
John Lillpop

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal. “Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. For years, John lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, the very liberal sanctuary city which protects, rather than prosecutes, certain favored criminals. John escaped the Bay Area in May and now lives in Pine Grove California where conservative values are still in vogue.

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Most Recent Articles by John Lillpop:

Michelle Obama’s Museum Angst!

Progressive politicians and affiliated lap dog pundits are working feverishly to create widespread public alarm and disdain for inequality in America, and to promote costly social programs to obviate the same, especially in minority communities.
- Friday, May 8, 2015

Perhaps YOU Should Do Some Soul Searching, Mr. President?

Barack Obama finally took time to address the arson, looting, and violent assault on law enforcement officers in the city of Baltimore, less than 50 miles from the comfy confines of the White House and all the privileges that come to those lucky enough to call 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home.
- Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hillary to Use "Two for the Price of One" Pitch in Her Campaign?

Back in 1991, when Bill Clinton was trying to unseat George H. Bush for the US Presidency, Clinton pitched the intelligence and managerial experience of his spouse, Hillary Rodham, as a benefit that would accrue to America in the event he was elected.
- Monday, April 27, 2015

Yearning for a President to Respect, Admire, and Be Proud of!

Among the casualties suffered by the American people over the past six plus years is the tragic loss of having a president that we can look up to with respect, admiration, and pride, notwithstanding existing ideological and partisan differences.
- Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Should States Fight Government Refusal to Secure Borders with Obama-Style Logic?

In his specious argument for 'making and breaking immigration law'from that lofty tyrant's perch in the Oval Office, Barack Obama asserts that his unilateral Executive Orders are needed, and even morally mandated, because the law-making branch of government endowed with the Constitutional authority to legislate(the US Congress) has failed to do so.
- Monday, April 20, 2015

Jeb Bush Meekly Surrenders to Barack Obama and Progressive Insanity!

To an isolated minority of Republicans still on the fence with respect to Jeb Bush’s credentials to represent conservatives in the 2016 presidential election, any remaining doubts were emphatically trashed by Bush’s gutless, total surrender to Barack Obama in New Hampshire over these past days.
- Sunday, April 19, 2015

Barack Obama’s Topsy-turvy World View

Barack Obama’s announced intent to remove Cuba from the list of terrorist nations seems to suspiciously coincide with his mindless assault on Israel and her Prime Minister, the honorable and recently re-elected, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.
- Thursday, April 16, 2015

What About Those Who Deliberately Lied in “Hands Up! Don’t Shoot!” Fraud?

Barack Obama campaigned for America’s top job by promising to usher in a "Post-racial” era that, with The One in charge, would somehow magically bridge the unfair gaps between American people of color and those despicable folks known as Lily white devils, AKA, Republican, Christian, homophobic, gun-toting, capitalists with larceny in their hearts, and insatiable fondness for black slaves in their evil minds.
- Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ayatollah Calls Obama a Liar & Devilish: Who Can Honestly Disagree?

Depending on proximity to the podium at which Barack Obama delivered his victory speech about an alleged “historic” nuclear deal with Iran, at the end of the April 2 speech some of the more formidable bushes in the Rose Garden had not wilted and died from the withering effects of 18 minutes of self-aggrandizement and legacy weaving by The One.
- Friday, April 10, 2015

Jeb Bush Plays the Race Card!

Conservatives steeped in honest right-wing dogma have long suspected the Bush family of being clandestinely liberal, more aligned ideologically with Democrats than with the GOP. That analysis applies to George H., known as Bush-41, and to George W., known as Bush 43, and appears to be appropriate to Jeb, now mired in the nasty business of trying to establish Bush 45, in succession to Disaster 44 which aptly describes the regrettable presidency of Barack Obama, America’s first, and, God (or Allah) willing, last, closeted Muslim in the Oval Office.
- Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Has the Devil Already Won?

Although I have no formal theological education or credentials to boast of, I believe that surviving for several decades qualifies me to pose the question—“Has the Devil already won? —and be taken seriously.
- Sunday, April 5, 2015
