
J.D. Longstreet

(Editor’s note: J.D. Longstreet passed away in 2014. He will be greatly missed.) Longstreet is a conservative Southern American (A native sandlapper and an adopted Tar Heel) with a deep passion for the history, heritage, and culture of the southern states of America. At the same time he is a deeply loyal American believing strongly in “America First”. He is a thirty-year veteran of the broadcasting business, as an “in the field” and “on-air” news reporter (contributing to radio, TV, and newspapers) and a conservative broadcast commentator. Longstreet is a veteran of the US Army and US Army Reserve. He is a member of the American Legion and the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A lifelong Christian, Longstreet subscribes to “old Lutheranism” to express and exercise his faith.

Most Recent Articles by J.D. Longstreet:

Advancing the Homosexual Agenda in America

"Queer" was the acceptable term used to define homosexuals in America when I was a wee lad. Now, well after the introduction (from Europe) of the Political Correctness agenda, homosexuals are referred to as "gay." In my opinion, that compromises a perfectly good word in the English language that used to mean, "happy."
- Thursday, May 31, 2012

Not THIS Time!

Every so often in life there comes a time when inaction is the best action. In other words -- do nothing. This is such a time. I refer to the crisis in Syria.
- Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama Frantic For A Deal With Iran

Israel/Netanyahu has reluctantly, and even hesitantly, agreed to step back from the military brink with Iran to allow Obama a six-month window within which to win an agreement with Iran in which the latter would abandon it's endeavor to create a nuclear bomb.
- Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thou Shalt Not Steal!  ...  God

A wise man once said: “When your rob from Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul!”
- Friday, May 25, 2012

Military Budget Cuts Risk America’s Freedom; The Return of a Bi-Polar World

NATO leaders are set to activate the first phase of a US-led missile shield for Europe on Sunday, risking the wrath of Russia which has threatened to deploy rockets to EU borders in response." "WASHINGTON — China is pressing a long-range modernization of its military, part of a strategy aimed at maximizing its leverage over Taiwan, extending its influence farther abroad, but avoiding conflict around its borders or with the United States, the Pentagon said on Friday in an annual report to Congress. Chinese leaders, the report asserted, view this as a time to “focus on internal development while avoiding direct confrontation,” although they expect tension, competition, and territorial flare-ups from time to time, and they do not expect the status quo, however satisfactory they find it, to last indefinitely."
- Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Honor Bound Not To Vote For Romney

Commentators of all stripes catch heat from their readers frequently. It goes with the territory. Months back I declared that I would not vote for Romney ... period. Apparently, it has been more than a little difficult for some to understand why a conservative, especially a conservative who consistently harps on Obama's failings and declares that Obama must be voted out of office to save the country, publicly announces HE will not vote for the conservative candidate most likely to unseat Obama.
- Thursday, May 17, 2012

North Carolina Now Romney’s To Lose

Back in the early days of the US astronauts, when a flier/pilot/astronaut made a mistake so egregious, so catastrophic, that it could not be undone -- or the consequences mitigated -- and would likely lead to his death, he was said to have "screwed the pooch." It was crude, yes. But it was meant to be. It was, in fact, what we often refer to as "graveyard" humor.
- Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Tar Heel Apologizes To The People Of Mississippi

The people of North Carolina spoke on Tuesday, May 8th, and voted for an amendment to the North Carolina Constitution that defines marriage in North Carolina as between one man and one woman. It removed all doubt about the forms of marriage to be recognized in NC as a marriage between a man and a woman. That is the only kind of marriage to be recognized, henceforth, in the Tar Heel state.
- Monday, May 14, 2012

US Prepares For The Day After

So what happens the day after the United States and/or Israel strikes Iran? That is an extremely important question. And the US military is attempting to ascertain just what may happen -- or WILL happen -- and how the US should respond, or, at least, be prepared to respond.
- Friday, May 4, 2012

May Day For Communists Or Mayhem Day For OWS

America’s unruly children are vowing to take to the streets and shut down some of America’s major cities this May Day. It is appropriate that the Occupy Wall Street mob should act up and/or act-out on May Day.
- Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Whatever Happened To Liberals?

It has been awhile since I last saw and spoke with a liberal. (I feel eyebrows lifting!) I mean, let's look critically at whom liberals are, and compare them to the folks who claim to be liberals today.
- Monday, April 30, 2012

Joy of Achievement -vs- Sense of Entitlement

My wife and I were watching TV news recently. The story concerned some new assault on the freedom of Americans. Both of us were repulsed by the story. In a rare comment on the news, my wife turned to me and said: "I've about had my fill of this." The inference was -- the changes in modern America are just too painful to bear for those Americans, like us, who remember when America was truly free.
- Thursday, April 26, 2012

Scruffy Look Defines American Society

Either you have a beard – or you need a shave. A three or four day growth of stubble on a healthy man’s face and chin denotes pure laziness, slovenliness, shiftlessness, and it just screams to the world: “ I just don’t give a damn!”
- Tuesday, April 24, 2012

“Make” A Decision Or “Take” A Decision

Right up front, allow me to say -- I am no linguist. I struggle every day just handling American English. Too, I understand that language is an ever-evolving form of communication and has been since our ancient ancestors began to notice that certain grunts actually meant something.
- Monday, April 23, 2012

A Patriot Act For The UK?

If there was ever a tool governments on this planet should fear -- it is the Internet. And they know it. It should come as no surprise that governments are moving quietly in some cases and not so quietly in others to gain control of this thorn in their flesh.
- Friday, April 20, 2012

The Yellow Badge

Man's inhumanity to man is an under statement when applied to The Holocaust. The Nazis murdered Six million Jews. Slaughtered might be a better word.
- Thursday, April 19, 2012

America, Heal Thyself!

Freedom in America has always been tenuous. We don't often hear that. In fact, we don't allow ourselves, as Americans, to even think that. Problem is -- it is true.
- Tuesday, April 17, 2012
