
Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City writer and columnist. He is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and his articles appears at its Front Page Magazine site.

Most Recent Articles by Daniel Greenfield:

Muslim Rape Culture and Lara Logan

When Lara Logan traveled to Egypt to cover the Tahrir Square protests, she was unaware that she was going to be working in a country where sexual harassment rates of women and especially foreign women are so high as to be universal. In a politically correct profession, such truths are politically incorrect. And even now all of the coverage studiously avoids mentioning one dangerous word. Islam.
- Monday, May 2, 2011

Why Muslim Military Shootings are Inevitable

The murder of nine Americans by an Afghan veteran air force pilot comes in the same week that Palestinian Authority police opened fire on Jewish religious worshipers headed to Joseph's Tomb. Events like this don't happen that often, but they happen often enough to remind us that how many of the men wearing police or military uniforms are straining at the leashes to kill us. When that leash snaps and they see an opportunity, the bullets begin to fly.
- Sunday, May 1, 2011

Liars vs Racists

The combination of Trump, Obama and the media insured that this week's story would be the birth certificate issue. Even though there isn't much of a story there. The birth certificate has been part of the much larger underlying issue which is the lack of transparency by the Obama Administration in even the simplest things. And that may not be a resolvable issue anymore. It's not just that Obama has lied too many times. Most politicians lie or stretch the truth or hold back information. The problem is that the media and too many institutions have been willing to lie for him. Take a simple story like Obama Sr's time at Harvard.
- Saturday, April 30, 2011

No One Expects the Muslim Inquisition

imageMonty Python may have surprised us with the Spanish Inquisition, but today there is hardly anyone who doesn't expect the Muslim Inquisition. It is almost hard to imagine that there was a time not so long ago when it was possible to catch sight of Muslim terrorists in films and when it was permissible to crack jokes about Mohammed and the mountain. Today a few strokes of a pen can put you on the run, not in Islambad or Ridyah, but as far away as Seattle. And the mere whisper of a mosque protest can put you in a jail cell for 'breach of peace'. Peace being another way of saying Islam.
- Thursday, April 28, 2011

Israel’s Folly

The State of Israel spent the first 30 years of its modern existence reclaiming its territory, and the next 33 years negotiating the terms on which it would be returned to the neighboring countries which had made war on it, as well as an entirely new terrorist state created in the name of peace and maintained in the name of war.
- Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Assumptions Lead to Bad Policies

What is so terribly interesting about bad governments is that they are as self-deceiving as they are deceptive. The straightforward clarity of Orwell's Oceania with its apparatchiks who knew exactly what the system was about and how evil it was, is woefully lacking in our own apparatchiks who assemble the most ridiculous plans out of the tissue paper of their own consensus and then goggle when it all comes apart on them. Whatever evil they harbor within themselves is outdone time and time again by their own stupidity.
- Monday, April 25, 2011

Freedom of Speech On the Run

Freedom of speech is governed by legal restrictions and public mores. And what most of us have discovered is that a multicultural society means more 'mores' and more people to offend. That has taken us from one general set of social speech codes that governed such things as obscenity and public abuse, to a thousand fiefdoms of speech in which every group strives to impose its own speech codes in public forums. The Constitution still protects some forms of political speech for now, but it is a weak and fitful defense in a society where it is not the content of speech that matters, but who is offended by it.
- Sunday, April 24, 2011

Obama’s popularity is stuck in a quagmire

The dominant political story this week is the lack of a story. Obama's popularity is stuck in a quagmire, but so is the GOP. Ryan's plan is about as popular among voters as Obama's Libyan war. The left and the right are disappointed. But so is the average voter.
- Saturday, April 23, 2011

Obama, Let My People Go

3,000 years after the Jewish people left Egyptian slavery bound for the land of Israel, their freedom remains as elusive as ever. A new Pharaoh adjacent not to the Nile, but the Potomac, looks out from the White House and issues his decrees regarding the Jews.
- Thursday, April 21, 2011

Muslims Are Not a Minority

The most persistent myth of the Western Dhimmi narrative is that Muslims are a minority and must receive special protection and accommodation. But Muslims are not a minority. There are 1.5 billion Sunni Muslims worldwide, outweighing Catholics as the next largest religious faction at 1.1 billion and Hindus at 1 billion. They are still a minority of the overall population in Western countries, but a demographically trending majority.
- Monday, April 18, 2011

