

Richard J. "Sarge" Garwood is a retired Law Enforcement Officer with 30 years service; a syndicated columnist in Louisiana. Married with 2 sons.

Most Recent Articles by Sarge:

A country of laws; not men

What we see, we seek to understand from its genesis, through its adolescence and into the senior elements of its consequence. This column approached an issue yesterday. It was published on-line today in The Hayride ©.
- Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Emperor

So, everybody knows Obama appointed four people to posts normally requiring approval by the Senate. This is in violation of the Constitution because the President is only allowed to make appointments like this when the Senate is NOT in session. Technically the Senate is in session with a token force of Senators on scene in Washington to man the gavel, sit in a seat and speak about worthless matters of no interest before a bunch of empty seats. The Republicans are screaming “NO FAIR” and fretting about a Constitutional crisis coming about because Obama slid this bullcrap through based on an interpretation of a technicality.
- Monday, January 9, 2012

Distorted images

As Iowa fades into political reality’s rearview mirror we ask: what the heck happened? Did voters speak or did political operatives covertly whisper their marching orders into the ears of the unthinking? Is Romney really the anointed one or just another slick snake-oil peddler gaining traction? Is his lubricity only on the surface like his understanding of the issues, or is he just that stupid?
- Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shorted again

'Short Selling' is selling a security the seller does not own, or any sale that is completed by the delivery of a security borrowed by the seller. Short sellers assume that they will be able to buy the stock at a lower amount than the price at which they sold short. ~Investopedia.com 2012
- Monday, January 2, 2012

The lies of those elected

Definition: Representative (n): a.) a person exemplifying a class or kind; b.) acting as a deputy or proxy for another or others; c.) acting for a constituency, being an agent or delegate for the constituency. MEMO To: Self-Possessed Politicians everywhere in America From: a citizen
- Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just another guy

Whenever the going gets tough in the Obama administration the weak scream racism. This group’s refusal to accept ANY responsibility for what happens on their watch is stupid, if not outright criminal, as in the homicide of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent with the weapons supplied by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
- Monday, December 19, 2011

Ivory towers

Is anybody else suffering the pain of Ocular Dysfunctional Tear Displacement or as we know it, Dry Eye Syndrome? It comes about from the fact the voters’ eyes collectively glaze over after saturation with the shellac of so many disingenuous statements from the chief resident of the oval office.
- Friday, December 16, 2011

Go away

Big “brudda”, in the form of the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), is suggesting a mandate that ALL telecommunications be banned from the interior of an automobile. NO phone. NO text. NO nothing. They hope this ban will prevent crashes and more highway mayhem caused by stupid people with their heads stuck up their rear-ends before they rear-end somebody else.
- Thursday, December 15, 2011

No Master and Commander

I’m a fan of anything nautical or a Great Ship, sails billowing, powering majestically across endless expanses of ocean. Metaphorically it’s a grand allusion to this greatest of nations: America.
- Monday, December 12, 2011

Barack Holder

I was out early this morning. Dogs need walking as they occasionally do or they do what they do where you want NO do-do. As we sauntered along, me sniffing back terminally frozen sinuses and he sniffing every other dog’s claim to territorial ascendency since the dawn of time, I saw my buddy Charlie walking his AKC Registered mutt: Barack Holder.
- Friday, December 9, 2011


Attorney General Holder is before a Congressional committee trying to determine who knew what when, how it happened and why and finally get to the truth concerning Fast and Furious, the ATF’s effort to track guns THEY gave to drug cartels in Mexico. Holder completed his long winded prepared statement while trying to justify his lack of knowledge concerning this matter.
- Thursday, December 8, 2011

Paranormalist President

We wonder if Barack Obama is a covert Paranormalist. A Paranormalist studies the occult sciences, or things that are hidden and possibly unexplainable. The Paranormalist may conduct experiments in psychometry; the measurement and testing of mental states. The Paranormalist believes in the possible existence of telekinesis (picking your pocket through taxation), mind reading (he’s obviously reading Greek – we speak English), sightless vision (blind to what’s really going on around him), and mind control (mass media propagandizes everything he says).
- Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Spoiled thinking

So many people have no idea politics in this country was vastly different a hundred years ago than it is today. Communications was rudimentary in that day. Telegraph was “speedy”. Telephones were by no means as widespread as today. A computer was called an Abacus.
- Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Nose out of joint

We’ve seen the control of the Republican Party candidates decided by forces outside of the average citizen’s control. Herman Cain has dropped out of the run for the presidency. This was accomplished after the Pastel Press exploited a series of unsubstantiated and impossible to defuse allegations of sexual harassment.
- Monday, December 5, 2011

Just because…

Whenever somebody asks me what qualifies me for this job I have to admit I have none other than American citizenship and a genuine concern for the number of idiots we employ regularly as our representatives to Congress. The second thing I suggest qualifies me is I ask more questions. I don’t blindly accept statements made by people with an axe to grind or a profit to make. I don’t think I’m the sole expert on any subject. You know; somewhat like yourself. We view this stupidity masquerading as governance and say: hunh?
- Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A lot of hats but no cattle

The sun rises each day, but as usual, it’s taken for granted. There are newer things to look at taking our attention away from what we need to think about.
- Monday, November 28, 2011

Potemkin Architecture

Leadership (n): guidance, direction, control, management, superintendence, supervision; organization, government --(Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus 2008) Imagine our surprise when told the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (or as we so indifferently referred to it; the Super-committee) dissolved into the mist its true effectiveness was constructed from. Again I ask you to imagine where anybody with a bit of sense could assume two totally partisan groups could step beyond the confines of their chrysalis as caterpillars, and emerge as butterflies bringing the delight of harmonious and beautiful resolution on any issue. Instead we have moths in the sweater locker eating holes in our belief system that we really have representatives caring about our well-being more than their power plays.
- Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Media Jaundice

Media: The journalists and other professionals who comprise the mass communication industry. -- Wiktionary 2011 In a lot of ways progress actually causes us to lose ground from the efforts we make to attain something. In the case of government we’ve grown so much, we’ve progressed so far it appears we’re returning to the beginning where we had no control over government. We traded Royal Empire and imperative for a plutocratic oligarchy or government by a small dedicated few harboring the wealth necessary to ensure they remain in control. Toward this end we find a new class and sub-species of oligarch: the Media.
- Monday, November 21, 2011

Mental health issues

"We cannot solve the problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." ~Attributed to Albert Einstein
- Friday, November 18, 2011

The Stupid-Committee

The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or Super-committee was created on August 2, 2011 by the Budget Control Act of 2011. The act was intended to prevent the expected budgetary default if actions weren’t taken.[2] Barack Obama approved the measure to create a bi-partisan, balanced panel of legislators dedicated to reducing the budget by approximately a Trillion dollars. The committee downgraded the amount of money pursued in efforts to cut the budget.
- Thursday, November 17, 2011
