
Selwyn Duke

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Most Recent Articles by Selwyn Duke:

Hit Back Hard: Here’s How You DEFEAT a Racism Charge

Hit Back Hard: Here’s How You DEFEAT a Racism Charge“You’re a racist!” We’ve all heard that often enough. In fact, as was once said in saner times about opportunistic patriotism, it’s now racism charges that are the last refuge of a scoundrel. But there is a way to counter these scoundrels and seize the advantage. No, the answer isn’t to explain yourself. It’s virtually always the case that racism-charge hurlers don’t care about Truth, anyway, but simply want to hurt you and win. The actual remedy? Remember that the best defense is a good offense and hit them back — hard. And the following short response should become standard when accused of racism.
- Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I Can PROVE "Transwomen” Have an Advantage Over Real Women in Sports

I Can PROVE 'Transwomen' Have an Advantage Over Real Women in SportsAs most know, there’s a contentious debate over whether it’s fair to let men who claim they’re female compete in women’s sports. It’s a debate driven more by emotion than reason, as so many things are.  If a fellow claiming female status trounces woman athletes in a fairly high profile competition — as University of Pennsylvania swimmer "Lia” Thomas (birth name "Will”) did recently — the story makes headlines and raises ire; if such a man falters, as Thomas did quite suspiciously and conveniently even more recently, the story disappears. And each side in the debate often claims vindication based on the most recent result. Yet there is a way to definitively and irrefutably (within the realm of reason) prove that one side is correct. 
- Monday, January 24, 2022

The Global Warming Question That Can Change People's Minds

The Global Warming Question That Can Change People's MindsLate last year, I got into a discussion with a fellow who was quite sold on the idea that man's activities were warming the Earth. While not a hardcore ideologue, it was apparent the gentleman had accepted the climate change narrative presented by mainstream media and believed we truly were imperiling the planet. I didn't say much to him initially, as we were engaged in some recreation, but later on I resurrected the topic and told him I just wanted to pose one question.
- Sunday, January 23, 2022

If Limiting the Unvaxxed is Wise, What About Limiting Fat People?

If Limiting the Unvaxxed is Wise, What About Limiting Fat People?For the record, I’ve nothing against our friendly-fronted friends. Why, my favorite philosopher, G.K. Chesterton, reportedly weighed in at close to 400 pounds. Yet the reality is that the horizontally challenged have something in common with the “unvaccinated.” The latter are now today’s lepers, attaining this status via refusal to accept experimental mRNA therapy agents (MTAs, a.k.a. “vaccines”) designed to prevent something they don’t prevent. In fact, many Branch COVIDians talk about making “vaccine passports” a requirement for “participation in society.”
- Friday, January 14, 2022

SCOTUS Justices' COVID Ignorance Illustrates Why They Should Stay in Their Lane

SCOTUS Justices' COVID Ignorance Illustrates Why They Should Stay in Their LaneAside from labeling herself "an affirmative action baby," Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor once called herself a "wise Latina." Given this, apropos here is a line from ancient Chinese sage Confucius:  "Wisdom is, when you know something, knowing that you know it; and when you do not know something, knowing that you do not know it." 
- Tuesday, January 11, 2022

God and Ego: Trump vs. Obama

God and Ego: Trump vs. Obama A "great man knows he is not God," observed the great and greater G. K. Chesterton — "and the greater he is the better he knows it." This came to mind when hearing something President Trump said recently — and brought to mind something Barack Obama said many years ago, something a bit odd. 
- Friday, December 31, 2021

Missing the Point: No, Satanic Christmastime Displays Are NOT Constitutionally Required

Missing the Point: No, Satanic Christmastime Displays Are NOT Constitutionally RequiredWhat does it say about a civilization when it feels compelled to place a satanic display next to baby Jesus at Christmastime? As a general question, you can answer that for yourself. But among other things, in our case it means too many Americans — including judges — wouldn't know the Constitution from the Communist Manifesto
- Monday, December 27, 2021

NATO? If Russia Conquered Europe, it Would be an Improvement

NATO? If Russia Conquered Europe, it Would an ImprovementAs we ponder how our day's Dr. Strangeloves want Ukraine to join NATO so that we'll be obligated to war against Russia if it attacks its western, kleptocratic neighbor, we should consider a certain point. It isn't just, as some have pointed out, that Cold War relic NATO has outlived its usefulness. It's not just that Russia, no longer being the Soviet Union, has no intention of invading Western Europe and couldn't pull off a Julius-Caesar-in-Gaul even if it did. It's also this: 
- Friday, December 17, 2021

Are You Ready for Nuclear War Over Ukraine?

