
Chip McLean

© Copyright by Chip McLean, 2014. All rights reserved. Chip McLean is the editor/publisher for Capitol Hill Outsider. He is a former broadcaster and long-time sales professional whose interest in politics began in 1964 at the age of eight, when his parents took him to a Barry Goldwater rally during the presidential campaign. In addition to his work at CHO, Chip's columns have appeared in a number of online publications.

Most Recent Articles by Chip McLean:

The New Missing “I” Word

Our fearless leader Hussein Obama has quickly determined the cause of the tragic Orlando shootings…and the culprit? Guns. Not exactly a surprise, as every mass shooting has seen Obama blame guns as the sole cause of the occurrence. We could stop all these shootings if we could just get rid of all of those guns, according to Obama and the other usual suspects (Hillary, Pelosi, Bloomberg et al).
- Monday, June 13, 2016

Obama's Recipe for Disaster

Growing up with an interest in government and politics as I did, I often thought about having conversations with various leaders--especially U.S. presidents. I had visions of lengthy philosophical discussions and asking questions to gain a perspective on the ideas that drove those men. I never dreamed that one day we would have a president - as we do today - that only one question comes to mind ..."Mr. Obama, are you out of your damn mind?"
- Monday, November 23, 2015

America's Toxic Brew: "Diversity"

During the first Republican debate Donald Trump struck a huge chord with the "silent majority" of this nation by saying that America's biggest problem is, "being politically correct."
- Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Time to Secede…From the GOP

Is there anyone remaining with an IQ above room temperature who actually believes that the Republican Party believes in limited government, as defined by the U.S. constitution? If so, they have either been hibernating or have been in complete self-denial.
- Saturday, March 23, 2013

You're a Good Man Charlie Brown

One of the annual Christmas traditions in my childhood days was watching the animated special A Charlie Brown Christmas. Based on cartoonist Charles M. Schultz's beloved characters, the show found Charlie Brown searching for the true meaning of Christmas.
- Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Phoenix Rises

It has been two years since I wrote “And Out of the Ashes, the Phoenix Shall Rise”, a post-election 2008 column that predicted a revived conservative movement. Two years later, it is time to revisit where we were, examine where we are, and most importantly – to see where we are going.
- Sunday, November 7, 2010

And Out of the Ashes, the Phoenix Shall Rise

Much has been written of the “death” of conservatism. Many see Barack Obama’s victory over John McCain as “proof” of some seismic shift in our nation’s ideological landscape. Neither supposition is accurate.
- Monday, November 17, 2008