The Afghan War to Nowhere

In the first years of Operation Enduring Freedom, the United States managed to oversee a campaign that broke the Taliban, drove them out of major cities and regions, including Kabul, and left them dispirited and broken. And did it while taking under 50 casualties a year. But in 2010, the United States suffered almost ten times as many casualties as it did in the toughest battles of the early days of the war. The differences between the US involvement in Afghanistan in 2001-2003 and 2005-2011 are tremendous and profound. And they explain the ugly death toll and the nature of the unwinnable war as it's being fought today.
- Monday, April 18, 2011

Only Government Can Set You Free

The word "freedom" nowadays often has a hollow sound because so many people have forgotten what it means. And the worst misconception that people have about freedom is that it is something that they receive from the government.
- Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sufi Abdul Hamid, the Black Hitler of Harlem

The Black Hitler was a Chicago community organizer who moved to New York. Somewhere along the way he picked up a gold lined cape, a purple turban and a stepladder which he used to give speeches outside of the Jewish stores owned by Harlem's dwindling Jewish community. 
- Thursday, April 14, 2011

Let’s Have a Government Sale

The big scissors of destiny are clicking and clacking their way to our national credit card. If we don't raise the debt limit, so we can borrow more money to pay the interest on the money we borrowed before, the scissors will come down like economic armageddon. And the big shiny credit card that pays for everything gets cut up in two pieces. But never fear. If worst comes to worst, then we still have options.
- Wednesday, April 13, 2011

From an Arab Spring to a Muslim Winter

The Communists wanted to turn every country in the world into communists, the Muslims want to turn every nation Islamic, and we want to turn them all into Democrats. Our national passion for democracy long ago overshot baseball, football, horse racing and billiards. Lately even our wars have turned into perverse democracy crusades. But the tonic of democracy does not cure all ills. And like most medicines, it is quite poisonous when used against the doctor's instructions.
- Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What We Can Learn from the Soviet Union

Take a tour of North Korea or the former Soviet Union and you will encounter massive structures and tremendous projects, epic in scope which are nevertheless complete failures. North Korea has been building a 105 story hotel since 1987. Even if it ever gets finished, there aren't any people to stay in it. China and the USSR specialized in massive and massively disastrous dam construction projects. The Banqiao Dam failure alone killed almost 200,000 people. That's more than every natural disaster in American history combined.
- Monday, April 11, 2011

Palestine is Genocide

On the 11th of March, two Arab Muslim men climbed through the window of a home in the village of Ithamar, and massacred an entire family, killing both parents, stabbing a 4 year old boy twice in the chest, murdering an 11 year old while he sat up reading in bed and slitting the throat of a 3 month old baby girl. A week later, Israeli and Arab pollsters conducted a survey in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem. A third of the Arabs surveyed supported these atrocities.
- Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coast to Coast They Hate the Most

imageWisconsin's labor vote effort may have failed to displace Prosser, but that's only one plank of the Democratic program to mobilize their base. So far the theme is labor, women and blacks. Wisconsin kicked the labor unions into high gear, which is important as it locks down part of a potential swing vote. Now comes rhetoric about Republicans waging a war on women. There is “a war on women,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says. No there isn't, but there is a war for the female vote. Hitting Republicans on social services cuts. Putting abortion front and center. New DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz calls Republican attempts to defund abortion ‘a violent act against women’. According to Congresswoman Slaughter, Republicans were elected to kill women. The rhetoric is not that much more subtle than Schumer repeating 'Extreme Republicans' over and over again. But it's narrowly targeted.
- Friday, April 8, 2011

Can Obama be Beaten?

The answer is yes. If. If means that just about anything that doesn't violate the laws of physics is possible. Whether it can be done or not depends on how hard and how well people are willing to work for it. There's a debate going on right now about the precedents for defeating an incumbent. But those precedents don't really matter. If we go by precedents, Obama shouldn't be sitting in the White House at all. The last time a Senator who hadn't been a Vice President or a Governor won an election was JFK in 1961.
- Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Revolting Middle East Policy

In the last three months we played a role in overthrowing nearly every Middle Eastern government we were allied with-- that wasn't supporting terrorism. We pushed out Ben Ali in Tunisia, but let the Saudis move tanks into Bahrain. Egypt's Mubarak was a monster who had to go, but Syria's Assad is a reformer. Now Yemen's Saleh who let us hunt terrorists in his country is on our hit list, but the Qatari royal family which is linked to Al-Qaeda and finances Al-Jazeera are our best friends. Gaddafi who cut a deal to give up his nukes got bombed, Iran which is pushing hard for a nuclear bomb has clear skies.
- Wednesday, April 6, 2011
