
News on the Net

News from around the world

Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

McCann parents revisit Portugal

The parents of missing girl Madeleine McCann have returned to Portugal together for the first time in more than two years.
- Thursday, September 24, 2009

Reckless Health Care Changes

President Obama continues to pitch his reckless and unrealistic health care initiative to the public. “Big Brother“ Obama wants Congress to pass a bill quickly before Congress and the public understand the plan.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Dare the US Constitution and our founding father’s stand in the way of Barack Hussein Obama!

How DARE the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights and our founding father's stand in the way of Barack Hussein Obama! Don't they know they are messing with the King of all Snake Oil Salesmen? Don't they know messing with Barack also means messing with Al Sharpton, the ACLU, Jessie Jackson, the AFL-CIO, Jeremiah Wright, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Bill Ayers?
- Wednesday, September 23, 2009

38% of grade 9 students meet the standard

Only 38% of grade 9s across the province meet math standards; in Niagara, only 29% of public school grade 9ers meet the standard. Those numbers are unacceptable.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tea Party ExpressTea Party Express

All throughout the recent Tea Party Express national tour we kept receiving emails and phone calls from people around the nation who lived far away from the route our buses took across America. We vowed at the time to keep the Tea Party Express effort alive – and that’s exactly what we are doing.
- Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Shot in the Dark: Swine Flu’s Vaccine Lessons

Twenty-six years ago, the United States government got word that a deadly virus nobody had seen for years -- and which experts thought was gone forever -- was possibly circulating again.
- Sunday, September 20, 2009

Iran just put a satellite into space

Congressman Buchanan, This is incredible. iran just put a satellite into space. If that is not a demonstration of a LONG RANGE BOOSTER, what is?
- Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stray Australian Cat Returns Home After 2,400-Mile Journey

HOBART, Australia — A cat named Clyde was reunited with his owner on Wednesday after a mysterious three-year odyssey in which the long-haired Himalayan strayed 2,400 miles into the Australian Outback.
- Friday, September 18, 2009


Calling Barack Obama a liar isn't racist, but it is Gauche. Even in our rowdy romper-room that calls itself a parliament no member is allowed to call another member a liar.
- Friday, September 18, 2009

It’s revolting

This is a Stalin/Mugabe type abuse of trust action by the scumbags you elected. It's like grade school, it's a “Bullies Taking Your Money” Thing. Your reaction should fast and positive. Make a huge noise attract attention of every single person within earshot. These scumbags need publicity, this is mugging on a massive scale, is no one taking note of whats happening? are you so shell shocked you don't notice when your'e being robbed. The gate to the pig pen is closing very soon.
- Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, September 17th, is Constitution Day

Thursday, Sept. 17, is Constitution Day. It is a day specifically designated by an act of Congress for Americans to honor the remarkable document that created our system of government. The date was chosen because the Constitution was approved at the original Constitutional Convention on Sept. 17, 1787.
- Thursday, September 17, 2009

Windmills Are Killing Our Birds

On Aug. 13, ExxonMobil pleaded guilty in federal court to killing 85 birds that had come into contact with crude oil or other pollutants in uncovered tanks or waste-water facilities on its properties. The birds were protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which dates back to 1918. The company agreed to pay $600,000 in fines and fees.
- Thursday, September 17, 2009

McGuinty’s Superstore-Grand Opening

The date is July 1st. 2010, a bright and sunny early summer day in Ontario. Eager shoppers are flocking to the grand opening of the new McGuinty Superstore, the one stop location for everything any family needs. At the entrance red flags are flying and we are greeted by 2 smiling men, Dalton and Dwight who present every family with a shiny "In Store" gift card for $1,000.00. What a wonderful start to the day!
- Thursday, September 17, 2009

Crime and punishment

Because poor Lubna wore her slacks the courts' decree was 40 whacks
- Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I hate double standards

The black caucus calls Wilson “you lie” remark racist---------well I don’t think so, however, Kayne West grabbing mike from teenager Taylor Swift sure would run for the title: “raciest”.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The real issue is stability

Like it or not we may be forced to go through our fourth federal election in five years even though a recent poll says 70% Canadians are against it. And the reason they don't want it is simple. We don't need it. A selfish opposition could care less and apparently will force it upon us even though there are no compelling ballot box issues.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2009