Are You Ready for Nuclear War Over Ukraine?"Do you know we don't rule out first-use nuclear action?" So said Senator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) while outlining what measures the U.S. could take against Russia over Ukraine, at whose border Moscow has been massing troops. The senator's office later clarified that this comment related to American policy in general and not specifically to Russia. While this is actually believable (Wicker made a loose comment), what's unbelievable is that we're even considering a military confrontation with Moscow over something that does not at all involve a U.S. national interest.  Moreover, what else Wicker said, during a recent interview with Fox News host Neil Cavuto, is not reassuring. To wit: "Well, military action could mean that we stand off with our ships in the Black Sea and we rain destruction ... on Russia military capability," the Independent related him as stating. "It could mean that we participate, and I would not rule that out, I would not rule out American troops on the ground." 
- Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a Crime

Three Black Men Frame White Men for a CrimeIn case you haven’t guessed, my title is another way of characterizing the hoax perpetrated by actor and malefactor Jussie Smollett, currently on trial for falsely claiming he was the victim of a 2019 “hate crime.” It’s a way of framing the frame that would be quite common were the races reversed. Of course, a white guy today doesn’t have to falsely claim anything to be demonized in media. He just has to be guilty of DWW — Defending While White, à la poor Kyle Rittenhouse or Mark McCloskey. As for Smollett, he pulls a jump-the-shark version of a “hate crime” hoax, and the media (see Robin Roberts et al.) just nod sympathetically.
- Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tucker Carlson is Wrong on Chris Cuomo and Brotherhood

Tucker Carlson is Wrong on Chris Cuomo and Brotherhood“Blood is not thicker than morality,” radio host and author Laura Schlessinger once noted. This comes to mind when pondering how Fox News’ normally astute Tucker Carlson, who generally exhibits more philosophical depth than is the television news norm, stumbled a bit last Tuesday evening. At issue was a Tucker Carlson Tonight segment about ex-TV host Chris Cuomo’s “indefinite suspension” (he has since been fired) from CNN for using his press connections to help his brother, ex-NY governor Andrew Cuomo, craft a defense against the sexual misconduct allegations that ended his political career.
- Sunday, December 5, 2021

Video: The COVID Con is the ’76 Swine Flu Fiasco on Steroids

1976 swine flu panicIn a social media feed Monday, I came across a 1979 60 Minutes segment on the propaganda surrounding the 1976 swine flu panic. Many of us had already heard about how the event was reminiscent of today’s COVID-1984 con, but actually watching the segment drives home how striking the parallels between the two disease scares are. Exaggerations of the bugs’ severity, media propaganda and fear-mongering, an effort to vaccinate the whole nation, serious vaccine-coincident side-effects, and an apparent government cover-up of the latter were all elements of the ’76 fiasco just as they epitomize what’s occurring today.
- Friday, December 3, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Did NOT Get a Fair Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse Did NOT Get a Fair TrialMany people, even some notable commentators, are hailing the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict as a triumph for American justice. In reality, though, the teen rightly prevailed, being found not guilty on all five charges brought against him.  But he did not get a fair trial. 
- Monday, November 22, 2021

Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse

Why would you chase and lunge at, or otherwise attack, a young man who’s carrying a semi-automatic rifle? This is what happened last August 25th in the Kyle Rittenhouse affair, and it’s crazy behavior. Yet with respect to at least one of the three men shot in self-defense by Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum, there may be a logical explanation for such craziness: Rosenbaum really was, clinically speaking, crazy.
- Monday, November 22, 2021

