
Claudia Rosett

Ms. Rosett, a Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, a columnist of Forbes and a blogger for PJMedia, is a contributing editor of The New York Sun.

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Most Recent Articles by Claudia Rosett:

The United Nations is trying to grab control of worldwide immigration policies

While President Donald Trump seeks funding for a border wall, the United Nations is seeking control of migration policies worldwide, with a campaign configured to undermine America's sovereignty and control over its own borders. And, yes, if the U.N. has its way, America will help pay for it.
- Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mourn Kofi Annan, But Don’t Forget His Failings

Mourn Kofi Annan, But Don’t Forget His Failings In United Nations circles, Kofi Annan’s death last Saturday is being mourned in terms more befitting a saint than a former secretary general. Ted Turner’s U.N. Foundation eulogized him as “a fearless champion for the powerless.” Departing human rights commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein called him “humanity’s best example.” Current U.N. secretary general António Guterres tells us he was a “a guiding force for good” and a leader of “matchless dignity and determination.” He added, “In many ways, Kofi Annan was the United Nations.”
- Saturday, August 25, 2018

One president is responsible for America's retreat from supporting democracy abroad--it isn't Trump

One president is responsible for America's retreat from supporting democracy abroad, and it isn't Trump More than a generation has passed since America hailed the 1991 Soviet collapse as the dawn of a new world order, wide open to the spread of freedom and democracy. That euphoria is long gone, replaced these days by apprehension. For years now, authoritarian rulers have been on a roll, with such aggressive dictatorships as China, Russia and Iran gaining military muscle, influence and turf. Around the globe, freedom and democracy have been broadly in decline.
- Monday, August 13, 2018

The Long Wait for China to Honor the Heroes of Tiananmen, 1989

The Long Wait for China to Honor the Heroes of Tiananmen, 1989 Someday, China will build a monument in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to honor its citizens who took part in the 1989 uprising we remember under the name of Tiananmen. Perhaps that monument will look like the statue of the Goddess of Democracy, built by demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square to hold high in both hands a torch of liberty -- facing off against the huge portrait of Mao.
- Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Only Freedom Can Disarm Kim

Only Freedom Can Disarm Kim The summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un seems to be on again, with a flurry of preparatory meetings. Mr. Trump tweeted Sunday: “I truly believe North Korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial Nation one day. Kim Jong Un agrees with me on this.” But even to have any chance of defanging the North Korean nuclear menace, there’s one huge concession Mr. Trump must demand from the regime: that Mr. Kim abandon his totalitarian control over North Korea.
- Friday, June 1, 2018

The UN's colossal failure to stop Syria's chemical weapons

The UN's colossal failure to stop Syria's chemical weapons The showdown over chemical weapons in Syria has moved from the debating chambers of the United Nations to the realms of reality. President Trump is threatening missile strikes against Syria's Assad regime. Russia, entrenched in Syria in support of President Bashar Assad, is threatening to strike back.
- Friday, April 13, 2018

Little Rocket Man's Great Big Summit Scam

Little Rocket Man's Great Big Summit Scam When President Trump tipped reporters to expect a big announcement Thursday evening on North Korea, I joked to a friend that this could only amount to good news in the unlikely event that North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un had just sent Trump a note saying "Help! I want to defect!"
- Sunday, March 11, 2018

Kim Yo Jong is a Twisted Sister

Kim Yo Jong is a Twisted Sister Who is Kim Yo Jong? “Kim Jong Un’s sister is stealing the show at the Winter Olympics,” declared a CNN.com headline. This princess of Pyongyang received a royal welcome from South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in. He seated her in his VIP box, near Vice President Mike Pence, for the opening ceremony. He hosted her for lunch at the presidential Blue House, where she delivered him an invitation for a summit with Mr. Kim. The resulting Reuters headline: “North Korea heading for diplomacy gold medal at the Olympics.”
- Wednesday, February 14, 2018

