
Doug Hagmann

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press The Hagmann Report provides news and information based on a combination of exclusive investigative work, proprietary sources, contacts, qualified guests, open-source material. The Hagmann Report will never be encumbered by political correctness or held hostage to an agenda of revisionist history. [url="https://HagmannReport.com/donate"]Hagmann Report[/url] [url="https://HagmannStore.com"]HAGMANN COFFEE & MORE[/url] ON THE GO? SUBSCRIBE TO HAGMANN’S PODCAST: [url="https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hagmann-report/id631558915?uo=4"]iTunes[/url] | [url="https://open.spotify.com/show/376mkckQHCPYTJssQN794g"]Spotify[/url] | [url="https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-hagmann-report-30926499/"]iHeart[/url] | [url="https://www.spreaker.com/show/hagmann-report"]Spreaker[/url] Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) FOLLOW HAGMANN AT: [url="https://parler.com/DouglasHagmann"]Parler[/url] | [url="https://gab.com/DougHagmann"]Gab[/url] | [url="https://gettr.com/user/doughagmann"]Gettr[/url] | [url="https://truthsocial.com/@DougHagmann"]Truth Social[/url]

Most Recent Articles by Doug Hagmann:

Shredding the layers of the ObamaCare onion

A few days ago, I was given a gift of sorts. It arrived in a plain manila envelope with no return address. Inside was a note that stated that I would know precisely what to do with the information this anonymous source provided. That source was indeed correct.
- Saturday, January 18, 2014

What are the chances? The mysterious death of Loretta Fuddy

What are the chances that the individual responsible for authenticating Barack Hussein Obama's long form birth certificate, Loretta Fuddy, just happened to be the sole fatality out of nine on board a small plane that was forced to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii?
- Monday, January 13, 2014

The perils of preoccupation -keep your eyes on the shiny ball

About a million people crammed into New York City's Times Square and vicinity last night to watch the mother of all shiny, diversionary trinkets, the infamous New Year's Eve ball, make its way down a flagpole to mark the end of 2013.
- Thursday, January 2, 2014

DHS insider gives final warning

Under the cover and amid the distraction of the Christmas bustle, I had my last "official" contact with a source inside the Department of Homeland Security known as "Rosebud" in my writings. My source is leaving his position, retiring along with numerous others choosing to leave this bureaucratic monstrosity.
- Sunday, December 29, 2013

Many questions loom in the death Loretta Fuddy

"We hope that issuing you these copies of your original Certificate of Live Birth will end the numerous inquiries received by the Hawaii Department of Health to produce this document."-Loretta Fuddy "The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them." This quote is attributed to American author Lois Bujold, and should remind us that it is our responsibility to seek truth not just for ourselves, but for those who have been silenced by death.
- Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hawaii Health Director Loretta Fuddy dies in small plane crash

Update: Many questions loom in the death Loretta Fuddy Loretta Fuddy, director of the Hawaii Department of Health, reportedly died due to injuries she received in the crash of a small commuter plane shortly before 4:00 p.m. local time Wednesday, December 11, 2013. Confirmation of her death occurred at approximately 8:00 p.m. local time (1:00 a.m. Eastern time The plane crash occurred about a half-mile off shore of the north shore of Molokai, shortly after taking off from Kalaupapa, Emergency officials responding to the crash site reported seeing eight people floating in the water wearing life vests.).
- Thursday, December 12, 2013

A private e-mail admission by Bill Ayers

The plot of a film noir of a half-century ago consisted of an unassuming man confessing to police his involvement in a number of murders in London while each remained unsolved. The murders took place over a period of a few months and were ostensibly performed at the hands of a serial killer.
- Thursday, December 12, 2013

Details of the Obama forgery exposed

Every American is the victim of one of the most insidious crimes ever perpetrated on the collective - the capturing of our nation from within. The set-up process occurred over decades, but culminated with the selection and installation of Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro, as the front man in this silent coup. One important piece of evidence to support this crime exists in the controversial Certificate of Live Birth, but not in the way you have heard, and not in the manner that you might suspect. The revelation of the manner and methods now exist in a document that the criminal elements of our government and the complicit media do not want you to see. And the evidence is as compelling as it is damning. Based on the popularity of television shows like Criminal Minds, Law and Order: Criminal Intent, and Profiler from the late 1990s, a large number of people are fascinated by the investigative science of criminal profiling. One aspect of such behavioral profiling includes understanding the difference between a perpetrator's modus operandi or "M.O.," and their "signature."
- Friday, December 6, 2013

