
Dr. Robert R. Owens

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion. He is the Historian of the Future @ drrobertowens.com Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens

Most Recent Articles by Dr. Robert R. Owens:

President Trump Winning Admirers in Strange Places 

President Trump Winning Admirers in Strange PlacesA global pandemic ricochets around the world.  Suddenly we find ourselves someplace we never thought we’d be.  The world shuts down, millions isolated, separated, and alone.  Basic commodities cleaned off shelves by consumers who just yesterday were laughing at preppers who now sit back calmly ready for a world turned upside down for possibly months. 
- Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Veteran's benefits aren't entitlements, they're payments for services rendered

Veteran's benefits aren't entitlements, they're payments for services renderedFederal law requires everyone who enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath.  The oath is traditionally performed in front of the United States Flag.  Everyone who has ever worn the uniform has said:  
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." 
When every veteran took this oath to defend our country, our Constitution, and our way of life they presented the nation with a blank check to serve and protect We the People.  That check was written with their lives, their bodies, and their sacred honor.  They pledged to give their all.  And as the saying goes, "All gave some.  Some gave all." 
- Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Trump's MAGA Model on The World Stage 

Trump's MAGA Model on The World StageWe've all heard of the annual conference at the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos. The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.  It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.   
- Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Trump Trade Deals  

Trump Trade DealsPresident Trump campaigned on his ability to revoke, revise, or replace the bewildering myriad of trade deals previous administrations negotiated which worked primarily to the benefit of everyone except US.  Finally, after twenty-eight years of politicians selling American workers and entrepreneurs out President Trump is putting America first.  A case in point: 
- Thursday, February 27, 2020

Trump Brings Home the Bacon

Trump Brings Home the BaconAccording to the December report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and despite what we're told by the democrats in politics and those disguised as journalists, the wages of America's low-income workers are rising faster than the Democrat's designated villains: America's top-earners.  The report contains a graph which shows the median wage growth for the bottom 25% of workers hit 4.5% for the 12-month period ending in November.
- Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Retirement Requirements Get the Trump Treatment 

Retirement Requirements Get the Trump TreatmentAfter they stop working people soon learn they must pay taxes: Social Security and Medicare they thought they were paying for with every paycheck all their working life.  Along with these revelations comes the realization that Social Security isn't enough to live on.  That's were 401Ks and IRAs come in handy.  But not everyone was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to participate in such plans.  Most people work for small businesses and until lately small businesses were prohibited from offering their employees such opportunities to save for the future. 
- Thursday, January 30, 2020

Trump the Pro-life President

Trump the Pro-life PresidentEver since the abomination of Roe V. Wade unleashed a holocaust of death upon America those of us who value life have prayed for a leader who could and would do what they should.  Back in 1973 when the Burger Court turned the Constitution on its head by discovering a constitutional right to kill the unborn then President Nixon didn't even make a public statement.  Privately he said that in some instances abortion was necessary. 
- Wednesday, January 15, 2020

2020 Hindsight Will Judge These Predictions

2020 Hindsight Will Judge These PredictionsMy favorite America Philosopher, Yogi Berra once said, “It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

With that truism in mind, let me begin doing the heavy lifting and tough stuff of being the Historian of the Future

- Monday, January 6, 2020

The Reason for the Reason,

Glory to God in the highestFrosty the Snowman asked Rudolph the Reindeer, “Do you think Christmas is too commercialized?” The Elf on the Shelf interjected, “Is the Pope Catholic?” Santa put down his milk and cookies and added, “Ho, Ho, Ho.”

As loyal media mavens of 21st Century America pop culture our perceptions of the Christmas season have been shaped as much by George running down the main street of Bedford Falls and Scrooge buying the biggest goose in town as by anything in the Bible. We spend our time driving the kids around to see the lights, decorating the tree, and shopping with precious little time left to even mention Jesus or the significance of His birth.

- Monday, December 16, 2019

Trump Remembers the Forgotten

Trump Remembers the ForgottenNot so long ago Washington all but gave up on our country's blue-collar workers. They washed their hands of those in the supposedly outdated manufacturing and energy sectors. The message the perpetually re-elected and their bureaucratic "experts" tried to sell us through their media megaphone was that with the rise of globalization these industries were hopelessly in decline. According to them for the vast portions of the country they contemptuously call the "Rust Belt," there was nothing anyone could ever do to change that.
- Thursday, December 12, 2019

He Touched Me

He touched meGod’s immediate immensity overwhelms me. He’s present everywhere and yet He’s present to me. There are more planets, and stars, and galaxies than we have a number to describe. God created them all. He upholds them by the power of His word. And yet He touched me. He touched me and now I’m no longer the same.
- Monday, December 9, 2019

Trump Negates a Nasty Narrative

Trump Negates a Nasty NarrativeRemember journalism?  This was an archaic art form once practiced by investigative reporters who tried to discover the truth and then inform others of what they found.

