
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

Uncle Sam doesn't have a sugar daddy

I have some good news and some bad news about our national debt. The bad news is, it has now surpassed nineteen trillion dollars. For those of you that may have forgotten your elementary school math, one trillion is a million million dollars. Nineteen TRILLION! That's the bad news.
- Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Seoul-long talking! Hello missiles!

Seoul Korea and Washington have agreed to begin talks about deploying the THADD Missile Defense System in South Korea, a defense official told reporters on Sunday. And it's obvious as to why folks. They need to have a missile defense system in South Korea because North Korea has demonstrated...One, they cannot be trusted... Two, they do not keep United Nations agreements... And three, they want to have the military power including nuclear weapons in order to be able to threaten anybody else in the world. That's what they're trying to do. So I hope that they do more than talk about it and they go ahead and deploy them.
- Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Uh oh: 600,000 people have left the workforce in the past two months

It happened again on Friday. Two pieces of news that don’t seem possible to square with one another. On the one hand, the U-3 unemployment rate declined to 4.9 percent, which sounds like wonderful news! On the other hand, the economy only created 151,000 new jobs, which is not even enough to keep up with population growth.
- Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hillary and Bernie are working on the wrong problems

Do you know that the average monthly income in China is $952 in U.S. dollars? Not too good. But wait, in Cuba it's only $25, which is a pretty big problem when a gallon of gas is almost $5.
- Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ouch: U.S. economy stumbles with 0.7 percent growth in 4Q 2015

We’re always told that consistent economic growth will get us out of all our fiscal problems. That’s not true, although it would certainly help. We recently told you that deficit projections for coming years are looking pretty scary, and even those projections depend on some pretty rosy assumptions about future economic growth.
- Sunday, January 31, 2016

Voters no longer accept spoon-fed political noise against candidates like Trump

After seven TV interviews and four radio interviews in two days promoting the release of my new book, The Right Problems, I realized that many media people are still trying to understand why Donald Trump is still dominating the Republican presidential race. After all, establishment politicians and political pundits continue to say he can't win the nomination.
- Friday, January 22, 2016

Talking up The Right Problems on Fox & Friends

I've been in New York since Monday, having come here for the launch of my new book The Right Problems, and we had a lot of fun doing multiple shows Tuesday on Fox News Channel and Fox Business Channel. On Fox & Friends First (yes, the really early one!), they gave me a chance to talk not only about the book, but about the latest tussle between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz - which of course is interesting for me because I like both of them and I've spoken at rallies for both of them recently:
- Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Dream on hold

The Dream didn't start with Martin Luther King, Jr. It started with the Founding Fathers, when they declared, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal . . ."
- Monday, January 18, 2016

Let me tell you about my new book: The Right Problems

I know I’ve been teasing this a lot on the radio, and we’re just over a week away from the release of my new book, The Right Problems. I’ve written quite a few books in the past, and I thought they were all very good for the times in which they were written. But there’s a particular urgency I feel with this one, especially as someone who has run for president and has learned so much about how and why problems in this country are addressed – or not addressed, as the case may be.
- Monday, January 11, 2016

The unknown Trump

I know that listeners do not have the opportunity to listen to my radio show every day, every hour, and every minute. That's why we make Cain 24/7 available 24 hours a day at HermanCain.com.
- Monday, January 4, 2016

I'll be glad to explain to you why conservatives are supporting Trump

I keep reading that Donald Trump is not a serious candidate. I keep reading that he’s not even really a conservative, and that Tea Party activists who are supporting him have lost their minds. I keep reading that his tendency to be a “loose cannon” will surely spell disaster for his candidacy, and would surely doom his presidency were he to have one.
- Monday, December 28, 2015

GOP's game: Get a little now, win the White House, and then go big

A lot of conservatives were predictably disappointed in the budget deal that Speaker Paul Ryan agreed to last week with the White House. We did get a few things, like delays in the implementation of several key ObamaCare taxes, and the repeal at long last of the 42-year-old oil export ban.
- Monday, December 21, 2015

What the New York Daily News doesn't know about God

You’ve all seen the obnoxious headline by now. It showed up in the New York Daily News even as the San Bernardino attacks were still ongoing. In gigantic type, the Daily News informed us all, GOD’S NOT FIXING THIS, then proceeded to rip Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Paul Ryan for offering “thoughts and prayers” to the victims and their families.
- Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sorry, media, I did not 'endorse' Donald Trump

Maybe I'm making too fine a point out of this, but I keep seeing news reports this morning that I "endorsed" Donald Trump for president by accepting his invitation to introduce him at his rally last night in Macon, Georgia. That will probably come as news to Donald Trump as well as to me - which is not to say I don't respect him immensely.
- Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hey, Jeb: Before you talk about my 'fall,' try getting as far as I got

Someone should tell Jeb Bush that I’ve accepted an invitation to speak at Donald Trump’s rally this coming Monday in Georgia. I accepted for a simple reason: He asked. But Gov. Bush seems weirdly interested these days in the connection – if only in his own mind – between what he thinks happened to me and what he thinks is going to happen to Trump.
- Monday, November 30, 2015
