
Claudia Rosett

Ms. Rosett, a Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, a columnist of Forbes and a blogger for PJMedia, is a contributing editor of The New York Sun.

Older articles by Claudia Rosett

Most Recent Articles by Claudia Rosett:

The U.N. Conference On Santa Change

These are busy times--and so it happened that on Christmas Eve, before a cheerful fire, I was reading through a stack of documents on the many ways in which the United Nations is encroaching on our lives, with plans to regulate, tax or otherwise meddle with the climate, the Internet, outer space, economic development and democratic freedoms.
- Thursday, December 25, 2008

If …. Kipling Only Knew

We’ve just heard Rod Blagojevich quoting Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem, “If.” With apologies to Kipling, here’s a version revised for the current circumstances:
- Sunday, December 21, 2008

Regime-Change Works

"Regime change" is not a phrase we're likely to hear from the Obama administration. Even the Bush White House scrapped it after overthrowing Saddam Hussein five years ago. Today, America's stress is on diplomacy, and President-elect Barack Obama will take office having promised to negotiate, without preconditions, with the likes of Iran. In the post-unipolar order, America doesn't overthrow tyrannical governments that threaten the free world with weapons of mass murder; America tries to multilaterally "manage" them.
- Thursday, December 18, 2008

Iran’s Power At The United Nations

With Iran racing down the homestretch toward a nuclear bomb, the United Nations Security Council has spent more than two years expressing "serious concern." By now, Iran is under U.N. sanctions, and in flagrant violation of five Security Council resolutions demanding that it stop enriching uranium. If anything, as a chronic abuser of the U.N. charter, Iran's despotic, terrorist-backing, nuclear-wannabe regime ought to qualify for expulsion from the 192-member U.N. At the very least, one might suppose that on U.N. premises, Iran would be something of a pariah.
- Friday, December 12, 2008

Amnesia, Followed By Near-Total Recall

It's now more than six years since I first labeled a file "Oil-for-Food" and began reporting on the former relief program for Iraq that has since become shorthand for United Nations corruption.
- Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dinner With the Green Glitterati

It may be a dirty world, but under the glittering chandeliers of the Waldorf-Astoria's grand ballroom, more than 500 guests at a black tie $1,500-a-plate banquet last week were told they could sup with a clean conscience. The occasion was a "green" dinner, devoted to celebrating "climate heroes." Carbon offsets had been purchased for their travel to the event.
- Thursday, November 20, 2008

Free Fathi Eljahmi

How about starting with Libya's most famous democratic dissident, Fathi Eljahmi?
- Thursday, November 13, 2008

It’s Time To Restore Liberty

With more than 63 million votes, President-elect Barack Obama--eloquent, young and bankrolled to the gunwales--has won the White House. That still leaves more than 55 million Americans who voted for the aging, outspent warrior, John McCain.
- Thursday, November 6, 2008

In Obama’s Hyde Park, It’s All in the Family

- Andrew C. McCarthy & Claudia Rosett ‘It is this world … where white folks’ greed runs a world in need[.]” Barack Obama was writing his memoir, Dreams from My Father, and quoting his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Wright is a racist proponent of Black Liberation Theology, a Marxist creed that depicts America as an imperial, terrorist, apartheid state.
- Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama and the Potential Blackmail Factor

PajamasMedia There’s a huge and much-overlooked reason for filling in those gaps in Barack Obama’s resume, and letting America’s voters see any and all tapes, transcripts and other documentation of his career and friendships — and fast. It’s called the potential for blackmail.
- Friday, October 31, 2008

A Real Election Choice On The United Nations

When Barack Obama said he'd like to "spread the wealth around," he was widely understood to be talking about redistributing income within the U.S. But there's another arena in which Obama fans are waiting impatiently for the promised wealth-spreading--the United Nations.
- Thursday, October 30, 2008

Questioning Powell’s judgment and global perception.

Colin Powell is the current darling of the media, for crossing party lines on Meet the Press to endorse Barack Obama for “ability to inspire …steadiness...intellectual curiosity...depth of knowledge...intellectual vigor...a definitive way of doing business...reaching out all across America…exceptional,” and numerous other virtues, too many to list here. In sum, Powell embraced Obama as a “transformational figure.”
- Monday, October 20, 2008

Counting America’s Successes

And you tell me over and over and over and over again my friend, Ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
- Thursday, October 16, 2008

The U.N.‘s Man of Mystery

Beijing- "I don't trust you, and I also question your integrity." Thus did Maurice Strong offer me a seat on his living room sofa. Often described as an "international man of mystery," Mr. Strong during his long, globe-trotting career has been one of the most influential architects of the opaque cross-border bureaucracy that is today's United Nations. He is probably best known as godfather of the U.N.'s 1997 Kyoto treaty, and as a former U.N. top adviser who in that same year received a check for almost $1 million, bankrolled by the U.N.-sanctioned regime of Saddam Hussein. (Mr. Strong told me that at the time he did not know the money came from Baghdad.)
- Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bordering On Tyranny

TUMEN, CHINA -Set on the northern bank of the muddy Tumen River, this Chinese border town has one of the saddest backdrops in the world. Just across the river lies North Korea. It is so close that from a room in a local hotel, you can sit by a window and watch North Koreans trudging around the scrawny town of Namyang below the rugged hills on the far side of the river.
- Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Other Bailout

First published in Forbes America has been on a socialist bender, and the bills are getting large. Got a problem? Look to Washington to arrange a handout, or a safety net; if that scheme goes sour, expect a bailout. It has become politically incorrect to suggest that individual choice coupled with responsibility--including the possibility of going broke--makes for a healthier bottom line than an endless flow of subsidies and guarantees.
- Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Clear And Present Nuclear Danger

Wall Street's meltdown has almost swept it from the news, but right now Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has on her hands a diplomatic debacle in North Korea that may ultimately prove even more dangerous than the mess in the markets.
- Sunday, September 28, 2008

Uncle Sam, Sugar Daddy

Writing about American foreign policy in this new millennium has become a voyage into the murk. But whichever of the four, five or six versions of the Bush doctrine one prefers, it is worth recalling that in June 2002, in a landmark speech at West Point, the president issued a vital declaration that at the core of America's interests is the defense of liberty for all: "Wherever we carry it, the American flag will stand not only for our power, but for freedom."
- Thursday, September 18, 2008
