
Tom Deweese

Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia. Older articles by Tom Deweese

Most Recent Articles by Tom Deweese:

A New Agenda 21 Threatens Our Way of Life

If you had a time machine and could travel back to 1992 as the UN’s Earth Summit was underway, and you knew what you know now about Agenda 21, imagine the actions you could take to stop it in its tracks. You wouldn’t have to wonder what the NGOs who created it had in mind. You wouldn’t have to trust the news media to tell you the details. You would know, just as the NGO’s, Nancy Pelosi and all the others openly told you, Agenda 21 is a “comprehensive blue print” for the reorganization of human society.
- Monday, September 14, 2015

The “Humanitarian Crisis” and the Coming Crime Wave in U.S. Cities

The news is full of the “humanitarian crisis” taking place on the U.S. southern border. We hear of the “unaccompanied children” who have been tragically released into the nation without parental oversight. It paints a horrifying picture that has affected compassionate, caring Americans, bringing many to tears and wanting to help. That’s what Americans do. We care. We cry. We rush to help.
- Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How Global Policy Becomes Local

I first issued the following article in 2005. Since that time, planning groups like the American Planning Association and other Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are involved in implementing sustainable development across the nation, vigorously deny that their programs have anything to do with the United Nations or Agenda 21. And they have gone on the attack through a variety of hit pieces and articles in major news magazines to label those of us fighting Agenda 21 as just kooky conspiracy theorists. Their main argument is that Agenda 21 is a “soft law” policy that has no enforcement capability. “It’s just voluntary,” they insist over and over again. “There are no blue helmeted troops at city hall,” they sarcastically proclaim. But who needs UN troops when they have the NGO shock troops? The following article clearly shows how they target and enlist local mayors to “voluntarily” thrust their agenda on the hapless, voiceless citizens of their communities. Of course, once the mayors “voluntarily” signed these agreements, the NGO storm troopers were there to assure they kept their promise. This is how it’s done. TAD
- Thursday, June 26, 2014

The Principles of Freedom VS Agenda 21

In February, 2014, I was invited to present the keynote address to the annual Clouds Over America conference in Oklahoma City, OK. Part of the program that evening was the presentation of awards to members of the Oklahoma state legislature who had distinguished themselves as defenders of freedom during the legislative session. I then had the privilege of speaking to this esteemed audience. Though some of this material has been published in a recent issue of the DeWeese Report, many in that audience asked for copies of this presentation. So I decided to reprint it here in its entirety. TAD
- Tuesday, April 22, 2014

ObamaCare: The Terrifying Consequences To Healthcare

As the ObamaCare debate rages, we hear much about insurance companies, costs and people’s ability to pay. We hear the policy defended as proponents tell us it will provide healthcare to those who never had it. Of course, these proponents never seem to explain how those who couldn’t afford healthcare when it was a choice can now afford an even more expensive cost now that government mandates it.
- Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The “Agenda for the 21st Century” is the root of your fight Keep your eye on the ball!

You and I have been fighting it for years. We’ve made progress, but not enough. That lack of progress is enough to discourage many activists to leave our fight and try to fight something else – perhaps an easier victory. But, as an associate of mine used to say, “Saving America is not a 9:00 to 5:00 job.” It’s never easy. But this fight MUST be won. Agenda 21 is at the root of nearly every other issue we fight. Leave the Agenda 21 fight now and America’s precious Republic will never be restored. We must renew this fight with a spirit and energy like never before. Our battle cry must be to crush Agenda 21 in 2014.
- Friday, February 7, 2014

The Alamo: Hallowed American Ground or UN Captive?