The Taking of America One Two Three

In late 1974, the movie The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, based on a novel of the same name, was released. The main plot involves four men, using colors as codenames, boarding the subway at Pelham station in New York at 1:23 pm., (hence the name) where they ultimately take a subway car full of hostages. They demand one million dollars or they will begin killing hostages.
- Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The unspoken success of ObamaCare

Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that the majority of Americans don't fully understand the objectives of this plan, or the roles of its architects and its defenders. Even the vast majority of conservative pundits in all venues don't seem to 'get it' and consequently, are leading their readers and listeners astray by focusing on the wrong issues.
- Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Benghazi Hoax disgrace

Just two weeks ago on October 16, 2013, a 103-page e-book book titled The Benghazi Hoax was published. Written by authors David Brock, founder of Media Matters for America, and Ari Rabin Havt, a senior fellow at Media Matters, the book promised to provide, "in intimate detail the story of the deception created by those who fill airtime with savage punditry and pseudo-journalism and how the Republicans in charge of the investigative committees were empowered but ultimately failed to find a scandal – any kind of scandal – to tar a Democratic White House."
- Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Silencing dissent by SWATing messengers of truth

"Fasten your seatbacks and tray tables in their full upright and locked position. We'll be on the ground shortly." That is the final warning aboard the aircraft known as America, which will be using runway 39A to taxi to the terminal of tyranny. Most of the passengers aboard the luxury aircraft have no clue to what awaits them, as the captain and crew have lulled the majority into a false trance of tranquility.
- Sunday, October 27, 2013

The message was delivered, but was it received?

Following the vote to suspend the debt ceiling last Wednesday night, 48 year-old Dianne Reidy, a floor stenographer for the U.S. House of Representatives for the last 8 years, surprised everyone when she briefly but unexpectedly took over the microphone on the House floor at about 10:00 pm.
- Monday, October 21, 2013

The planned destruction of America

The planned destruction of America
The future of our Constitutional Republic is at stake and many Americans are angry. At least those who have been awakened to the world where they are pawns in a rigged game, and those who are not lining their pockets at the federal trough, are angry.
- Saturday, October 12, 2013

Obama, Lincoln and the U.S. Will history repeat itself?

Since arriving on the national stage, many educated people have compared Barack Hussein Obama to Abraham Lincoln in glowing terms. Obama himself has an interesting, if not peculiar, love affair with the nation's 16th president. From quoting Lincoln to emulating his historic activities, such as his 2007 speech on the steps of the Springfield Capitol and his 2009 train ride to history, Obama seems to have embraced and even assumed the persona of Lincoln.
- Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Seeing through a glass darkly

(The primary origin of publication, specific wording used, and timing of the Daily Mail article that Obama is the political "king" of the fake Twitter followers, with more than 19.5 million that do not exist caught my attention and serves as the basis for the following true account.) A case of kidnapping turned murder held the interest of my entire hometown one year. The case was extremely personal to me, as the kidnapping victim and her husband were good friends with me and my wife. We knew them well, and vacationed together, traveling to New York City and a small resort in southwestern Pennsylvania in the year before her kidnapping for ransom went awry.
- Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Two conversations with two insiders: “Expect the unexpected”

America is a captured operation, captured from within. Time is too short to mince words or to fear the ridiculous accusations of "doom porn," made either by the factually challenged or some paid, professional government trolls (see DHS Insider article by this author, later verified in the media) describing what you are about to read.
- Sunday, September 29, 2013

CIA, mind control & mass shootings - Is there a correlation?

Consider the common public characterizations of the perpetrators of the last several mass shootings in the U.S., such as James Holmes (the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting), Adam Lanza (Sandy Hook Elementary School) and most recently, Aaron Alexis, the named shooter at the Naval Sea Systems Command inside the Washington Navy Yard in Southeast Washington, D.C. Even the most skeptical among us would have to agree that there is not only something eerily similar about the characterizations made public of each alleged perpetrator, but there is something not quite right with the changes made to the official narratives in "real time" as well as after the fact.
- Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Media Shield Law is armor for the autocrats

The innocuously sounding 'Media Shield Law,' also referred to as a bill to provide the free flow of information to the public, is not what it is presented to be. It is an integral plank of the Progressives and Globalists who have been advancing the Communist agenda for decades, using it to ultimately seek control under global governance.
- Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hearing voices in your head? It might not be your imagination after all

I stubbornly refused to believe it at first, although I've seen it firsthand on a couple of occasions during my career as a professional investigator spanning nearly three decades. "Someone's trying to make me look and sound like a nut, or actually drive me crazy," was the common thread of the complaints I heard on those rare occasions.
- Friday, September 13, 2013
