
News on the Net

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Thank you Canada Free Press

Everyone in both Canada and the USA who goes online for their daily news fix should all delete DRUDGE from their favorites list and insert Canada Free Press.
- Saturday, January 23, 2010

Iranian people want regime change not reform

Twenty-nine year old Sayah Hassan, an Iranian pro-democracy activist and criminal lawyer living in Toronto, told a student conference here that “Iranian people are no longer satisfied with reforming [Iran’s] existing Islamic regime, but want regime change entirely.”
- Friday, January 22, 2010

The Chinese Shell Game

Many Chinese manufacturers of consumer products are so obsessed with shoveling products out the door that they cut dangerous corners in order to keep their selling prices down. First it was lead in children's toys. Then faulty materials in wallboard that made several hundred U.S. homes uninhabitable because of mold and noxious odors. More recently it has been deadly cadmium in children's jewelry. Why do Chinese manufacturers use toxic materials in their products? It's cheaper.
- Thursday, January 21, 2010

Less Safe On Obama’s Watch

As a former naval intelligence officer on a high level staff (Top Secret Cryptographic clearance), I agree with President Obama that the breach of security associated with the Detroit-bound airliner is “totally unacceptable”. The warning signs were there, but the intelligence community failed to recognize, analyze, and disseminate the information. This is the same type of failure which led to the 9/11 attacks and the Ft. Hood massacre.
- Thursday, January 21, 2010

“Scott’s Shot”—-More Than Anti-Health Care

A good victory, Friends! However, we must not allow a mis-interpretation of this "Epoch Event" to be propagated---either intentionally, or unintentionally! The "Loser Left", will spin the Brown Victory in Massachusetts in such a way as to protect The Obama Anti-Constitution/Bill of Rights Machine.
- Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Committee Members, Stop Digging

When you get back to work, a Committee will need to be appointed to look at Bill C-391. The People of Canada want it to be passed!
- Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Haiti Disaster Highlights Fascist Debate

Think about it. If American Fascism continues under Obama's Nationalist Fist--Someday (soon), Americans would be incapable of contributing money to "a Haiti" in a time of dire need.
- Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We need to address CASS SUNSTEIN
- Monday, January 18, 2010

Obama and the Massachusetts Election

If Coakley loses, the message to the Obama Cult should be clear, "Not even Obama can protect you from us voters" or, "It's Obama, stupid."
- Monday, January 18, 2010

The Real State of Emergency

Countless times throughout history we have seen governments tell the people that they will offer them security in the threat of danger. In return the people would have their freedoms taken away and given tyranny. Growing up in North America we have always had the perception of good versus evil, right verses wrong, and the good/right would always win in the end.
- Monday, January 18, 2010

Congress Should Investigate the United Nations Tsunami Relief Effort

--A reminder of the United Nations December 28, 2005 Nile Gardiner, Ph.D. This week marks the anniversary of the tsunami disaster which struck large sections of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Africa on December 26, 2004. The tsunami claimed some 231,000 lives and displaced 2 million people.
- Sunday, January 17, 2010

What can Scott Brown do for Dems? UPS ships off legal salvo

imageShipping giant UPS isn’t amused by a Democratic Party campaign pamphlet attacking Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown that plays off the company’s slogan “What can Brown do for you?” Atlanta-based United Parcel Service, known for its ubiquitous brown trucks, demanded yesterday that the Massachusetts Democratic Party, which is listed as paying for the pamphlet, stop distributing it.
- Sunday, January 17, 2010

RE: Healthcare’s AFL-CIO recruiting tool

The implications of the Healthcare bill's latest bribe by Team Obama for non-union businesses in America are huge. The exemption from the tax on Cadillac Plans for union members stands to be the biggest recruiting tool in the history of managed labor.
- Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama is a disgrace to America

You idiots don't know the word "transparent." What kind of idiots do you think the American people are. That's right American People. Not liars and people that just say a bunch of crap to get elected and reelected. All the liars will get theirs in 2010. Pack you bags and start looking for a job. Oh wait you have been making deals with all the companies and groups that will benefit from this so you are safe no matter what. You only have one person then to fear. That's GOD when you meet him at 'the gate' and says sorry but we don't take your kind beyond this point.
- Friday, January 15, 2010
