
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

More free stuff means less freedom

We have said it before but it is worth saying again, because some people didn't get the memo. When people running for office promise more free stuff it means less freedom. It's called socialism.
- Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Herman Cain's presidential Pick Six

Well, after the first Republican presidential debates, candidates' TV and radio appearances, political establishment biases, media inspired brouhaha and the Trump factor, here's my Pick Six of the candidates that are my personal favorites – in hopes that one of them will win the Republican nomination and go on to win the presidency.
- Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The surgical precision of Ben Carson

Ben Carson surprised me a little during Thursday night’s debate – not that I didn’t think he would do well. I had just interviewed him on The Herman Cain Show a few days earlier and I knew he was prepared and ready for whatever questions would be thrown at him.
- Sunday, August 9, 2015

McConnell announces Tuesday vote to defund Planned Parenthood

It’s starting to look like Mitch McConnell has done something right, although I realize sneaky majority leaders have ways of making it look that way when it’s not really true. Planned Parenthood has become so indefensible, McConnell appears to think he has no choice but to allow a Senate vote to defund it – which is scheduled for Tuesday.
- Sunday, August 2, 2015

White House denial of IRS abuse is getting pretty pathetic

It's not even controversial anymore to point out that the IRS routinely targeted and harassed conservative groups seeking nonprofit status. However many Lois Lerner e-mails may have been destroyed, what we've already seen - combined with the testimony from the conservative groups themselves - clearly demonstrates that the IRS made it a point of giving conservative groups a difficult time.
- Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Real Republicans will let the Export-Import Bank stay dead

Not much was said about it – given all the attention to Iran, Planned Parenthood and the Chattanooga shootings – but a few weeks ago, the Export-Import Bank died. This was a pretty rare event, because it’s not often any type of government program goes to its eternal demise – particularly one that’s mostly about crony capitalism.
- Sunday, July 26, 2015

Trump's 'radioactive' rhetoric

t started with presidential candidate Donald Trump's comments on illegal immigration, which drew huge criticism from the Republican establishment and the media. The unfortunate murder of Kate Steinle recently by an illegal in San Francisco quieted some of the criticism, but the debate then shifted to the legality of sanctuary cities to avoid acknowledging that there was some merit to Trump's comments.
- Monday, July 20, 2015

Meet two Americans whose money was stolen by the IRS

I’ve told my story before of my dealings with the IRS – how they decided to audit me after I publicly criticized President Bill Clinton on national television and forced me to spend significant money on lawyers and accountants just to prove I had done nothing wrong. This is their game and they like to play it. There is no federal agency with more leeway to harass Americans who have broken no law and failed to pay no taxes.
- Sunday, July 19, 2015

Obama's governing strategy makes no sense, unless . . .

I talked on the radio show this morning about what I called Obama's hidden agenda. I suppose the truth is there's nothing much hidden about it, although that's easier to say for someone who pays attention to this stuff for a living. The low-information voter may very well remain fooled, and Obama probably figures he can achieve his political agenda if he gets enough of those. Consider his recent priorities of late:
- Thursday, July 16, 2015

Why does everyone have to be all in (or all out) on Donald Trump?

Maybe it’s because I’ve been there, and I remember the reactions of the political class because I didn’t talk the way they wanted me to. But I’m having a hard time accepting the widespread assessment of Donald Trump that he’s a buffoon. A buffoon? In the history of presidential candidates, it would be hard to find a man with more business and financial success on his track record? Have you ever stayed in one of his hotels? Visited one of his casinos? Really studied his financial history?
- Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Will we deal with flags and walks of fame? Or with difficult facts?

I couldn’t help but notice something last week about the stories that were emphasized in the news – and about the way they were treated. Let’s start with Donald Trump. He may not be your top choice for president. He may not be mine. But the reaction to what he said about illegal immigrants bringing crime into the United States has been one of the most absurd spectacles we’ve seen in some time. His fellow Republican candidates have either rushed to denounce his statement, or have been put on the defensive in explaining why they don’t want to.
- Monday, July 13, 2015

On Social Security, we could follow the examples of Chile and Canada . . .

Greece should be sparking more talk about how we address the runaway spending in this country, which is due in large part to the dysfunctionality of our Social Security system. Now I am not going to propose anything about cutting your Social Security benefits, which is what the Democrats scream about every time someone brings up this problem. They don’t want anyone to consider real solutions to this problem.
- Monday, July 6, 2015

The shrinking workforce of Obama's America

Ronald Reagan used to counter liberal conventional wisdom by saying he measured compassion, not by how many people the government helps, but by how many people don’t need the help. And he succeeded in that vision by presiding over an economy that grew massively – with net job creation of more than 16 million during his presidency.
- Sunday, July 5, 2015

What SCOTUScare means to you

The recent Supreme Court ruling on health insurance subsidies means they upheld the "stupidity of the American people” (as Jonathan Gruber would say, and has), and for the third time the Court stretched the law instead of interpreting the law.
- Monday, June 29, 2015

If Republicans won't repeal ObamaCare, it hardly matters what the Court does

In no way am I willing to excuse the legal illogic that led six of the nine Supreme Court justices to uphold ObamaCare’s clearly illegal subsidy scheme in the King v. Burwell ruling. I can’t say it any better than dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia, who rightly observes that words now mean nothing, and that we might as well refer to the law as SCOTUSCare if the Supremes are going to keep rescuing it from its own shortcomings. If Chief Justice Roberts finds it that implausible that the Democrat Congress of 2009 would really design a law in a way that ensures its failure, I wonder if he’s read many of their other laws. It’s what they do.
- Sunday, June 28, 2015

Opportunity and responsibility, not 'equality', are the keys to growth

Something called the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently published a study that claimed nations with the most “economic inequality” showed the slowest rates of growth between 1990 and 2010. The whole purpose of this exercise, of course, was to provide a justification for government-forced wealth redistribution – the sort of thing that mainly empowers the politicians who get to decide who gets what.
- Monday, June 22, 2015
