
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

Trump's tax plan: Lower rates and a simpler structure, but is it enough?

I've been perusing Donald Trump's proposed changes to the federal tax code, and if you measure the proposal strictly by comparing it with the status quo, it's no contest. Trump's plan wins by several lengths of the galaxy. Of course, that's a pretty low bar. I've been saying since my own campaign four years ago that what we need to do is not reform the tax code but throw it out and start over. Trump's proposal doesn't do that. It's still a progressive code with rates that gradually rise as your income rises. But it does achieve a lot of the simplification that would free people up to stop obsessing over tax strategies and just focus on running their businesses and/or their lives.
- Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The five types of attacks ruling this presidential season

We expect attacks and opportunistic criticism between presidential candidates whether they are of opposing parties or running in a primary battle within the same party. That is especially true this year, when Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment about Republicans not attacking each other was thrown out the window right from the start of the early primary season.
- Monday, September 28, 2015

The pain of ObamaCare gets worse

While the media are focused on the pope's historic visit to the USA, gotcha mania with Republican presidential candidates and he said/she said politics, the pain of ObamaCare on real people gets worse.
- Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's not too late to save the saveable

I know a lot of people are frustrated and disgusted with the direction and lack of leadership of our nation. A lot of people are also fed up with the gridlock and bitter partisanship in Congress, and many think that simply changing party leadership or which party controls Congress will make everything better.
- Monday, September 21, 2015

Dear Media: It's not Trump's job to 'correct' everything his supporters say

It never takes long in a campaign cycle for stories like this to start showing up in the media. So-and-so says such-and-such that may be inaccurate, and a candidate who was present when the thing was said does not correct him! This phenomenon is especially predictable whenever someone levels a criticism of President Obama that the media has decided is verboten, especially when it involves the notion that he is a Christian (Obama says he is) or that he is a Muslim (Obama says he is not).
- Monday, September 21, 2015

VIDEO: A preview of Wednesday night's debate on CNN

I thought I'd share with you this morning a preview I did on the radio show of tomorrow night's debate on CNN. It's only a minute-and-a-half so I won't give away the whole thing by writing exactly what I said. I will say this, though: Given the number of candidates and the time available, you know that no one is going to have time to dig deep into the substance of issues.
- Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A preview of the second Republican debate

Following the first Republican presidential debate on August 6, 2015, I published my presidential Pick Six with a brief perception perspective on each of them. Here's how I saw it then:
- Monday, September 14, 2015

New Obama executive order forces taxpayers to pay people not to work

We often criticize Barack Obama for never having run a business and not knowing anything about it. But maybe we’re missing something. Obama apparently believes he knows how to run every business in America that wants to be a federal contractor, because he is very fond of telling them how they have to run their companies as a condition for getting federal contracts
- Monday, September 14, 2015

An interview with Becky Gerritson of 'Let's Put US Back in USA'

I often talk about apathy as the biggest problem facing this country right now, because those who could be part of the solution but don't get involved are by definition part of the problem. I'm glad to say, though, that there are a lot of Americans who are rising up to make a difference, and one group of Americans like this is "Let's Put US Back in USA."
- Friday, September 4, 2015

The Cadillac Tax is a heap of junk

I rarely agree with labor unions, and I look pretty skeptically at the arguments of health insurance companies too. They’re both pretty shameless about pursuing their own self-interests regardless of how it affects anyone else. But sometimes they’re right, and they’re right in the current push to see the ObamaCare Cadillac Tax repealed.
- Sunday, August 30, 2015

Black Chamber of Commerce to Obama: Leave financial advisors and their clients alone

Did you know there’s a Black Chamber of Commerce? There is, and they’re not too happy with President Obama these days. That’s because the Black Chamber of Commerce represents a lot of small businesses, and that includes a lot of professional financial advisors. Those in this industry are about to take a serious hit if new regulations Obama wants are put into effect, and that’s left the Black Chamber of Commerce wondering if Obama thinks, er, #BlackJobsMatter.
- Sunday, August 23, 2015

Armstrong Williams nails it: If black lives really mattered

Few are better than Armstrong Williams, my fellow American Black Conservative, at getting to the heart of the matter. And rarely has that been more needed than on this whole movement operating under the name (or perhaps the hashtag) #blacklivesmatter.
- Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Be informed about the candidates, but be careful what you believe

In an election season, we often bemoan the low-information voter – the person who really doesn’t know that much about the issues or the candidates and goes to the polls having made a decision on the basis of trivia, or general feelings and impressions that don’t necessarily represent who the candidates really are or what they would do in office.
- Monday, August 17, 2015

The serious case for a Trump presidency . . . rough edges and all

I knew I was cutting against the grain and going against conventional political wisdom when, on Tuesday, I offered my presidential Pick Six of the candidates I like best in this race – and Donald Trump was at the top of the list. After a media week of pointless conflicts with Megyn Kelly, of complaining about debate questions, and of generally giving his critics everything they thought they needed to write off his candidacy – how could I still think he would be a good president?
- Thursday, August 13, 2015
