
Barry Shaw

My opinion was formed from living in Israel, witnessing the horror of terror, reading the misinformation and downright lies perpetrated by the Western media, seen the incompetence of Israeli leaders to project the facts. My website comes from a particularly personal perspective. The articles may be controversial and provocative. For whatever strikes Israel today will surely visit you tomorrow.

Barry Shaw is the author of Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism.’

Barry is the author of ISRAEL - RECLAIMING THE NARRATIVE which is available at Israelnarrative.com" or at Amazon Kindle.

Most Recent Articles by Barry Shaw:

The Hypocrisy of the Egyptian blockade on Gaza exposed by recent terror attack

Israel averted what could have been a major terrorist attack on Sunday, 5th August, when it intercepted and destroyed an armoured vehicle carrying several jihadi terrorists. This terror group had over run an Egyptian army base in the southern Sinai killing 16 soldiers and capturing explosives, weapons, and the armoured vehicle, which they drove into Israel in an attempt to reach a civilian area and kill as many Israelis as they could find.
- Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A special thank you for honoring our 11 murdered sportsmen

When I set out, three weeks ago, on my initiative to bring Jews together in A GLOBAL MOMENT OF PRAYER IN MEMORY OF THE ELEVEN MURDERED ISRAELI SPORTSMEN, I gave myself an overly optimistic target of 500 synagogues to take part in this worldwide moment of Jewish unity with Israel in prayer.
- Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Kasim and Barry - A Rare Conversation

Kasim is a special person. What is special about Kasim is not that he is a British Muslim of Pakistani origin. That, in itself, Is not unique. What is special about Kasim is that he was once radicalized and, in his words, a few months from going to a terrorist training camp in Pakistan. Today he is a rare voice for Israel in the UK. What is special about our conversation is that it took place in Israel. What is special about our conversation is the content.
- Friday, June 15, 2012


JERUSALEM is the one and only capital of the Jewish people. For all their protests it is not the capital of the Islamic people. How many capitals do they want? They have Mecca and Medina. They have Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, Tehran and Beirut, Cairo and Baghdad, Tripoli and Sana’a. The Palestinians have built their national infrastructure with Israeli approval in Ramallah. This is where their government offices are. This is where their President and Prime Minister sit. This is where their dead leader is ceremonially entombed.
- Monday, May 21, 2012

Hamas terrorist was a guest of South African radicals

A Hamas terrorist, involved in the murder of several Israelis in a suicide attack on Cafe Hillel in Jerusalem, was recently in South Africa to help with the "Israel Apartheid Week" propaganda campaign.
- Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It’s time to think of an alternative to a failed Two State Solution

The time is long overdue to speak out for an Israel under assault. We should fight fire with fire. In fact, we should start a few fires of our own. And who should do this fighting? Who should light these fires? We should. We, the people. Not the governments. They’ve been lying for years. They have not faced reality for decades. Not our non-governmental leaders. They have been leaning so far left that they have become the verbal puppets for the radicals. Oh, they speak in the tongue of the liberal left, but they come at us from the same oblique angle as those who attack Israel and the West.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why Jerusalem?

One of the main aims of Palestinian participation at the recent United Nations Assembly was to gain widespread international recognition that statehood would begin on 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital. Although it is clear that such a proposal would not succeed in achieving the official stamp of law it would, through sheer weight of numbers, resound with virtual legitimacy.
- Tuesday, October 4, 2011

God supports Israel. Do you?

When Uri asked me to talk in our synagogue on the Shabbat that the Palestinians were presenting their statehood bid at the United Nations, I hesitated. I admit to being a secular, rather than religious, Jew. But, in my advocacy work for Israel, I use as a cornerstone of my hasbara the fact that we share a God-given land as an integral part of our rights as the Jewish people possessing our national home.
- Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Why are the Palestinians going to the United Nations”

It is obvious that the Palestinians will not achieve the legal stamp of statehood when they turn up at the United Nations on September 20. They are aware that, despite having the bulk of the votes in the General Assembly, their statehood bid will fail with an American veto in the Security Council. So, why are they going?
- Friday, September 16, 2011

Gaza Flotilla truths—it’s insane, immoral, and illegal

INSANE: Gaza today is a middle class society being portrayed by the flotilla, and BDS crowd, as one of the greatest humanitarian disasters on earth. The 2011 flotilla is sailing just days after Gaza City opened its second super shopping mall replete with a wide range of goods, mostly supplied by Israel. By the way, most of the building material, including the moving escalators, came from Israel.
- Saturday, July 2, 2011

FLOTILLA CRUISELINE:Mediterranean cruise to Gaza

image It's summer, and the radicals are basking themselves in the Greek sunshine and touring the beautiful sites of Greece before embarking on FLOTILLA CRUISELINE for their Mediterranean cruise to Gaza. We have attached their shore excursion of Gaza. Wow! Now I understand why they paid so much to join this cruise... The Grand Palace Hotel, Gaza (picture left) could be their first stop...
- Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Secret Jews

I strongly recommend that you research a fascinating and tragic period of Jewish history that stretched for more than three hundred years yet is little known. The story of the Anusim, the Secret Jews, is a valuable and significant, yet rarely discovered, Jewish event that, in its world range, the numbers of Jews killed or affected by it for centuries can be called the longest genocide in world history.
- Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Naksa Border Invasion—why it failed

Following a trial run in May a coordinated effort was launched by Hamas, Hizbollah, and the Syrian regime to mount a massive three-pronged border invasion into Israel. The aim was to gain international propaganda by the sight of thousands of unarmed protesters demonstrating their desire "to return home to Palestine". The anticipated numbers were put at 100,000. Israel prepared itself to face this illegal action.
- Saturday, June 11, 2011

Don’t let the evil genie out of the bottle

President Obama recently showed his naivety in discussing the Palestinian problem when he made an issue of ’67 borders with minor alterations a major condition that Israel must cede for the imminent creation of a newly formed Palestinian state. The very issue of borders at this time is a smokescreen, a red herring, to avoid facing the real significant issue of the nature of what this state truly represents.
- Monday, May 23, 2011