While true objectivity is a mirage or an historian’s joke, once upon a time there were people who attempted to present the facts and then allow readers, viewers, or listeners to decide for themselves.  We called them jour·nal·ists.  In today’s hyper-partisan world of Spy vs. Spy corporate tit-for-tat attack media, true journalism has been abandoned.  People like James O’Keefe of Project Veritas who actually investigate and report are treated as tinfoil hat wearing denizens of the fringe by the hacks infesting the corporations Once Known as the Mainstream Media. 

- Friday, December 6, 2019

Is Thanksgiving All About Receiving?

In millions of homes throughout America families and friends join together to celebrate a cherished holiday, Thanksgiving.  In countless homes people go through various types of rituals and traditions including taking time to share what they’re thankful for.  If we listen to those often hastily prepared statements we’ll find the vast majority of them refer to what’s been received.

“I’m thankful for my family.”  “I’m thankful for health.”  “I’m thankful for peace, prosperity, safety, security, a home, a car, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, etc.”

- Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Trump Bump Stumps Chumps

The Trump Bump Stumps Chumps

Here’s a sampling of some of the positive economic headlines and pull quotes after almost three years of President Trump’s effort to Make America Great Again:

Trump’s Economic Triumph: “Prosperity is increasing, and the less well-off are benefiting the most.”

- Thursday, November 14, 2019

Quit Looking at the Wind

Quit Looking at the Wind

The talents we have are God's gifts to us.  What we do with those talents is our gift to God.  Paul told us, "Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it.”

As believers we don't just know about God.  We not only personally know the Master of the universe.  He's in us.  We're wall-to-wall Jesus filled with His Spirit. And it's that dynamic union that makes us who we are.  Like the Energizer Bunny we're filled with power but ours doesn't come from the copper top, it comes from the Creator of everything.  What we do we do in and through Him and without Him we can do nothing.  If we attempt to build our lives without Him we're building castles in the sand instead of a fortress on the rock. 

- Wednesday, November 6, 2019

President Trump’s Pledge to American Workers

President Trump’s Pledge to American Workers

According to K1FO News, President Trump’s agenda is driving an economic resurgence.  The President’s agenda is creating more and more opportunities for American workers.

  • More than 5.3 million jobs were created between President Trump’s election and his second State of the Union Address alone.
  • June 2019 marked the 16th consecutive month that America’s unemployment rate remained at 4 percent or below.
  • In early 2019, wage growth for U.S. workers hit its fastest pace in a decade.
- Thursday, October 31, 2019

MAGA Raises For American Workers

Trump, American wages, Trump deregulation“If it bleeds it leads” is how the old saying concerning media attention goes. And with the anti-Trump mob smelling blood in the water all we hear is “IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!!! IMPEACH!!!!” as if repeating this mantra over and over will make their dream of reversing the results of the 2016 election come true. And because of this obsessive compulsion to control the narrative the good news concerning America’s economy is buried below the fold on page 57 of the classifieds.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Show Me The Money

Show Me The MoneyThe Laffer Curve is a theory developed by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments. The curve is used to illustrate Laffer's argument that sometimes cutting tax rates can increase total tax revenue. The Laffer Curve is alive and well in the Renaissance America of President Donald J. Trump. As a matter of fact the policies of the Trump Administration have demonstrated that the Laffer Curve isn't constrained by international borders. You see Trump's 2017 tax reform is delivering on its promise to bring money back to the US from overseas by making America more competitive.
- Thursday, October 10, 2019

Finally the Right Prescription for Runaway Drug Prices

Finally the Right Prescription for Runaway Drug PricesFor as long as most of us can remember we have paid substantially higher prices for prescription drugs than the citizens of other countries. In Congress, there’ve been endless speeches about the skyrocketing cost of medicine for American patients, especially senior citizens. And every election cycle there are campaign promises from both the Republicans and the Democrats who talk and talk but they’ve never done anything about it. Until now that is. President Donald Trump continues his revolutionary idea of actually trying to fulfill his promises.
- Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Serving Those Who Served US

Veterans Affairs, Donald TrumpAfter the rollout of President Trump's Maintaining Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act (MISSION Act) Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie responded to the previously predicted problems on Military.com. "One story said to 'expect glitches.' Another said it was 'confusing.' Some lawmakers who supported the bipartisan bill suddenly warned about the possibility of 'overreach' by the Trump Administration, while others warned of a ' tech nightmare.' But thanks to thousands of dedicated VA workers around the country and President Donald J. Trump's support for this historic reform, elements of the MISSION Act took effect on June 6, and veterans immediately began benefitting from the largest transformation in veterans' health care since the end of World War II."
- Thursday, September 12, 2019
