

Richard J. "Sarge" Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.

Most Recent Articles by Sarge:

Plot your own course

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday on MSNBC. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”
- Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The TRUTH will out!

“This bill (The Affordable Care Act) was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in – you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed… Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass… Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.” Jonathan Gruber-Obamacare Architect The above is the exact, factual and video-recorded statement of the man who was one of Obama’s lead men on the writing of The Affordable Care Act. Gruber admits the ruse Obama has used since the beginnings of his campaign for president and his desire to have transparency in the development of legislation is purely for altruistic and honorable purposes is a sham and a lie.
- Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Common ground

Well, it’s started. The tsunami the mid-term elections proved to be has shown America’s displeasure with Obama and his cult. I find it so much like his track record that he can spin the fact he lost a massive plurality of Senate seats he alone can read the thoughts of the two-thirds of popular voters didn’t vote. It must be a like a whistle only dogs can hear. He knows.
- Monday, November 10, 2014

Liar's Poker

In an act of stupendous desperation, Mary Landrieu has stomped heavily into a pile of Obama (chickens#it). She pulled the race card, though tattered and torn from her repertoire and slammed it onto the table like a kid playing “Battle” or “War”. You know the kid’s card game where the highest card dropped takes the hand and you power slam cards to the table when both cards match. It could also be looked at as a game of “Liar’s Poker”.
- Friday, October 31, 2014

I’ll take Netanyahu any day

So Benjamin Netanyahu is “chickens#it”. What does that make Obama and Kerry? I’d say whale s#it because they’ve dropped lower than any politicians I’ve known before or after them. For anybody in this feckless and demonstrably ineffectual administration to attack, berate and denigrate a Head of State having lived under the threat of armed encounter and having survived actual shooting wars on his territory and within his national borders is the height of stupidity.
- Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Water Moccasin

This blank page is causing me grave problems. I have an urge to simply get out a box of colored markers and scribble all over the massive expanse of polar whiteness and create something, anything other than the blankness assaulting my consciousness.
- Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mary Mallon’s Legacy

Miss Mary Mallon had a problem. I’m speaking of a woman immigrated to America from Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1883. She was a cook for affluent families in and around the area of New York City.
- Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Vitter walks back his shame

KDSL RELEASES INAUGURAL WHITE PAPER ON AMERICAN CURRICULUM SCHOOLS IN DUBAI Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE): Today, Know.Do.Serve.Learn. (KDSL) released the first in a series of white papers that will highlight American curriculum schools in Dubai and related issues of importance to parents, students, and educators. KDSL is a global education company that specializes in collaborating with American curriculum schools worldwide. Its inaugural white paper is entitled "Three Things Every Parent Should Know About American Curriculum Schools In Dubai" and specifically targets parents of current students and those who are considering American curriculum schools for the future.
- Monday, October 27, 2014

Common Core and Agenda 21

The Obama administration, Bill Gates, the United Nations, and the Obama administration have been trying with all they're worth to nationalize, along the lines of United Nations Globalization standards of education under the guise of Common Core. Many of the major schemas driving these very deeply disturbing "standards" was overlooked. It's noted, official UN documents and statements by top administration officials expose plans to indoctrinate American children, and students around the world, into cookie-cutter replicants as "global citizens" ready for the "sustainable new world order".
- Saturday, October 25, 2014

Local Control My Flying Red Butt!

“The 2nd Annual MENA Common Core Conference will provide professional development to American curriculum schools in the region on effectively employing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the classroom. Our mission is to unite for one common goal: To be the most successful schools and teachers for our students while implementing CCSS. On October 24 and 25, hundreds of schools, leadership teams, and teachers from across the region will gather in Dubai, to learn about the Common Core State Standards, share curricula and best practices, and network with each other. The event will unite administrators, teachers, and schools around improving teaching and learning for all of our students.”
- Friday, October 24, 2014

And THIS is the news!

Satire Good morning, America, Ladies and Gentleman, and all the ships at sea; I’m Walter Brainwaste and THIS is the news!
- Thursday, October 23, 2014

Getting pithy

Pith: (noun) The central and most important part of something such as an argument or discussion. When I was in school I was pleasantly surprised to be given the task of gathering frogs for dissection in class. I managed to trap enough specimens to make my teacher happy and torture many of the lovely young ladies I wanted to impress. (It was a miserable failure as you might guess.) From the capture we moved on to the nastier element of learning how to euthanize the specimen humanely.
- Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Kennedy got it right

John F. Kennedy said: “There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction.” Once in a while I get stuck. Many call it Writer’s Block. I call it a bunch of aggravating schmutz stuck in my head. It’s mental constipation. You know there’s something there, you just can’t get it out, hence the quote. Obama has a history of walking on a political treadmill. He keeps walking but never understands he’s going nowhere. He goes through the motions of ambulation but has no idea he’s got no destination other than in his head and when he stops he’ll be the same sad excuse for a political with no real success to his credit.
- Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Just ramblin’ and amblin’

So; where do we go from here? We have Obama actually cancelling junkets and in general confusing the bejeezus out of everybody because he’s paying attention to Ebola. Maybe it’s because he said his policies and administrative programs are going to be tested in the midterm elections.
- Friday, October 17, 2014

Riding shotgun

Ebola is the latest episode indicating just what and who is the real enemy of the people.
- Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Horsemen Ride?

We’re at war across the world. Famine is a terrible reality in 19 nations on the planet
- Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Screen Door

The unsecured border is like the screen in that it has no integrity
- Monday, October 13, 2014

Cowboy Up!

America needs to take the steer we call government by its horns and control it so the people win
- Tuesday, October 7, 2014

All hands on deck

So; I’m sitting on the sofa when I get an alert from the local paper, The Advocate, and it says there’s a story by Joe Gyan Jr. concerning the race for the 19th Judicial District Court. It seems the incumbent, Mike Caldwell, Div. “I” has been covering the Civil Court action and doesn’t receive very many cases concerning Criminal Code violations.
- Monday, October 6, 2014
