbag. But in his own memoir President Obama said that he had actually eaten dogs when he lived in Indonesia. … and yet, these hypocrite lefties say nothing about it. And when they do bother to recognize this in-his-own-words admission from Obama that he has actually eaten dogs, they explain it away as no big deal.
- Sunday, April 22, 2012

Revisionism: Old Timer Phil Donahue Injects Racism Into 2002 Iraq War Vote

imageOld-timer Phil Donahue, about who rumor has it used to have some sort of TV show back in the previous century, has recently turned up on NPR for some unexplainable reason. And, like his long-past career, he’s dwelling equally in the past with his new comments about the authorization of force against Iraq in 2002. But he’s adding a new spin to the now irrelevant discussion by adding to it all one of the left’s favorite tropes: racism. You see, according to Donahue, racism sullied the decision to authorize George Bush to intervene in Iraq in 2002. How is that, you ask? Well, according to Donahue it’s because none of the blacks in Congress voted for the war.
- Friday, April 20, 2012

Media Misleads on California Prop 29

Californians are being asked once again to fund a government boondoggle with a ballot initiative which will levy more taxes on an already over taxed state. This time it is Proposition 29, intended to fund the California Cancer Research Act, a measure that appeals nicely to emotions but will likely be just another black hole for tax dollars when all is said and done — just like many other successful California ballot measures have been.
- Thursday, April 19, 2012

Article On John Edwards Never Once Mentions ‘Democrat,’ But attacks Republicans Five Tim

Curiously, the same Atlantic article that rightfully points out that the Old Media was “late to report” on Democrat candidate for President John Edwards’ extramarital affairs an corruption makes its own strange omission from the storyline by somehow forgetting to mention even one time that Edwards was, indeed, a Democrat. Yet five times the piece mentions “Republicans” in order to lead the reader to question motives and cast aspersions on the Grand Old Party.
- Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Arrogant Democrats Think They Have Role to ‘Protect’ Titanic Wreck Site

The Titanic sunk 100 years ago this year. The great ship went down in international waters as a vessel of British registry. When it went down the United States was barely a presence on the international stage. Yet now, 100 years later, American Democrats imagine they have the duty and power to control what will happen at the final resting place of over 1,500 passengers.
- Monday, April 16, 2012

Salon: Why Worry About Obama and Guns, America?

When Barack Obama first won the White House, gun sales soared because supporters of the Constitution rightfully understood that Barack Obama is a gun-banner at heart. They feared he'd attack their Constitutional rights and begin a long trail of legislation or regulatory efforts to ban guns.
- Sunday, April 15, 2012

Healthcare Death Panels Are Inevitable

Much was made of Governor Sarah Palin’s use of the term “government death panels” to lambaste Obamacare. Left-wingers and Democrats everywhere scoffed at the term and accused Palin of demagogy and even lying. But the fact is, government death panels of all sorts are inevitable once government takes over healthcare. In fact, once government takes over healthcare, all sorts of unscientific, non-health related nonsense creeps into your healthcare whether you like it or not and none of these decisions are made with your doctor’s advice or consent.
- Thursday, April 12, 2012

Uh Oh! Mike Huckabee Opens First Radio Show With Planted, Shill Caller

On Monday, former Arkansas Governor and former GOP candidate for President Mike Huckabee started his new nationally syndicated radio talk show. Unfortunately, his first “caller” hit quite a sour note starting the show off with a less than auspicious beginning.
- Thursday, April 12, 2012
