
News on the Net

News from around the world

Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

Harmonized Sales Tax

I am writing to you in the hope that you will do all of your readers a great service by making them fully aware of the effects that the proposed Harmonized Sales Tax will have on their everyday lives. At this time Ontarians are beginning to become alarmed at what is in store for them in the years to come should the proposed tax be implemented on July 1 2010. Please give space to this subject as often as possible in order that every resident of the community is informed.
- Saturday, August 29, 2009


Two wrongs don't make a right. But three lefts make a right. And two wrights made an airplane.
- Friday, August 28, 2009

Obama Media Machine Rushing to Derail Treason Charges

Whether Obama is a "naturalized citizen" is irrelevant because the Constitution was overridden by FDR on March 9, 1933. On that day FDR made himself a dictator for the Illuminati and sold everyone and everything in America to his Illuminati brethren. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation since then and run and owned the Illuminati banking cartel. Obama is busy rewriting the vow of allegiance to the constitution, to a vow of allegiance to himself and dropping the Constitution altogether.
- Friday, August 28, 2009

Flowers: sending or receiving a blooming joy

What better way to express love, happiness, joy, gratitude or affection. We recently moved into a house, the previous year, in the back yard we planted no flowers. But what a difference a year can make.
- Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kingston General Hospital Acquires Sentinelle’s Advanced Breast Imaging System

TORONTO, /CNW/ - Dr. Morris (Mickey) Milner, President and CEO of The Health Technology Exchange (HTX), announced the successful adoption of Sentinelle Medical's new breast imaging system by Kingston General Hospital (KGH), through the HTX's Health Technology Assessment and Implementation Program (HTAIP), a program funded by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
- Thursday, August 27, 2009

Public Anger:  Cost of medical insurance

Fire insurance on your home seems to be not a burden. But, it is against the law to burn your house down, and, it is clearly written in the policy, home insurance will not pay for arson. House and medical insurance cannot be reconciled.
- Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Inhumanity of Being Humane to Terrorists

Most people who have gone to the movies think they know General Patton's famous speech to the Third Army. They think they know it but they don't, because the speech was too harsh and obscene for the eponymous film and was censored so that it could receive a PG rating. But war, real war, is not rated PG. It has no rating at all.
- Tuesday, August 25, 2009


In 1999, what American would have dreamed the country’s president a decade later would promote government controlled health care that may mandate defunding access to doctors and hospitals for those approaching life’s end, if such action is deemed appropriate by a panel of impersonal, bureaucratic, well-paid, so-called experts?
- Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Where have all the salmon gone?

Where have all the salmon gone? Gone to Alaska everyone. The stores in Toronto are chock-full of Alaskan salmon.
- Monday, August 24, 2009

Cuban blogger the voice of youth-oriented counterculture

Yoani Sánchez, the blogger who has gained an international following detailing the absurdities of daily life in Cuba, is on the phone from her 14th-floor apartment in Havana, where the elevators rarely work. She speaks plainly, boldly, with none of the hemming and hawing common among folks on the island who fear their phones are tapped.
- Monday, August 24, 2009

Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine

Government health officials are mobilizing to launch a massive swine flu vaccination campaign this fall that is unprecedented in its scope -- and in the potential for complications
- Sunday, August 23, 2009

No Health Care Reform without Legal Reform

President Obama's health care "reform" plan has met with significant criticism across the country. Many Americans want change and reform in our current health care system. We recognize that while we have the greatest medical care in the world, there are major problems that we must face, especially in terms of reining in costs and allowing care to be affordable for all.
- Sunday, August 23, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird

I, David William Hedrick, a member of the silent majority, decided that I was not going to be silent anymore. So, I let U.S. Congressman Brian Baird have it. I was one questioner out of 38, that was called at random from an audience that started at 3,000 earlier in the evening. Not expecting to be called on, I quickly scratched what I wanted to say on a borrowed piece of paper and with a pen that I borrowed from someone else in the audience minutes before I spoke. So much for the planned talking points of the right wing conspiracy.
- Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thank-You, Fox News

Thank-you, Fox News. Thank you for reporting the news other networks ignore. Thanks for not condescending to the great unwashed by informing us how we should think on a given subject.
- Saturday, August 22, 2009