Hit the Courts and Fight Hard! Without Vote Fraud, Ciattarelli Wins New Jersey HANDS DOWN

Hit the Courts and Fight Hard! Without Vote Fraud, Ciattarelli Wins New Jersey HANDS DOWNIt won't be news to many that New Jersey is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. This extends, of course, to its electoral system. Thus can it be said assuredly that without vote fraud, the remarkably corrupt and fairly stupid Garden State governor, Goldman Sachs guy Phil Murphy, would have lost Tuesday's election hands down.  Murphy's challenger, Republican Jack Ciattarelli, has a slim advantage after late-counted votes have trimmed his margin. As of this writing, he leads the incumbent 49.65 percent to 49.60 percent with 97.51 percent of the precincts reporting. It's a good bet at this point that more than enough votes will be found to put Murphy over the top. After all, anyone who thinks spontaneous generation is a myth hasn't seen Democrat ballots magically appear in a car trunk or in a truck overnight. 
- Friday, November 5, 2021

A Record? Twitter Has Had Me “Under Suspension” for SIX MONTHS

A Record? Twitter Has Had Me 'Under Suspension' for SIX MONTHSMaybe they want to see who’ll blink first. But I’ve heard of Twitter suspending people’s accounts (e.g., Nicki Minaj) and banning users (e.g., President Trump), along with the games they routinely play, such as shadow-banning tweets. I’ve never heard, however, of someone being in Twitter limbo for more than six months while the Twitter twits “review” his appeal. But that’s me.
- Tuesday, October 5, 2021

FDA Panel Member on COVID "Vaccines": "Heart Attacks Happen 71 Times More Often…."

FDA Panel Member on COVID Vaccines: Heart Attacks Happen 71 Times More Often"I had a heart attack…."  A bit more than a month ago I wrote about "My troubling COVID vaccine story experiences." Aside from citing a friend who developed heart inflammation after taking a coronavirus genetic-therapy agent (GTA, a.k.a. a "vaccine"; more on this later), I mentioned that I'd had some unusual experiences: I encountered two men within a relatively short period of time, at the same recreational facility, who told me they'd had heart attacks — after taking SARS-CoV-2 GTAs.
- Wednesday, September 22, 2021

When Afghan Nation-building, Did We Remember the Mandatory Pig Roasts?

When Afghan Nation-building, Did We Remember the Mandatory Pig Roasts?For the record, I've not only opposed our Mideast military adventures but also, in 2007, wrote an article warning about the folly of "nation-building." Yet I also know that if you are going to overthrow a tyrannical regime and remake the government, a prerequisite is winning the hearts and minds of the people. You must also note that you "never change things by fighting the existing reality," as famed architect Buckminster Fuller observed. "To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
- Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Did Deep State Purposely Mess up the Afghanistan Withdrawal to Damage the Biden Admin?

Did Deep State Purposely Mess up the Afghanistan Withdrawal to Damage the Biden Admin?The level of incompetence apparent in the Afghanistan withdrawal has been breathtaking. Even a smart 12-year-old, after all, would know that you have to evacuate American civilians and vulnerable allies before removing your military personnel. This reality has given rise to staggering speculation, that, for example, the powers-that-be desired this messy outcome. Some have even theorized that the goal, by hate-America-first Deep Staters, is to diminish the United States.  But what if the goal is actually to damage the Joe Biden administration, something that's already a fait accompli
- Tuesday, August 24, 2021

My Troubling COVID Vaccine Story Experiences

My Troubling COVID Vaccine Story ExperiencesAlong with many other commentators, I’ve reported on side effects associated with the coronavirus vaccines. Of particular concern are heart problems and, specifically, myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle. Now, you’ll hear different stories about how common these issues are. Government officials and the medical establishment will claim they’re rare, while others say differently (and that the feds’ Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, is undercounting vaccine-coincident deaths). But when your anecdotal experience starts to align, suspiciously, with the warnings of danger, it’s eyebrow-raising.
- Thursday, August 12, 2021