In 1836, 150 courageous and dedicated men died defending the Alamo. They fought in opposition to the rise of authoritarian big government as Mexico abandoned its Republic. The men of the Alamo were essentially betrayed and sacrificed by their own Texas government because of indecision and bickering by its political leadership.
- Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Putting bicycles ahead of people

This is a story of raw power, collusion and government corruption. A story that is taking place in countless towns all over America. A story of “reinvented” government, where self-proclaimed private “stakeholders” and pressure groups set the rules, local elected officials rubber stamp them, and non-elected regional governments enforce them, sometimes with an iron fist – all with no input from citizens, and apparently no rights for private citizens and property owners to stop them or even have a say.
- Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stupid Human Tricks: The sad case of the Spotted Owl

Environmentalists are quick to lecture the rest of us about the ways of nature. Don’t clean the dead trees off the forest floor, it’s natural. Cattle and horses on the range aren’t native, so let the Grizzles and wolves devour them, it’s natural. Man isn’t part of the ecology, lock him out of vast areas of land, it’s natural. It’s interesting to note how the “natural” argument only applies when it is used to impose the radical environmental agenda. Case in point, the Northern Spotted Owl.
- Thursday, August 1, 2013

Conservation Easements and the Urge to Rule

Conservation easements. The Green Mafia tells us this is the only way to save the family farm. Without its tax credits and restrictions on development rights, America will be paved over and Astroturf will replace sod. We’re in crisis, they tell us. However, as H.L Mencken once warned, “A plan to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.”
- Monday, July 29, 2013

Exxon Funding…? Nope, Never Got The Check?

It's almost funny to watch. The radical left "Progressives" see our Agenda 21 and Global Warming victories over their well-orchestrated plans to restructure America, and they just can't understand how it's happening. Their only theory is that there must be some massive source of secret money driving us. We couldn't possibly be a true grassroots movement, doing this on our own.
- Monday, July 8, 2013

Nimbys, Bananas and Greens

Prices at gas pumps are at some of the highest levels ever and rising. Americans want answers. In particular they want the names and numbers of those to blame. To answer that question perhaps they should simply consult the phone book or look in the mirror. Because the main culprits in the rising gas prices aren’t necessarily members of OPEC, but the American people who support policies that block new drilling and the building of new refineries on American soil. It’s that simple.
- Monday, June 10, 2013

The Growing Threat of Smart Meters

Sustainable Development is code for a policy designed to transform human society, essentially eliminating individual life decisions and replacing them with top – down, one-size-fits-all government control. In steady fashion, the agenda for this new policy, designed at the international level, is put into place piece by piece with a new government council here, and new regulation there, each designed to appear as a “local” development program. Like the proverbial frog in the slowly boiling pot, many Americans fail to notice the rise in government heat.
- Monday, May 13, 2013

Connecting the Dots: From the United Nations to Your State Government

Proponents of Sustainable Development constantly tell us that their plans are just local. And they deride those who accuse them of imposing an international agenda. Kooks. Fringe Fanatics. Conspiracy Theorists. These are just some of the labels they pin on those fighting to expose Agenda 21. Moreover, they sarcastically ask, “how can an obscure twenty-year-old document be a threat to local policy? Tsk Tsk.”
- Monday, April 15, 2013

The Key Word In Opposing a Con Con

The call for a new Constitutional Convention (Con Con), particularly from Conservative circles, is starting to grow at an alarming rate. Several Conservative organizations, particularly the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Goldwater Institute (among others) are telling Conservative state legislators that they can call for a Con Con and control the subject and the outcome of such an event.
- Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sustainability Marxism,

We’ve been saying it for years – sustainable development is really just a disguised Marxism, with its top down control of economic decisions, violation of private property rights and emphasis on Social Justice, a term, incidentally, coined by non- other than Karl Marx (so what was your first clue?). Well, as Agenda 21 has been enforced in more and more policy, the perpetrators have grown more and more bold in openly revealing the truth – it really is a not-so disguised Marxism after all. But, of course, I’m just the lunatic fringe. So, let them tell you in their own words.
- Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Equator Principles and Sustainable Poverty

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.” Michael Oppenheimer (Environmental Defense Fund)
- Thursday, January 24, 2013
