
Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain

Most Recent Articles by Herman Cain:

Freedom of religion is misunderstood

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment is like many things. It’s not complicated, but people can make it complicated when it serves their agenda. So when you see atheists railing against every public acknowledgement of God, and you wonder if they’ve really got the Constitution right . . . no, they don’t.
- Monday, August 19, 2013

Harry Reid’s racist remarks

Harry Reid loves to impugn the motives of political rivals, and he was in rare form the other day when he mused self-righteously that he certainly hoped Republican opposition to President Obama is based on "substance" and not on, you know, race.
- Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The IRS is still at it

You think the IRS has stopped abusing Americans because of the scrutiny it’s been receiving lately? No sir. The IRS will not stop doing things like this as long as we have our current tax code, because this sort of nonsense is the whole point of the current tax code.
- Monday, August 12, 2013

There is no such thing as the middle class

Recently, our friends at rare.us published a poll that indicated the so-called “middle class” has changed in terms of its interest in owning a home, having a steady job and so forth. What’s really interesting about this poll, I think, is that it doesn’t really tell you anything. That’s interesting because it gets to the heart of the truth about the American middle class.
- Sunday, August 11, 2013

Obama on Leno: ‘The economy is growing’

Put the president on a late-night comedian's show, and he's probably got a pretty good chance of getting away with misleading statements like several he made last night on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." And the one that really sticks in my craw is this one: "The economy is growing."
- Wednesday, August 7, 2013

‘Dark ones’: The left attacks Hillsdale’s president because they can’t control him

Liberals hate Michigan’s Hillsdale College, which not only celebrates a decidedly conservative point of view, but also galls them by refusing to take government funding – which means they have no way of threatening Hillsdale and trying to force it to fall in line. It’s no surprise, then, that liberals and their media allies are trying to manufacture a scandal over Hillsdale President Larry Arnn’s use of the phrase “dark ones” during testimony before the Michigan Legislature.
- Sunday, August 4, 2013

Breaking: 2Q GDP growth only 1.7 percent; 1Q revised down to 1.1 percent

The Commerce Department has just announced the early estimate on GDP growth for the second quarter. Not good. It's only 1.7 percent, which is even worse than the paltry annualized growth of 2.0 percent we've been seeing throughout Obama's presidency. It gets worse: GDP growth for the first quarter, which was already downgraded from 2.4 percent to 1.8 percent, has been downgraded again to a mere 1.1 percent.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Morgan Stanley’s 2Q GDP projection: 0.3 percent?

It's not official, but if Morgan Stanley is even close to being correct with its estimate . . . oof. The Obama Administration wasn't exactly throwing a party when it made the initial preliminary estimate a few weeks ago that first quarter GDP growth had come in at 1.8 percent, instead of the 2.4 percent they originally reported. If Morgan Stanley is right and we only do 0.3 percent in the second quarter? My goodness, that is horrendous.
- Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ethanol mandates driving spike in gas prices

Have you noticed that gas prices are soaring again? The media and the left will follow their usual formula of blaming greedy big oil or their other typical talking points, but David Lutz, head of ETF trading at Stifel, Nicolaus says it’s yet another case of a government mandate resulting in unanticipated consequences.
- Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Washington can learn from Detroit’s fate . . . if it’s willing

A weak economy fails to generate the tax base necessary to fund government services. Promises of retiree benefits explode far beyond government’s ability to pay for them. Elected officials refuse to acknowledge the problem and blame others for not paying enough into the system. Spending and borrowing get so out of control, creditors no longer express full confidence in the government’s faith and credit. The political class does whatever is necessary to position itself for the next election cycle, and avoids solutions to these problems.
- Sunday, July 21, 2013

Detroit bankruptcy could be a precursor for the nation

Yesterday represented the end of the road for six decades of denial and delusion in Detroit. That’s because, as I’m sure you’ve heard, the city filed for federal bankruptcy protection. It’s the largest Chapter 9 municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history.
- Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kathleen Sebelius: ObamaCare critics are like the opponents of 1960s civil rights legislation

The House of Representatives has now voted 38 times to repeal ObamaCare. It’s no surprise, of course, that Harry Reid will never let this come to a vote in the Senate (not that it would pass with the current Democrat majority). It’s also no surprise that official Washington treats these votes as symbolic nonsense, since they keep telling us ObamaCare is “here to stay” so we might as well just relax and enjoy it.
- Thursday, July 18, 2013

Union can’t kill the Twinkie, but managed to kill its own jobs

It's good news for almost everyone. Twinkies, Fruit Pies and all the other Hostess products we love are back, as is the Hostess brand name under the new ownership of Apollo Global Managment, which bought the brand and the rights to manufacture and market the products out of bankruptcy.
- Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Calm reigns: Black Americans don’t take the media’s bait

No sooner did television stations cut into live Saturday night programming all across the nation than the news media began speculating about riots. Now that George Zimmerman had been acquitted, they said, America had to worry about black people going berserk.
- Monday, July 15, 2013
