
Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist

Joseph A. Klein is the author of Global Deception: The UN's Stealth Assault on America's Freedom.

Most Recent Articles by Joseph A. Klein, CFP United Nations Columnist:

Paul Krugman’s Libel Against Conservatives

Left-wing New York Times columnist and economist Paul Krugman is exploiting the tragic shooting in Arizona Saturday, which claimed six lives, including the lives of a federal district court judge and a 9 year-old girl, and which critically wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. In a disgraceful op-ed column today entitled “Climate of Hate,” Krugman pinned the blame for the shooting on the Right.
- Monday, January 10, 2011

10 Suggestions For Katie Couric’s New Muslim Family TV Show

CBS News Anchor Katie Couric denounced what she perceives as anti-Muslim bigotry in this country and suggested a Muslim version of “The Cosby Show” to counteract it. This new show, in Couric’s mind, could enhance the image of Muslim-Americans much as the “Cosby Show” did for African-Americans.
- Friday, January 7, 2011

The Global Radical Islamic Threat To Freedom: Ignore Or Excuse At Our Peril

In an editorial today entitled “Under Siege,” the New York Times laments the recent violence committed by radical Islamists against Christians in Egypt and Iraq. Yesterday, the Times ran an editorial entitled “A Brave Man Killed,” in which it lamented the assassination of Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province who had called for the repeal of Pakistan’s anti-blasphemy law. This law, popular with Pakistan’s Muslim majority, imposes a mandatory death sentence on anyone convicted of insulting Islam.
- Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nancy Pelosi Loses Her Speaker’s Gavel

imageToday Nancy Pelosi lost her Speaker's gavel. But she hasn't gone quietly. She has been engaging in a massive public relations campaign to re-write her dismal record with outright lies. Yesterday, Pelosi demonstrated how far she is willing to stretch the truth. At her final press conference as House Speaker (thank goodness) Pelosi portrayed herself and fellow Democrats as deficit hawks:
Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.
- Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Filibustering Prevents Freedom Busting

With the start of the new year, the Left is determined to make good on at least one of its New Year resolutions – going after the Senate filibuster.
- Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Obamacare Regulators Are Getting Ready To Pull the Plug On Grandma

The New York Times, bless its heart, is looking out for Grandma. In a front page lead story on Christmas Day, the Times reported that the Obama administration is planning to enact a new Medicare regulation, effective January 1, 2011, under which the government will pay doctors who advise elder patients annually on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment. In other words, the Obama administration will ensure that doctors will be incentivized to badger Grandma year after year whether she wants to pull the plug rather than seek treatment if and when she becomes seriously ill.
- Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Durban 3 – Kick This Horror Show Rerun Out Of New York

The United Nations General Assembly stayed in session until 4 in the morning to vote 104 to 22, with 33 abstaining, to hold a "Durban 3 " World Conference Against Racism summit in New York, on September 21, 2011. Given the rampantly anti-Western and anti-Semitic record of the first two Durban racism conferences, holding this one in New York ten days following the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks would constitute a disgraceful insult to our country.
- Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The UN: Liberty’s Enemy

In a fitting year-end commemoration of the United Nations‘ accomplishments, the Security Council and General Assembly were evacuated recently amid reports of a “suspicious odor” at the United Nations headquarters in New York. The stench turned out to be sewage-related.
- Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama’s Hollow Halo and Hollow Victories

As if surrounded by a halo of his own making, President Obama boasted during his year-end press conference yesterday that Congress had its “most productive post-election period” in decades. He added that
- Thursday, December 23, 2010

Confronting The Truth About Homegrown Radical Islamic Terrorists

New York Republican Congressman Peter King, the incoming chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, is being criticized by the usual suspects on the Left for his plan to hold congressional hearings on the radicalization of some in the U.S. Muslim community. Alan Colmes, appearing on The O’Reilly Factor last night, typified the Left’s kneejerk reaction when he accused King of bigotry for singling out radical Muslims. Bill O’Reilly also played a clip in which Congressman Keith Ellison, a Muslim, joined the politically correct chorus against Congressional hearings on homegrown Islamic terrorism:
- Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Obama Administration Fights For Sharia Law At The Expense of Public School Students

The ‘Is it Legal?’ segment of The O’Reilly Factor last night dealt with a disturbing decision by the Obama Justice Department that has received very little publicity. It is yet another example of the Obama administration’s policy of accommodation to Islamic sharia law, irrespective of its impact on our own society.
- Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crybaby Obama Throws Bombs Left And Right

President Obama flailed about during his press conference yesterday, lashing out at Republicans as “hostage takers” and at his rebellious Leftist base as “sanctimonious purists”. While throwing around enough rhetorical bombs to blow up Washington metaphorically speaking for his own failings, this crybaby narcissist did not even take a minute to remember those who perished at the hands of the Japanese bombers on Pearl Harbor Day.
- Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Contrasting Views WikiLeaks’ Impact: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice

In a wide-ranging press conference at United Nations headquarters on December 2nd, the United States' UN ambassador Susan Rice continued to play down any negative impact from WikiLeaks' release of sensitive State Department documents. She also denied that any of the U.S. diplomats, at least those under her control, had done anything improper. She carried over the same theme that she relayed to reporters earlier in the week on November 29th when the State Department leaks were first published. Responding to reporters' questions on both occasions, Rice said that "our diplomats are just that - diplomats. That's what they do every day. They do the work of diplomats and nothing else."
- Thursday, December 2, 2010
