
Christian Newswire

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Most Recent Articles by Christian Newswire:

Christian Filmmakers to Discuss the Influence of Disney on American Culture

Christian filmographers will be taking a hard look at the influence of Disney on American culture as part of the Third Annual Christian Filmmakers Academy to be held October 22-24 in San Antonio, Texas. During a three-lecture symposium on Disney, the CFA's faculty will dig deep into the corporate and artistic legacy of the communications giant often accused of being the most anti-family media conglomerate in the world.
- Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thousands of Students at Campuses Nationwide Lose Their Voices on Oct. 23

Stand True, Christ-Centered Pro-life, will hold its fourth annual Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity ([url=http://www.silentday.org]http://www.silentday.org[/url] ) on Tuesday, Oct. 23. On this date, thousands of students from campuses in the United States, Canada, and several other countries will take a vow of silence to express their contempt for abortion, which has claimed one-third of their generation and continues to take the lives of over 4,000 babies per day in the United States alone.
- Monday, October 15, 2007