North Korea Games the Olympics

North Korea Games the Olympics If the International Olympic Committee ever decides to add Totalitarian Cruelty and Nuclear Extortion to its roster of Olympic sports, it might make sense for the IOC to bend over backwards to include North Korea -- which would be a shoo-in for the gold.
- Friday, January 12, 2018

Trump's Spectacular Speech From Seoul

Trump's Spectacular Speech From Seoul Wow. President Trump wrapped up his visit to South Korea with a speech square in the tradition of President Ronald Reagan. It's not just that he talked about the long conflict on the Korean peninsula: the "dazzling light" of South Korea versus the "impenetrable darkness" of the North, the glories of freedom versus the toll of tyranny, the line that separates them just north of Seoul, and America's commitment to defending it.
- Thursday, November 9, 2017

Why North Korea Needs Relisting as a Terror-Sponsoring State

Why North Korea Needs Relisting as a Terror-Sponsoring State -- Youtube Officially the State Department is headquartered in Washington, but every so often -- far too often -- there come these moments when State seems so out of touch that it might as well be operating on Neptune. So it goes with the question of whether to put North Korea back on the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism -- to which the the instant answer from State ought to be yes, yes, YES.
- Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Kerfuffle Before the Storm

With the phrase "the calm before the storm," President Trump on Thursday evening kicked off one of the biggest media kerfuffles since his late-night tweet in May about "the constant negative press covfefe."
- Sunday, October 8, 2017

Kick North Korea Out of the U.N.

Calls by the United Nations Security Council to isolate North Korea haven’t stopped Kim Jong Un from launching missiles over Japan or threatening America and its allies. This week President Trump told the General Assembly that the United States is prepared “to totally destroy North Korea” in the event of an attack. If the international community is serious about isolating the Kim regime, there’s a less drastic option not yet tried: expel North Korea from the U.N.
- Friday, September 22, 2017

Kim Jong Un's Thermonuclear Joyride

Following North Korea's sixth nuclear test, advertised by Pyongyang as an ICBM-ready hydrogen bomb, it was good to hear Defense Secretary James Mattis talking tough. But that won't stop North Korea from building nuclear missiles. It won't stop North Korea's threats against the U.S. and our allies. I'd wager it won't even interfere with Kim Jong Un's enjoyment of his apparently ample meals.
- Wednesday, September 6, 2017

North Korea's Fireworks

While Americans were celebrating Independence Day, North Korea test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile, with a potential range that some experts estimate could reach the United States. As The Wall Street Journal reports, in an editorial headlined "The North Korean Missile Crisis":
- Thursday, July 6, 2017

The Moral Obscenity of Kim's North Korea

North Korea's menace has been all over the news, including its missile tests, visible preparations for a sixth nuclear test and its threats to attack a U.S. aircraft carrier and to reduce the U.S. to ashes with a "super-mighty preemptive strike." Assorted experts, debating how to handle the rogue regime of Kim Jong Un, have been weighing the pros and cons of trying yet more sanctions, new negotiations, tough talk, pressure on China, displays of military might, actual use of military force to take out North Korean missiles or even nuclear facilities, or assorted permutations of all these options and then some.
- Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Samantha Power Reinvents Obama's Record on Russia

By all means, let's have a debate about the dangers of American presidents and their administrations purveying "alternative facts." But could the members of the media most ostentatiously seething over President Trump -- and now busy presenting their own alternative facts -- please spare us the pretense that the White House is suddenly in danger of losing its credibility. What's left to lose? We've just had eight years of the Obama administration beaming out alternative facts "narratives" to the mascot-media echo chamber, on the theory that saying something makes it so ("If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"; Iran's "exclusively peaceful" nuclear program; the Benghazi "video"; etc.).
- Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Obama settling old grudges--But not against Russian, Israeli leaders

Is President Obama using his final weeks in office to settle personal grudges against Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Obama certainly appears to be settling scores, slamming Russia for trying to meddle in the U.S. election, and abandoning Israel to the untender mercies of the United Nations Security Council.
- Saturday, December 31, 2016
